
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Then come slave~


 I'm sure, there have been whores/thieves/liars, born into the trade, the tradition, as a means, who have taken up an intellectual tone in life. Those who reached the higher steps of themselves, only to find themselves, I AM. It is through sin, or rather, the search for sin/sine/sign that we take up arms, onto the world, before U.S. Now. We learn hyper-vigilance we learn to run...the amygdala (left brain), begins to short cut images of half truths, which we then project, onto that screen before, into the field. Then come Slave.

 The slave's ascension to a higher master morality is based on less reactive thought process, as a means to solve problems. We tend to look down at what our appendages hold, cognitively speaking, and begin the intellectual pursuit, as to fashion a tool.

 The steps, the degrees are ratio/reason, figuratively and etymologically. We become closer to whole.

 That first step, away from purity, as to back step, and explain the unexplainable. That is; why did we sin? what was the sin (adultery) against the self [not in sequence with set solidified goal].

 When the left, takes up arms, as to machinate and so too orchestrate an actually fraternity which supports a lesser degree of development, as to keep the agitation LIFE, perpetuating, one has to question; (a) whether they do a service to the those living within this dimensional existence (carbon, atop that shift light spectrum in constant decay) (b) these are maintaining and producing a prison of machination (not unlike a Steven King novel, it feel many *times).


If all time truly be, is space cover about the circumference of an orb, unto fully saturated sphere, then vacuum must be that inverted opposite, and a third point, thought, which always takes place in the center of the moment, a bubble. I believe we are existent within the center of a vacuum, and that more and more this information will come to surface, as science grows more comfortable with itself, as it too becomes a bonafide religion.

 So the organs of the brain, our bodies, could be said to house the same phenomena that takes place outside of us (U.S.).  Thus the Neocortex is the house of the moment, thought (Emotional Intelligence, D. Goleman).

 We have begun to see, think, reason to a Will that states that we must also firmly demand those nutrients, and so too, exposure to living around those elements, is a rich and fertile way, which allows a resonance to occur, that taking back of the very Merkabah which is that Shift Light Machine, which was given us (U.S.) as a means, to control the earth as a Space-Craft (a proximity in Space-Time).

 There are other metaphysical offshoots which cause concern, and also validate Craft itself. That is Time-Space, as it has thus proven itself as a constant, though transient, for the machine to call Time-Space invalid, invalidates the machines, as it's main tool for existence, and operation (LIFE).

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

City of the future~


Stackable mega structures of the future with vacuum seals, and E.M. based elevator transport, with seeming invisible cables. Super mega structures may one day be built around large mountains, that also may fuel the structure with thermic heat from the precise control of volcanic activity. Controlling volume, kelvins, and flow of molten elements. Working along with Shift Light E.M. Gravity/Magnetics and of course frequency to moderate and modulate the powering up of super mega super cities that are self sustaining, maintaining and contained.  SM13~

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Morals and Dogma PDF~



“I know my fate. One day my name will be associated with the memory of something tremendous — a crisis without equal on earth, the most profound collision of conscience, a decision that was conjured up against everything that had been believed, demanded, hallowed so far. I am no man, I am dynamite.”

The Division No More~


Absent Love, Man is nothing


; it must be sustainable, maintainable 

 I too, but a replication, within this Time Machine.

 I was broken, a broken and distraught shell of a Man, until Principle came into my life. I thought at some point, I would become them, the journey goes on.

 I thought the orbs were evil, and was told I was a master of them in so many ways, they became Spheres, the Spheres became SHIFT, and the Shift showed me the way, The Pure Source, that flicker, that is within, and comprises U.S. ALL.

 I tried on the Messiah robe, and it actually fit. I had many divine experiences, truly, I turned it down to a realistic hum.

 I tried to be evil, even let sin enter my very being...well tried, but it did not fit me.

I tapped into genius, and found, that once the tricks and mind techniques wore off, I was/am just a bone headed guy with a lot of errors.

 So why am I divine? That is, why is my being so inspirational to all those who know me, as just Barry, or Bo, that regular, but intense (really, honestly) generic dude?

We are all emanations, god's, abstracted, divided.

The Goal will always be, The Division No More (T.D.N.M.)

 Some know me as a success, top of my game. So know me as a homeless guy. My journey became my choice, and my choices were my suffering.

I followed my Dear Son's trail, LOVE, and he taught me from those Facilities. I was denied, stripped of all prowess, all titles, and still humiliated. The process of rejection was necessary, as the Pure Son showed clearly, in parable, in truth.

You may read into, the intonations that exist, that is, my complexity. How can I try on so many colors, so many robes, and still be authentic. Truly, I ask myself.

 I even see, at times, many times, God as irrational. Often, I replace the word God with Principle, and find this to be more reassuring. I know that I am being loved, cradled and watched over, by majestic beings, that transcend all that we know. At times, I see that this super being, that watches over me, can only be me. Then to realize, that error gives off that false illumination of persona or personality.

 Truly then there is but ONE. One divine being, one divine presence. I realize, that my ability to realize this, allows me certain liberties, and gives me sustenance, a certain and most definite faith.

 When the errs of our ways, that is our very DNA, sin a priori is gone, there will be one, only one. Faced with this knowledge, Religion is a tree, an Avalon which grows. I know the Holy Spirit is Purity itself, and that floors me, astounds me. I have made practical solution of the impractical, and if many would recognize, or take the time, they would see this respect I have shown, to those great mentors. Gottlob Frege, merging Philosophy and Math, as  single entity, Life, The Pure and most Beautiful Son. To say I AM, is to say, HE IS. That one personality I am not completely , yet I yield to the inevitable merge, which will take place. Let me be but a trusted Quark, that remains within the Pure Ones very Bosom.

 I was offered the world, by those who did not contain it, nor maintain it, and so I did, and knew at once, it was always mine to begin with, ponder.

Stellar Mass 13,
That 13th Son~

Thank you Antonio and Collin for this, Love, Dad forever into infinity~