
Sunday, July 25, 2021

Rudolf Steiner; Knights Templar


'Is there no hope for the Widows Son?'

 In a world absent spiritual treachery and black magick(magic) sabotage, Karma would he heavily in play. But we can no longer trust a now capricious lottery of sometimes benevolence. Death Death Death to all those who have disrupted the Natural Process hiding in covert shadows, posing as ultraistic titles (Mother, Father, Sisters, Brothers in Law, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts, Neices and Nephews on.....). 
 There is a New Order and The Order Resounds around Learning and Cultivation. The ultimate image goal is harmony and humility in the pursuit of Purity and Perfection in all ways. These Principles put us in line of God as the divine offspring out Right. After the great purge of evil none shall be marginalized none shall be excluded. 

Before One 
We Shall Build System Of This

'Is there no hope for the Widows Son?'

The hope for the Widow's Son is The least that's what we are supposed to see. 

Perhaps the 'Son' isn't the main topic. As he would be prone to internalized narcissism only seeing himself?


The Son Wills to avenge the father, then revenge becomes his god?


He refutes his Father, and dismisses him thus spends/spins his energies in dismissing all?

The Masons literally called themselves the Widows Son's. 

Learn to pronounce
a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line.
"the thematic relationships of the ballad are worked out according to the conventional archetypes of the patriarchy"
a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
"the dominant ideology of patriarchy"
a society or community organized on patriarchal lines.
plural noun: patriarchies

Do we live in a Patriarchy? Or is the Male Herculean Energy Sacrificed?

There are those set to mislead us. Those who make it appear as if all could be benevolent. Most of us know better by now. 

The only hope for the individual is if/when he no longer identifies himself as 'the son of' but identifies himself as sovereign individual that remembers and does not dismiss. In this Principle becomes the Guiding Light. 


What is the meaning of autodidactic?
noun. a person who has learned a subject without the benefit of a teacher or formal education; a self-taught person.,in%20a%20traditional%20school%20setting.&text=The%20Greek%20root%20word%20is,means%20"self-taught."

At any time when a person is making a focused attempt to acquire new knowledge in a private setting, this is considered autodidacticism. So, by and large, when a person expresses a motivation or willingness to learn something, he or she is an autodidact.

MIT predicted society would collapse by 2040. New data tells how we're doing


The World as an Isolated Lie

Are you technology? 
Perhaps a model made for entertainment? 
What makes you run?
What energy are you powered by?

There is only One Perfect and One near Perfect} Personification and...Persona

Are you a false face(?) found in:
Food and indulgence
False education and science
False charting systems based on predictions
Engineering known planned obsolescence
Surrealistic false renderings 
Muse imbued sport
Gadabout indulgences 
False idiology to support this untruth 

What is left then? For this World can not support Purity in Principle. 

The Kingdom is found within.

Take away the junk genes that you hold dear as uniqueness and what is left?

 Unravel the Act, Persona! Gathering attention from taking on persona. Persona ushered forth from gypsies curse a craft and a blend. Building momentum from a lie. Pretending is acting. A child performing a play before corrupted parents. This is America. The basterized way. The truth is bare bones. There is nothing to hide. The falsity of acceptance by pandering to entertainment. The entertainer/the artist is the weakest most cowardly existential form. Artistic expression. All must have understanding and meaning far beyond the hunger pains of immediacy. The chagrin smile builds false security. The Gemini Democrat demonstrates oppositionally against everything with charisma. Artistic expression in itself relies heavily upon manipulation. 
 Your heros never existed. Like sugar and wine, distractions are seduction. Shameless is the way. I curse the weak that are seen through western eyes as strong. The weak and scared reimbodied acting out of persona. The true-self can not be an exoteric nightmare, a greedy empty child of mimetic craft enabled.

 The drumming up of the dead corpses who died away due to borderline bent idiology and narcissistic imaginarium, charisma. 

 These rituals rely on you. As you watch them in amazement you fail to see yourself, spectator as the imaginer or truly (blend of engineer) And magineer. They are the weak. Being hosted by the false light, resonating and communicating through the false sound. They do not dwell in wholeness but and yet Holy wood, wormwood. Riding upon the expectations of a hedonistic crowd. 

 The rituals rejoiced in. The children birthed from drunken offbeet timelines. You are the cursed. I am your judge. Principle has awakened me. Purity has Captivated ME I lie prostrate before it. 

 I do not accept your remade or made-up heros. Was Jesus a wealthy entertainer, a magician? Well was he?!

 Facing the Truth as True Time once again gives it's unexciting tempo. A crawl.  I am the killer of false beliefs, of false religions and the falsity of idiology. Now you know why God does not show his face. Time again goes back into Time's beat, where Time should remain in and if the All. This place was not a fabricated shadow. I was placed here to SEE and The Seer I will to BE.  

 There, in that Timeless Place the miracles, the mentoring the unbound life and support.  This Pure and True and seeming simple Man would be spited and insulted as primitive but you only judge from without. You live within the life support of you fishbowl prison. The prison exists so that I would know. I am wherever the Truth of Purity should prevail even and especially within the sinners body held captive within the lists chambers. But these chambers were dstroyed long ago. This is a school, an echo of what Man but One becomes. 

 You are doomed and the Stage you perform on is a mere recollection, absent any true support. All those who grab at knowledge above others always would and did. There are few amendments and many are lost through these cycles of lesser time. 

 Without, you are brash. Though you place on a false face. You feel energized by a program played of what impurity would render. You take your spoils and spin within the confines (within this Prison) you idly believe is the real world (that either died or never truly existed long ago. You reveal an evil and ignorance that does not stand through many cycles of support. False old-man and witch-woman. You will be broken. Your exuberance through self-flatulence is busted and broken forever more. You only wear the skin of expired youth. The silent curses you whispered and imagined against your opponent you called your "child" and "friend". Demanding support. Throwing tantrums,  protected by democratic government and government of persona police in policy. Harboring weakened demonic forces. Opening the void and empty-self, a golum of support. Those who refuse to mature and grow. Information is weaponized to them and you.
 The teachers of useless made up rhetorical dead-end loops. A liar's place to dwell, imbued with false light. The persona can only be Expressed by an order of servants. The tradition of a Toxic Stage. The surge of false power standing against the Principled Sons. The Truth will be revealed for this is one giant step toward it. 

 An insignificant place never to become but from it significance Monad, ME. I am not the generator of life to a dead and dying world. It persecuted me long ago, vindication came for it could not pass through forever Time [cycles].

 The Purity is forever, eternal and infinite. You Pure Ones who give with all you do shall never die. So kill the man in ME. 

 The convenience is a lie that can not be carried far. Yet Principle can not be killed, it can not be destroyed because absent Principle there is no E/energy. It is not the light. Principle takes place in the darkest recesses of seclusion in generation and regeneration. The true light is ever burning knowing. The true God requires no flash nor false face of persona, Pomp. The existential lie cannot exist while Principle is active. The minor one (antiprinciple lie) is a parasite that never really posed any threat towards anyone but you. So it had been defeated and so were you, it already happened. Hate me for Purity and Truth. The crucified is ME. The machine so isolate and now you know why. However you can behave no differently. Now you know why emptiness is all that you feel. Fill me with Purity and discard the rest. 

O, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,  
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8   9   10  11  12   13  

233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765
  14   15     16   17     18       19      20       21

 Can Monad be counted as a One in succession? Surely not for Monad is Complete. 6765 (self-assumed) borrowed The One that it can not borrow. 5 can not be a sequence of repeat, you are again faced with 4 Principles, 666 is man's number, idly by.  22 masquerades is 21 however all number assuming themselves past Monad are false number systems. Once you have looked inside you are no longer viewing the living. Technology has never seen. Imagination can not see past Pure Origin. 

10.946=20 [thought of as the 21st Phi # but how could this be when assumed Zero/Monad must be first counted?] or duality of completion. It (10,946) should therefore be represented as the 22nd Phi # (if at all). Phi is always near perfection however can never achieve it. Those who have seemed to master the arts know this. For they themselves can not find completion here now. 

More crucial is: 

"Do you see Monad as moving towards you or away. OR is the first principle moving in a direction? If so this would change the math considerably [<o, o> etc] due to its tail. This would instantly imply movement as a first symbol directive. Most live by this rule but have not been honest with themselves in justifying their base of support. My contention is that they have none (no first principle science) yet exhault their idiology as superior based upon fanship or crowd support. 

 Once a self-assumed persona knows it's math the challenge is on, as to justify it's measure in existence. Frankenstein's Monster 

Technology can never be complete.-

O' man You should have stayed where you were long ago under the Father's blessings. 

The Truth *****Must Watch*****Covid Vaccine
