The is a revelation, a trick taking place all around you, every day. You will see those from nearly every type and kind prosper while those who seem their identical suffer through.
There is an existential entitlement, a craft of crux taught covertly and sometimes from the voices that speak to and through their within.
Those who seem to do well here as a means are like downloaded and compliant (trained) monkey's; reimbodiment.
A child or childish one recieves something that they see as a token of superiority (a gift?). They learn to lace a rythem around the item, as if the item were a toe (rope), propelling them along. The child is taught to string this item to other items, as to never be without the self-perceived advantage, cruxing themselves to a fantom item of interest, basing their very identity around it.
This existential crux is a religion and belief system, it is not just st a thing. The energy is some hing not seen nor entirely noticed. The demon of materialistism.
The giving in:
It is the Rhythm that decieves and reshapes; the remaking. The cymatics alter and maintain though synthetic; true synthetic a priori a posteriori.
As Nietzsche has stated on Tempo; referring to type and kind. It is the tempo that is now being modified in gender; sex.