..because she wants to Live?
Is volatility life?
Is Volatily then Chaos?
.....is Chaos Entropy?
Is Equalibrium pre-death maturation?
Is potential, destiny and therefore legacy controlled by 'might makes right' [and 'the end justifies the means']?
Chaos prodding Principle, Principle disproving Chaos however both are truly Sacrificing [the other].
Limits, are there any? To impose limits does not one blasphemously assume they know them, or that they can see or experience them [the upper limit or perhaps the lowest?]
Does all not truly center around mathematics? Then why are only some/sum punished more than others for acting out complete mathematical rationalism. Does emotion not fulfill its own mathematical quotent?
Principles [first principles....] Exist in everything? So is everything under judgement of one thing that is not a thing [Purity; Principle]?
Is it then the only fact; if you fail Purity you are forever on the outs? Does this not make anything outside Purity an error?
Does democracy not proclaim itself as the protector of the errored ones(?) OR 'errors don't exist celebrate your imperfection from a divine mathematical truth [Purity and Perfection]. that everything but the most pure and most perfect is in point of fact an error?
Thus only in the revelation to all barring none: pressed in time towards your total expression of your ultimate truth, you have been revealed? OR By way of mimetic sequence in your first prethought and preinclined steps, your truth is known?
Is this not like the movie 'Minority Report'? OR
Monad the Mystic Almond shall take no other shape nor require a further truth [in/of itself]
The sleeping baby needs not wake for the existential world is in point of fact it's dream?
The baby; first consciousness?
Therefore imagination in itself be false?
Is the perfect fabricated being not then a controlled reality agreed of mathematical truths designed and taylored of/by/as The One Playing God?
Was God elected?
Is God not then Purely The Master Will of Wills?
However does this Master Will Force Supreme then have to be accepted and liked by those playing the arbitrator of God?
The Gang, The Militia? Those who have seized control? Though temporary yet baring all those that the militia does not choose[like]?
The celebrity really wants to be liked...God?
Agreed that all others will be existentially humiliated as to hail one day the EGO of God alone!?