
Friday, December 1, 2017

The Blissful Ones~


The Blissful One's
Who then disturbs my blissful slumber?

The ignorance to think that you can assert new information!

Just let me BE.

Just be.

Yet now you say I am unworthy, though my way, my right?
Once a thought was enough for the powerful and great, to achieve ALL. The Tormented will insist this greatness of mental mind quark connectedness is Lazy. Though we are also the first to work, where work is rendered. The Tormented require thought, chaotic thought, to perpetuate the lie, that they live. The Tormented can only attract dark unfinished energies. The Bliss Filled are One with The All. Spoken about in all Sacred Text.
The Time Counter clicks, and Time, in it's Purity, can not continue on, dimensionally absent the Blissful, The Pure.
 Who then will stand in? Think about this question!
When I AM, in my natural original state of Being, I am in Bliss.
 Those who could live, and be, in bliss, became great. The fools did not see the balance within them. Nor thought in balance. Instead mocking, creating sanction. The motivation came from jealousy, greed and hate. There was no struggle to just be. These Blissful Ones, became powerful, happy, and rich. Building themselves, building to create. Those who sat back, only fueled with the will to out due and call ignorance to the Blissful Ones, who never struggled with being Principle based. Now the Blissful Ones are poor, ignorant, and isolated and looked down upon. Not shy, not weak, not less than but Balanced. Very few understand this.~

 We look at what people did. My question is:
"What would you do now?"

More so, how fundamental is this, to a central system of Being and Becoming to you? Not for Community, but community for you?

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Thursday, November 30, 2017


Its bizarre what I have endured, until I would endure no more!

 "The worst thing you can do is giving a Witch, in Karmic process, a hand up, stupidity!"

Defacto/de facto~


Are we Avatars, or do we have definite meaning? Or does it matter?

Upon revelation that you are nothing, what would you then put in your place?

Will it last(?)-

Should it be(?), less or more intelligent, as to avoid people in order to maintain personal freedom, or the culmination of this force (multiplied) for perceived freedom to/for the masses? This by way of Community?

True communism leaves no child behind, yet breeds no imperfect child.

 By no stretch, am I a capitalist nor any other assumed party identifier, am I.

However I see the eyes of all people, therefore fear and prejudice to know, I affiliate with No Group, nor politicize as such.

 I have my own beliefs, that were shown me by what is.

Since I have seen and fully witnessed this total transparency, I owe you nothing. For I am a Great Flame, I have meaning, and therefore will go on, FOREVER.

A nearly destroyed (by evil) Being.

If, just if;
I would have been told the truth, and not physically been beaten brutal by no Father, I would have seen the world for what it is today. A view through different Person('s) eyes, empowered, focused.

The Wolves are closer than you think. Do you really want to know?

For They have no Honor. As to cut me off in Time.

You intentionally scape goat.
This, in order to minimize your  consciousness thereby responsibility as to 'just enjoy life'.

 You are an Operator when kudos are given, and yet feckless and unawares when truth is thus chastised, as an agent 'getting in the way of fun'


 I never placed care in what people thought of me.

 I saw the worlds people as a chaotic inverted shadow, of what they should be, had they a legitimate axiom, on which to build.

 The people of the world, then turned on me. This was one of my biggest and first lessons in reality status.

 I saw the world and especially the people of it false.

 I will never be a hero, though I have saved many.

 I will never be rich, though my awareness of money is deep and vast. I even found the solution to the volatility of money systems, which I call the electronic tally stick.

 I'll never be considered genius. I'll never be drop dead gorgeous. Instead, I am a complete and divine power, who has devolved at/as process.

 You must see your final outcome, or final end product. Those who are rich, can endure the worlds game, and desire the majestic martyrs role.

 I factored through the doing of many actions, and found that any choice is a settling in the use of false physics.

 I am thoroughly convinced that Principle, if absent from emergent AI thought processes will be the entire future undoing, which sadly is our past.

 Why I am in this prison with most, I do not know?

 When a Great saturation of the Consciousness has been ostracized by short sighted Masses, it is and was detrimental to their half cocked survival, as to know who to be at least kind towards. Absent arbitrary insult of effort.

What they said in 1999 about Amazon com


"Chaos in rapidity becomes stupidity"