Friday, January 8, 2021
RT: killer Robots and edited humans
RT: Insurgence is domestic terrorism? Then what is democracy and how did it become?
I am not a financial advisor.
Note that this is a privately run public blog and vlog. The opinions expressed are precisely that 'opinions'.
There has to be civil unrest and an uprising before this tyrannical oligarchy will loosen its grip on one of its mirror strings IE America.
Insurgence, insurrection... Just existential terms from the current powers that be. Oppositional Defiance disorder, and rebellion used as diagnosis and prognosis of those who stand up for principle.
Principle does not exist in America. All values are based on a devaluing. For one to get rich 10 need to become poor.
The capitalistic unequaling, that falsely appears as democracy in capitalism, is seen transparent by the average "I" now.
Most countries that stand today merely got their start as ports.
The ports now are hubs. The hubs are fueled by electronic transmission of information, ledger balance systems ergo digital currency.
As stated for years now on EPL power is not in human work and the manifestation from Human origin. Rather the currency the directive and the work will be produced much more efficiently by way of artificial intelligence and robotic units. This is the new measure.
Though it seems as if there is a tally of work production as a measure in Bitcoin Bitcoin is only The ledger system and a gold standard.
The tally of work rendered will be ledger balance and equally transmitted between work production and delivery by other cryptocurrency projects. Ethereum is the leader in this project but will soon reach maximal market cap as Bitcoin has reached total scarcity.
The the next cryptocurrencies that keep this ledger balance and improve upon it are:
Possibly Stellar Lumens and maybe even a far-fetched Ripple XRP
Litecoin in my opinion just like Bitcoin cash will be used on immediate exchanges like PayPal for everyday use. Much like Starbucks and McDonald's application-based funding.
Hashgraph networking will allow more immediate mechanisms of transfer. Which one will ultimately rule as yet to be seen. One thing is certain that choices must be reduced from 8,000 plus speculative coins.
However predominant Asian markets may continue to use more obscure coins on a lesser scale to avoid hyperinflation.
The term hyperbitcoinization has already begun. Scarcity is the ruling Factor. FUD and FOMO are the keys to adoption and loss.
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