
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs [link]

The Death Machine~


How to end homelessness en/in a Capitalistic System (centralized) =

Teach as well as Assist FICO Score education. Bring all Homless to 675 median score, wipe out all derogatory remarks, assist with charge off advice (whether to wait for 7 year forgiveness or pay by percent). Assist with counseling as to maintain and thus establish credit depth IE history.

 How to end homelessness within a communistic system (of support) =

 There is no such thing, as housing is built into the existing structure, yet those living within such a system (Russian, Ukraine Famine(s)) live in constant fear of being proclaimed useless to the systems protocol (rather than axiom).

The True Socialized System, will only be understood, and thus come into itself in full affect, when homelessness has been achieved by the people of ‘republic’. Socialism is thus a means at/to recover from such a state IE communism/capitalism IE refuge with sovereignty [to land].

The Ankh Loop (as this causes a power play within the machinism as to create a class distinction which wraps around ‘the world’) IE flat time [continuous unlearned and undeveloped mind status or state of being and becoming.


*Names and titleships change in name but the meaning still remains

Axiom is everything EPL~



 Much of what I say, has been inspired, by THE HIGHER MIND.

We live within a cycle, current, of graduated Marxism. Trump, if you cease to be jested by his ‘the hair’, and view his effort (legal), you will find that he supports “emergent socialism” which is graduated further unto full blown communism, a cycle.

 When all disparaging thoughts IE discrimination are taken through (course), all known, and some yet unknown political structure [of support] are seen more as fractals to a cause (ultimate) and less as “isolated incidence” (seen as attacks).

 In ‘order’ for karma, and thus cycles (Oswald Spangler) there must be classes (of distinction). The Sphere is spun, the seeming natural course [relative] be all that remains. However do remember that these are Avalons or Energy Pathways, which lead to mimetic completion “cycles”.

 This, in itself, is validation or invalidation, by proximity (Spheres relative).

The deductive mind is currently under heavy fire, but to bolster it’s resilience.


Socialism is an expression of decentralization (non-fiat money system) IE Pierre Proudhon and True Anarchy. Centralized Socialism is not Socialism, this has been under heavy debate, True Socialism must rely on trade (value) of tangible products (RE China is pushing as the superpower, by devaluing the US production). There is no statement from me as far as right or wrong, it is a matter of energy and cycle patterns.

The Ripple Affect(s) ushered forth from aggressive behavior(s).

Wednesday, July 4, 2018