She is a child of The Dark Abyss
Rotten Gassy Green
Eternally justifying Her Chaos-
Turning fire into ice:
Reflectively he thinks “If not in haste I’ll soon forget her” [he think-feels]. Seeing his loss in Time he reactively states “I will take her!” Temporal [hormone-mediated-rationalization!] ...“But not in-gesture to validate her beauty!” (-prompt to order).
Thus (equilibrium) Universal need for [someone to;] Mediate, thus enters Democracy [to insure chaos; sacrificing Daughters]. For Democratic Coven, but truly a Meritocracy. Paid for with sentient male shrunken heads no less!..but what to be said of [pre-] disclosure?
Now Law..thus enters -the Far-Right, a bifurcation.
A reversal?!
“Aye this is the trap, the spiders-web it is the womb-man’s way!”
Forever Consuming-
The Void
[She will in the end show Her true far-right colors SACRIFICE!]