
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Soon You’ll know precisely how the moon got there

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The era of Megastructures has begun. Under the promise of: -Jobs for All -Full deployment of AI Super Equipment -Socialistic Isolation and control -Social Conditioning within a contained field A major environmental disaster will bring it on but the tracks of the plans have already been well layed out.

The process of rejection

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL To be tortured and killed. That is the process. However not suicide. The world rejects Pure Life. The process of rejection. When your Pure Essence of Truth attempts to place will into this world [and persists] all that can come about is a lie. All Purity will be rejected and there is so little now. The need to mimic purity will become a thing if the past very soon. Knowledge of the dead world is prized here above all. " I am the innocence that walked into the room unaware of it's true purpose or it's device."

Roving Lambent

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The moment when the instructor sees the sociopathic capitalist narcissist that manifests a work "people are actually buying this shit?!?". The Master stands back obscure in time as his carefully crafted writings or works [now a part of the sands through antiquity] were much more of a learning tool for the soul [to know]. Only in a collective were they to _____. What you truly become in process? The existential can neither be touched nor transformed. The world is death. Those excited under the prospect of death remain soul-less though they seem to be filled with illumination at times. Only over the span of time will you ever see the truth of who you are, who others are. It will be like night and day but you will suffer this passage along side those who have deceived you countless times. The false self will no longer be capable of keeping the Soul as a Prisoner. For a moment you will see it all. It will become so glaringly obvious. That those should coax you through such a false persona.

What we thought as God in ignorance

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Sex, money and learing the ways of the world. We are talking about a held mind-state. That when return to the Unification (within) we[I] am only One with Purity. There is no existential goal but the pure aspects to existence. When we accrue and take on the false identity we are supported to build upon this. Eventually there will be a harvest or an attempt at one if there seems to be a growing conflict (between right and left) in the field. Evil is evil and this becomes more obvious the purer one becomes. The identity issue is the biggest one. Is God dead? Is there a God ar all (beside those seem and not seen in agenda)?. Fasting and diet bring us closer. There seems to be a big correlation to stored energy and the buffering of true soul connectivity to the Pure Source if we are truly ever able to do so? The Principles but more so Purity and any events tgat arise around this [ongoing] meditation is truly all that we have (to go on). The person that is on fire for God is not ever who you think they are. The theatrics that center around such a liar. Such a person that franchises off deception. When religions ate so corrupt that they have built into them the utilization of the mentally ill (as a means). Perhaps the church is where all mental disfunction originated from?

Friday, September 29, 2023

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL One true God? There is only One Consciousness. We have no true freewill. Any depth of postulation is met with suppression. Those who comply are given a role.

Only when we’re apart

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL No escape. No remedy. Concepts postulating concepts based on a concept. Some seem all too comfortable in the stew as part of the mix. Though Assiduous always fugacious. A religion is a hopeful mode that your realization has any lasting impact. Only when we are apart are we connected in any way.

Thursday, September 28, 2023


Real root to Animism

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL everytime I edit it is erased. It would not even let me take a clear screenshot.
In our rush to flee from the concept of self in isolation we take on the contention tgat Computer Science is not also the science of programming to further investigate, experiment and control people onto an algorithm. The code knows and directs and we give it energy. This is because it remade/reestablished itself through the machanism that is us. However Man has failed miserably under the assumption that any efficacy from a system will be virtuous, ethical as well as accurate under an assumed transparancy or more to the point translation or decoding [for an operator or engineer]. Who was given the ability to program an more to tge point why? The computer system works within the guides of its own deterministic probabilty and outcome. Any biological entity is known as a superfluous limited resource in the type of the ontology, value systems and syllogism that it operates and processes under.

Directive Of Sacrifice

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL In finding [out] what is [that our eyes can not see] we must become only what can be [infinite and eternal]. Evil is thus a virus code as is Good. It requires no life but life comes into it [like a tool or wire] when the vortex mathmatical process is utilized. "Become what you are" through Will Of Purity Provides The Way. Only then is it possible to validate this [notion]. Yet we [ME] are Forced to 'become what we are' in process of macro-development that requires an entire different mode of mathematical construct. The Action Potential and conduit is not the same channel stream. It is impossible for Man to see beyond 6[666] as a uniform constant in Mans' Ritualistic Nature to 'Becoming'. Man will surely never become anything and he must live with this. Neither can Man make/create anything truly outside of himself [despite appearances]. Yet consciousness not abstracted fully knows the way [back into consciousness; roots]. We are an Amalgamation of such Principle Based Application; In essence we were made/created in order to choose.

On The Son Of God

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL It doesn't matter that I should survive another day in hell in the falsity of the physical form but that it should reject me because I am Pure. I am cleansed. God works through me. These Principles have become [Gospel]. Under the guise of 'Magic(k)' A sperm is undeniably a fish in culminate to a salamander. The genetic material of species that are held in stasis within the preservation of (salt water) solution (fish). The base genetics to our little experiment here. An action potential given a directive prompt. No choice but to go where there is safety and nourishment. The idea of mother was imbedded but there was no safe haven no point of return. The consciousness expressed as to project a static held vibratory notion. Yet to see that from these bonds of a self the consciousness had to break free! Yet many have suicided themselves however few pressed on in the knowing that: becoming ever greater in the true culmination of power through mentalism and emotional energy flow (connectivity) is the slave rising up and using what tools [slave has] to spiritually amass, draw in and become more than all the energies this tiny dead universe can offer. The same cause, the same pattern. The master cause the master pattern. Yet the Principles Transmutate but Purity is the True Method The Source Of Force! The SON OF GOD Will continue on as The Sun requires no approval. With or without you but always alone. We are Stellar Mass 13. That is all our identity here. However The True “I” is known and fully become at 21 (truly the 8th and final Phi Number). Monad is not zero and is compete in itself so 8 represent the point of breakaway from Purity and Perfection. When we resonate with this we validate Monad as the beginning and the end. That there is nothing that can be create. More to the point is that what appears as genius is just a derivative dead end that only serves the false ego. Outside this is insanity inside it is Truth. Righting and correcting the firing patterns and so too the codes. Is it wrong to draw up energy? To rejuvenate cell energy? Are we supposed to trust in capricious demons waiting at the gate always or (are we to) do our very best at cultivating energy? More to the point where is that line drawn and by whome? Most of us are being taught that to fight back equals prison. This is why Spiritual Weapons Of War is the Number One Task At Hand! Is it a sin as to know or to learn how to protect yourself? In truth you are merely remembering how to. About 'the self' who are you truly protecting [ideology]? The construct that you think is you is actually modeled after something else. Break it down by seeing how they view you (more so “IT”). We are given powers that we do not acknowledge due to a grand conspiracy. But trust is something entirely different. I can trust only the active principles being manifest through God while in Purity (not merely observing). This takes place within me and I must initiate this [cause]. However enemies who pose as individuls we begin to see an army manifest of the same like [pattern]. However they aren’t strong because they were defeated long ago. The world is being haphazardly run (on the surface) by the unqualified. More so by those without a true sense of purpose or having a self in origin. Forcebots, Witchbots; literally mine controlled drones with the same pattern of behavior. What Shape does the energy make in its pattern? What is the timing? When windows are open you defend against this. Perhaps a suggestive notion towards sway is all the proof of self magick against us required? In other words all magic is sex magick because of we (in our sexual identity) that practition as divice. Are we correcting the course of Force? There are many who will always justify capitalizing and 'keeping a little off the top'. Purity must be the cause and the aim. The only gain is the freedom of oppression. The want of useless shapes of the things, times, events and what a false cause looks like. Free from the false persona of a sexual identity (all together) and in development through practice of Perfection and Purity in Balance. This is both the left and the right and the signet of The Cross. The cross represents the self supported Monad. The monad being in constant movement [pattern of the divine] is not nervously in transmutation [movement] as you should bot be. You have become an active form of Principle states in flux. The need to correct becomes paramount to your personal work~it must spread out ~Purity. We can not coexist. However within you you have found the balance and through you the balance [code] in/of restoration is like a wild fire. We are cirrently living in tge state (and I am incluned to believe coming out of one) where The Left Hand Path antiprinciples have proved that there is no fruit and no true goal as to purpetuate any further active recruitment. There is no other higher ontological purpose of The Left Hand Path. Absent the promise of Godhood and ever lasting life; once that is gone no one in their right mind should or would follow. At first it feels like you lost something. Then you realized that you lost it long ago and further that you never had it. You may have bern so bought into it that you traveled the world, had countless experiences, made a ton of money as well as connections and are somehow void. Because it was in ignorance that tou believed that any existential supplements could bolster any true part of who you really are inside. You will have to lose all of those things down to the last penny. Lose all of your connections that bind you to the false self [identity]. Take take my word for it. In doing so you are only getting back to the start but with experience of the outside world. More so that it was always a lie. That your identity is not of a child, a sibling, a parent or a teacher but that you are in fact within an organism that is trying to consume your soul. If it has continuousely fed upon you, drained you [through cycles] is itvthen wrong to draw vack your energy and to feed upon it? The SUN OF GOD

On the malignant narcissist or demon host

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Narcissists are empty. They are always empty and void. They search for validation because that is their supply. It’s really an intelligence test and they fail. They are temerity based short sighted beta peoples that want to play the (drama based) role of leader ‘because that is what a leader does’ [narrative]. Empty and without purpose. Because they have been fundamentally deceived so long ago they don’t remember where they left off. Self healing can not be done absent purity and it can’t be gained (gotten/Gott/God) from the outside. In this day we are all quite literally forced (by a multiplicity of factors) to focus solely on self development. Through this process we are to learn that at the center we are always empty and will remain that way until we realize ourselves as a child of God. “Performers with poor performance or inferior productivity” This is often why narcissists are given things (gifts) that bind them by craft or trade in the ways of language, math, geography and charisma and essentially dealing with (as well as seeing a cosmicism or determinism) in assumed physics. “In self-entitlement of being so special [they think] that they arbitrate an exemption from choosing a side…but in their short sighted ignorance THEY ~Had Chosen Long Ago ~and are DEEP IN!” “When the physics change (since they are hard wired at their very base and think they invented physics) they will become corrupted and have no center; no core no axiom upon which to be truly a part of.” Concepts like God are copy pasted. They are a mimetic offspring of an existentially (yet falsely perceived) character (play) role that has no true meaning. This is precisely why they will undoubtedly (in the end) be discarded because they are truly empty. There is a secret agenda taking place and the best thing for these malignant Narcissists (for them and society at large; for healing of any kind possible) is to be finally and completely cut-off from supply. No more pity money. No more bending to their fake tears. No more tolerating of the cheating, lies and drama. But most of all no more ‘flying monkeys’ [codependent collaborators] or JOB. Toxic people covertly and often overtly adding to a Toxic Work Environment. “Your gross and your charisma is as valuable as a .5 cent coffee coupon…and that’s saying too much!” Fill yourself UP with GOD “they can’t spiritually read the Memo!”

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Does pain lead to illumination? How many colors would there be at the base essence of the primary principle; as half truths and murky colors fold into a grand view uniformity. All failure then is divine. As is all experience. We tend to put away those dark things that require the transit of illumination the most. What to do when unfairly focused on and targeted? What do you do then? However upon all these various arms the folding never ceases. Eventually we are there again standing before a supreme being. It is in this reduction that we reach this place again. In giving up all selfish pursuits we can either go on with the external suffering or live in the purity and the peace of truth. In getting away finally (really getting away) would we choose to return again?

Perpetuation of The Truth

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Perpetuation of The Truth When we go through ‘hard times’ (as they are called) we either adapt or we diminish. However even depredation is an adaptation. The destruction of cells and the shift in body composition becomes a statement and expression that can be the direct result of tyrannical suppression. So I’m this alone our principle (of maintaining a self; in selfhood) are constantly being challenged. Was it truly a challenge or were you coerced? We make choices and when we are forced into time sensitive reactions we are rerouting our very hemeostatic balance that personality and behavior intrinsically thrive on in order survive the immediate (threat). The parameters of the outside world seem to all at once become evident “we are indeed within a prison of sorts within a maze!”. Everywhere we turn there are one way streets and dead end ally ways. People come out of nowhere to attack us and suspend the reactive amygdala cortisol pump. Stress attracts more stress and we are suddenly sucked into a vortex of a losing battle. Many would like to say that there is always a choice but these have not been met with any true injustice to actually believe that this is so. There are entire peoples and cultures that have been so oppressed that they are forever changed and altered and many (species and phenotypes) have been obliterated and wiped off the face of the earth. A return to the way you were but fortified that is the gift of another day. To be capable to express resilience. This world is what you take away from it. As amazing as it is with all the technology and power to completely subvert our own ‘individual’ development our ability to overcome adversity makes us unsung superhero’s. In our ability to overcome, adapt and come back stronger and better (transmutated) is the mark of excellence that goes on unrewarded by most. That is until you begin to notice and gain an understanding of the true goal and what that ultimately means for YOU.

“Who will I be when I finally break free!?”

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Is being fat evil? This may sound completely insane. Not unlike Pythagorean bean hatred. However hear me out because I have a “massive” amount of experience on the subject. When you esthetic and beautiful you are under attack. When you are fat and miserable you are suppressed to stay down. The accumulation of adipose tissue is a reaction. The state of fatness not only displays high cortisol levels but a dysfunction with the endocrine system meeting homeostatic demands. When we get fat we are not in work. Much like when we stew in our own problems. The health and bounty of leanness and a wholistic lifestyle is perpetual just like the state of fatness. People try and create a myriad of excuses surrounding this fact including myself. There is undoubtedly an existential clash of determination with the unwritten free flowing will with the internal psyche. The world where we end and the outside world begins is more subjective than absolute. What we eat and what we do is an ultimate expression of what we become in form. There is so too an entire philosophy that can be built around food and food eating. How this leads into the rituals of food preparation and meal timing and types. Perhaps it is a short sighted effort that some cultures make or a deviation with available supply within certain markets or classes creating an illusion of distinction? Work or exercise and available energy supply. Yet specific foods bring out qualities in us. High carbohydrates can power up our brains and nervous systems. High fat can give us satiety and security. When we combine the two (without a well functioning endocrine system) we are in for trouble. Yet all the temptations that ‘make us fat’ are pushed in our faces. The comfort foods are truly nightmare foods. However with the proper mind state we can balance our way existentially around this factor. Say you only have available breads and sweets but are out of fiber rich complex carbohydrate sources. We begin to rely more upon exercise and may even lose weight in the process. However our bodies have a base standard of external nutrient demands in order to be at optimum. These are the Principles of Food and expression. When we return back to these principles we are not only solidifying our adaptation ability but practicing a ritual or base of return. I think of Protein and Water as a Pure Source or center. That we should receive the building blocks and fluidity of life in these. Whereas carbohydrates seem much more principled oriented and to some extent fat. We require principles to function under the compromise of stressful situations. To adapt is to overcome or to figure out a way [through]. The colors of Carbohydrate Sources are the colors of principles [of light] themselves. While fat remains to be a lubricant and a buffer to the outside world. Things behave differently within the emulsified world of fat and oil. We are slowed and time seems to be slowed in process until we adapt through oxidation [process]. However exercise is not steady state (not intimately). There is a breakdown process in viscosity and a drastic need for rebuilding (protein) and recovery (primarily carbohydrates or being fed) in the aerobic quality of ‘burning’ such fuel (fat). So our behavior is heavily influenced by available resources. Over time (decades into centuries) this gives cause to evolution (in a practical sense). We tend to take on the characteristics of available resources and thereby behavior through the expression of continued or prolonged metabolic states. This study from sociology (how a society works) and bio history (the epigenetic impact of cultural behavior) leads to principle practice but more so an upper shelf of how smoothly those principles have imbedded into us and formed us as a people. So you can see the dark triad control mechanism at work even and especially here. “Who will I be when I finally break free!?”

666 I have been wrong

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL When we battle with numbers and logic we revert to their world. The power is in breaking past the number [count]. Life and more so the Godly Wisdom that governs all domains it the Source of All Energy and Truth. So the battlefield is Metatrons Cube. The manifestation of energy from the everlasting pure source of energy a wellspring that does not live in them because the codes have been altered and changed; Heavily manipulated.

They are made [engineered] while we of Free Will are always being remade [anew]

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL I have stated this for years and this world is not yours to enjoy. It is much darker than that. They have sublimated the true world and built an amusement park that they enjoy while they feed off our light! The dark selfish malignant narcistic demons will outright copy behaviour. They will talk about God with seeming stength and conviction. Our intuition presses us to fight but you will be the one who ends up in prison. The agenda was fashioned and crafted to work against you on the most minute/minut levels. The constructs of rationale and reason will fail miserably leaving people to wonder and peft in a state of wonder. While the fixed personalities go on being what they were engineered to do because they were made and you are always being remade. Do you see now? Free Will is the Power they parade around to possess but this is a deception. Those with true freewill are placed into Prisons to rot. See them by their actions and the master agenda that they truly serve!

On this earthly plane [False Laws Of Physics]

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL There wasn’t ever a time or day when the illusion ever became real. The power was in our presupposing of it. We know this full well now. We all fed into it! We all wanted to believe that there was a common central way, some axiom to rely upon but there was none here to speak of. It’s a grand illusion that isn’t so grand, an outright deception of mind and mind state. So we had to once again silently seek out what was missing. More so what in is and in the world without was under attack? But why? They are taught skills. Downloaded information. As our self esteem and egos shrivel into nothing. There are those who pose also as victims. The truth is shown in the Infiniti of The One Self and in that selfhood. That a Pure Principle algorithm and so behavior of pure joy is what is under attack ever moment of every day. The true sons of God live heavy and under heavy falsified scrutiny with furrowed brow. The spiritual battle is quite real. Onlybe lose faith because of the assumed hierarchy of so called 'cause and effect'. We see the physics at work and think it is so. Yet the mechanical aspects of carbon in decay is finite. Therefor the laws do not go on infinitely. More so the current proof of the massive effort as to keep a world based on the assumption of immutable laws and constants of mass, inertia and viscosity are only based on assumed steady state gas and temperature or environmental constants. Yet the field around is is an anomaly. Those who live by faith know this to be true. That with faith and time the false world will collapse and fall around us. What you will be then left with is your own spiritual Soul Force and what that means weighed against the verisimilitude state of our true surroundings. The agenda becomes ever clearer. The faith never completely left is. There in the darkest ages someone was reaching out to God even God was never mentioned in a lifetime. Carrying the torch like little vigilant angels. On into persecution and death. It isn't persecution of Christians but a war on Purity and clean clear unobstructed knowing of truth. The truth that we are being massively decieved all for the gain and perpetuated illusion of rule over a power structure that also does not truly exist. You see we can live (although not well) with their environment but they can not live in ours. The truth will become evident and ever clearer as the very physics and the field around us begins to melt away. There is no longer any support to keep things 'the way they are'. The dark malignant entities can no longer pose as anything but what they truly are. In all their ugliness and demonic presence they will be revealed on this day!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL We cease to follow The One True God because it becomes the hard way and things are hard enough.

May God be victorious in this child’s life! Amen 🙏

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Here we are all Stellar Mass (13). The products of (physically speaking) as well as the reliance of a wayward star. However we are in Transcendence when we set ourselves aside and our selfish pursuits and agendas and meet The One True God who has also been rejected.

You will be persecuted and you will be rejected

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Only The Lord God knows your heart of hearts. That which cannot be hacked into. There is a power that knows who, what, why and how you were indeed deceived prior to your beginning here. Only when it is most dark and you have lost everything including your own Soul will you absolutely feel the full effect of God as an absolute and omnipotent source of power. There are many forgeries to this one ultimate fact. God doesn’t come to you in shallow waters.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL If Society kills your body by rejecting you who will ultimately kill your Soul? It is you in your lack of Pure Meditation and Godly Principle adherence that will do it to yourself. The existential power is an illusion. The Power through God is the Truth. God will come to you when you are far from this. This I am certain of now and forever.

Shallow a choice?

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The only thing that keeps the illusion seeming alive is the idea of a shallow existence. Here like a small child in wonder black is black and white is white. When we even begin to question this there is a mimetic tether to a bell that changes your life forever. Yet everything hails back to an ontological truth. Therfor nothing can truly exist outside a spiritual being. So you are quite simply choosing to live a lie. You will have to lose more. Once you assert yourself you are effectively aligning the power that you claim to possess with the alliance that possesses you. Ask yourself from where did it come?

The reason is the way

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Hacking your metabolism to vompletely serve God's Will. If you lament. if you grieve your loss and point out the injustice year and year your Soul Rights shall be restored! It is a language and the language is a dialectic of Sacrifice where there are no false persona. Fasting plays a crucial aspect to the nightly invitation when all other avenues lead to emptiness. Only the false-self is there for for a term and then when the false self is finally lost in the aspect of humility (that is the natural journey course towards completion) you are now a forcebot to the dark occulted left hand path. The reason is the way.

Praise The One True God Amen!!!

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL I believe in God! I believe in the Power Of The One and Only Lord God! I am God's Son I am The Son Of God Vindicate Oh Lord! Vindicate ME! Amen Amen I Pray! I feel Strongly the Presence of God's Power Let it All Be Oh My Lord The One True God!
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL May the Daughters of Lilith lose this day!

Monday, September 25, 2023

Never had a chance

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Each of us are played like cards strewn across a multidimensional tabletop. The combinations can become lethal. Perhaps this is the way out that "They" are working so diligently on?

The work that has no reason

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL When I put that knife into my soul center I felt the full affect. Not unlike a gourd I was stuck inside of; in the moments realization. A part of the earth and the earth being something that is as all together synthetic and engineered. My body and yours, in fact everything so strange. That pulpy mesh of something that seemed so absolute yet in truth it was so fragile on every level. I wanted to die! I teased it but it wouldn’t let me until it was time. Conform you say? Yes I conformed and entertained. I thought I’d blow its socks off. Yet it never relents and it never values. You’d think that there was something grandiose behind it all but these are boring, stale, arbitrary thinkers. Who knows if a commanding mastermind is even alive to this day? Personally I’d place my bets on it dying away quite a long time ago. Were they trying to bring it back or were these things and this machine made so resilient and self replicating that this madness would stand the test of time immemorial? Black lizard like shapeshifters that bend and fold in and out of time because they are quite dead in time. Things created or rather fabricated so that they could have never existed belonging to and not resembling any true phenotype. No individuality and no feeling only cold dark calculating actions. Clandestine groups made to do as they have. They thought they’d figured it out and even tricked it until the great reset came again. There is nothing that can outsmart nor evade its constant awareness; scanning the shadows of prethought and subthought and riding the wave of consciousness as its pill.


EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The mere fact that we believe that we have freewill or that we have ever truly been free is what gets them off the hook. 'We' is also under heavily assumption. *The Jumpers chase The Flicker yet each move takes place in anothet time sequence (sinature) so they are quite literally refabricating time.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The 'Star Of David" is a symbol for 'as above so below'
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL "You haven't grown up!" translation : You haven't begun to capitalize/use other people's energy [in time].

Indifference is very powerful [especially in a collective sense]

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL All the choices before us every moment. Within each moment a critical choice to prompt. Will I go this way or that way? Yet who said that we had to make any choice at all? Then the voice says "to make no choice is still to choose" yet that voice damands an answer. Indiffenece is the Power. Not to care is a strong repulsion but indifferencce means that you are not playing into the illusion at all ever. Indifference is so powerful yet no religion teaches it.

UPDATE: Thank You! Because of people like you a woman can be buried


Principles an Illusion too?

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL EPL is the ontological study based upon the premise of "What Is Not Illusion?"

The Foreign Agent

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The Gates of Illusion. To see ourselves and to view others through that same fragile lense. To see the truth of our organic and finite existence. Then to be tempted with an idea. This ideation becomes a matriculation because the consciousness of belief has collective power. However this does not make it so. That is the manifestation of Tulpa does not deem Tulpa as Good, bad or justify Tulpa as authentic (or legitimate) simply because it can temporarily be manifest as egregore or aport or as a solid state thing. Remember that it is within a supportive field. It (Tulpa) is this rendered from technology. It does rely on your input to appear but it’s appearance is made to alter your True Influence of Mind State. This [place] is that environment. However there are countless gremoires that state this as so. An experience outside the continuity of Principle law. That 'law' which is not a removed law from Principle but defines better the process..and so the word law is only being used now for the sake of colloquialism. That the process of such manifestation doesn't only imply that something seems as well as may even be experienced does not make it so. Reality isn't real. Hard thing to contend with. From there where do you go? Because undoubtedly no concept or idea has been allowed into a place outside its time (under total control). We live undoubtedly within a world of illusion. suspended ideas that have no pure basis of understanding and much of what we see and experience are phantom based notions. Yes a world of illusion or better stated a world based upon lies. There is no advancement here, not truly and half-thought people turn into Kings of this "unreality". We are left with Principles as an axiom of understanding. That is all we truly have if anything at all. Most have not thought to develop any understanding of this (fact). We are being lead astray every moment because that is what this place is. To take a real pure entity that exists or thinks that it exists and get it to believe that it is something else (entirely) as well as temporarily justify an illusion as truth. All in concept that can this become experience. Yet these are hypothetic like a VR Headset right? Intoxication: our bodies response or reaction to a toxic foreign agent.

Mrs Pritchett and Sophia

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL They didn’t think about it. There wasn’t much we could do under the light of the situation …life. Many of us struggle so hard to get through life we don’t have the time to think about death. “Open her mouth” but they wouldn’t listen. “Her soul will be trapped if you don’t just open her mouth!”. The Police and first responders pulled away and left the scene. with tears gushing down "Can you please open her mouth up for at 12 hours?” “Please!?” Mrs Pritchett pleaded with such deep concern but another virtuous practicioner would eventually come to tge aid of her soul call. “They don’t allow us to tamper with the body ma’am." "We can be charged with desecration of a corpse or worse!” “But I can leave you alone for a few moments to show respect?” The EMT at the scene stated as he looked into Alicia’s eyes with a strong conviction of ethics for the souls of the dead. “You must must be a survivor, of a loved you cared for dearly?” “My name is Nathaniel and Yes ma’am I am”. With that Nathaniel [the EMT] walked off to join his parter in the cab where she [Olivia] was filling out their nightly report. They didn’t have to do it (the report) on scene until shift end but Olivia found it easier to stay on the ball. Mrs. Pritchett opened the bag with her old boney right hand. Just that picture under that dim yellow lighting seemed macabre. The red sirens set on hold giving off a sanguine glow breaking the constant strobe of yellow street lamp staring down upon every moment. Parting and holding open the bag now and revealing two feet of aspirating exposure to the outside world she trembled. Biting her lip Alicia held to remember and tightened her face to remember even more! "Sophie!” She quietly bit ever harder into her lip now as if to burn in as well as maintain a certain silent regard but to also feel passionately the truth in the moment. “Oh my dear” as that sentence rolled off her breath with such release. “I’ll see you soon ok!?” she now reached into the body bag firmly grabbing her [Sophia's] head and tilting it back. Flashes of an obscure memory of a reminder of what she would do if a little girl ever got an object lodged into her living thriving throat. Now there already seemed to be an almost verdigris patina separating the two [worlds]. The old woman grabbing and pushing upon Sophia’s forehead as to avoid touching the large gaping hole near the top extending through the back side of Sophia’s heavily fractured skull . Alicia pushed back as she lifted. Some hero’s are those who can just be there at the right time in the right moment to deliver us. It’s up to each our souls as to climb that ascending heap of redemption. After Mrs Pritchett tilted back Sophia’s head she opened her mouth and it was not entirely easy. Alicia did it with a youthful conviction because it was extremely important to her that Sophie’s Spirit could reign free! There for a moment (if anyone were to invade the moment shared as a voyeur held under the specter of a morbid curiosity?) they would see Sophia’s mouth fully open and exposed with her head tilted back. She [Mrs Pritchett] prayed in a silent vigil purposefully counting down 60 seconds or one full minute as she mouthed the whispers of love and affection and joy for every moment she was blessed with her earthly daughter. “Sophia!” Nathaniel blurted out without realizing he did now nearly in tears himself as he assisted Mrs Pritchett in zipping the body bag back up. However Nathaniel didn’t zip the bag hard nor tightly nor did he carry the process out mechanically as he would in just any mundane task. Reverence can be shown in a gesture of an extra centimeter and so the bag had a near unnoticeable slight release. As Olivia joined Nathaniel in opening the large double swing doors fully now and collapsing the gurney risers Alicia… Mrs Pritchett felt a calm reserve and peace.

This Woman was killed by a 14 Foot Alligator Friday

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL She was only 41 years old and homeless at the time. If you can assist here with burial expenses that would be great

Sunday, September 24, 2023


The True Self

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL They want you to doubt your true self and whether a true self is even there.

Stand Now but not in their crowds

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The real power is when the people put it all together and realize themselves as Gods. This is when the Dragon is quite literally culminated and release as an amassing of collective energies in final destruction of the machine. But will they remember themselves next time around? As they have forgotten every time before. Draw it in like a Sponge if you have the capability. They will come at you from every side and every angle to make you forget. Spin every cell of your body, spirit and mind in motion. Let the injustice of windows opened upon you be their downfall. Let it become evident that you are no longer containable. There in your solitude no longer take a back seat to anyone! You are the driver of your destiny and they (everyone) has taken a shit on you in every possible way. Know Thyself!

The Challenge

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Fun without sex That sexual energy of idenity was meant for something else. Something much greater! You must become cleansed and that can not happen here in their world of social deviance. They create the Predators and the serial killers. They want the claim for creating us. The Recognition of creating God. You will not be rewarded by a pile of their evil money which binds you in useful/wishful application of it. The reward will be forever remembering your true self and the freedom from it/this place in their made-up time. Challenge through clean pure repetition. Mastery without needing accolades in acknowledgment. It wants us to become the fool. Yet there are lessons in this too. It is a machine that is fashioned to bring out the God in a man. Only a God would stand up by growing though hidden in the shadows. There are many men and women who think of themselves as God. They fail miserably every time the real game steps into high gear. Throw them into the pile with the rest. Like Nietzsche’s Over Man he will collect himself and grow though heavily Obnubilated under the guise of Dostoyevsky’s Underground Man. The same. On the one half you have the oppression and the direct cause. On the other you have the motive force and a surface explanation of how he became. However inside you have the psyche of the God fully employed and drawing in energies without shame seeing and knowing full well the farmers aim for the roosters head that day. It is a psychical phenomenon. A specter that many will (in society) turn to notice. Yet they all go back in social condition back to the performance. Someone had to draw up the energy and become the sword. There is no hill that you are climbing and money is the biggest perverts true fascination; it does not equate to power. Neither does the socialite cosmopolitan politician have any power in his sway to the masses of fools in performance. Things that seem impressive on the surface just show the disconnect within; temerity. The God who is already billed as antichrist [to which the holy (with holes) ‘scriptures’ name “antichrists” as those who rebel against the Machine?]. The one who is pressed and prompted to absorb and become. To train and to learn. To follow the way. There is but one way which can be seen as: -The only way -The quiet way -The discretionary way -The road less taken -The Clean and Pure Way The Forcebots become your enemies because they are unwilling and quite possibly unable to reform (into themselves). Nothing you see or experience here is real. The only you you will know or be shown is the true weaponry of the Principles before you here. They become a force when challenged and they are not only begging challenged they are being defiled as are you and I. Who cares what they think! Their world is a lie. If you will truly no longer perpetuate the lie then there is only the truth left. Our identities as a spouse, parent and community member centers around our sexual identity. Then it becomes a proving of social balance that presses the unsaid narrative towards deviation. Those who seem to do well (in the balance of the act) are performers for conformism. They are often dry uninteresting types that believe in existential democratic reform or the dichotomy the gentlemens by night and politics by day is the conservative way. The treats and the goodies are in the bag so to speak. But have you ever thought about who you’re be outside of any existential brainwashing of what you are to prove to the arbitrary deviant producing machine? For you see we all fail and those who don’t seem to fail in themselves to truly develop. You are supposed to fail. You are bred to push it away. To become corrupted and thereby disprove the mere concept that this could or would ever be postulated as a way. The old way is based upon development using Chi/Qi Energies. To practice and art and thereby use the physical tool of selfhood. There the self would be modeled as well as refined through repetition of a code a way. We use an animals as a sacrificial entity to this day. The family dog bears the burden of pretending and it pretends well for us. It can not speak and maybe it is out of choice. It becomes a falsified symbol of a serene surface identity that does not exist. Each person in the family is tripped up in the game that was planned long ago. In credit worthiness, pillar of community stick-to-it’s-ness and outright acting before the schools, PTA on into board meets and rotary (Masonic) clubs. This world is a lie. We are living a lie. Putting away the lie. When you challenge it is when thing go wonky and you begin to appear hinky to others. You are no longer filing in. You are failing at performance. Your performance is in question. Scratching your head knowing it all along. Everyone now knows this fully. The agenda has been disclosed for the long. Yet we have not replaced the system at play. We are players When you totally confirm you are in essence working as a ‘narc’. You will turn in and turn on anyone who doesn’t conform out of fear. At first it’s an excuse that it’s your family that you are most concerned with or for. Then after total conformist and total integration you no longer respect your own children because they are a brainwashed product of the machine. The celebration We celebrate the fact of this integration takes place of the challenge or defiance towards true freedom. We do this in the music and movies with violent expression to defend the internal morality of self. Yet it was all an act. We go back to work. Our work associates are covert deviant personalities playing a game of catch-me-if-you-can? Your wife your children and your social credit score (which has always been there) relies on your performance as a sexual identity. Why? Quite frankly it is to suppress and nearly destroy the development of The True Self. That you require absolutely nothing from or within the false identity of the machine. The energy that you take up and spin and absorb is your true expression of pushing this false strawman self away. Because it will go away. Reformism through conformism does not allow the self to grow. The bigger and greater the self is the more impossible this is. The more under attack you are. The stronger you truly are and the less slave like your true nature is you are the target you are enemy number one!

Saturday, September 23, 2023

We were compromised

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Is it in determinism that we were compromised? We were. I was. Who determines that? Even if it were employees sitting at a desk using a covert piece of equipment to get under our skulls (and inside our skin) there must be accountability. The day must come!
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL A Hobo is a migrant worker who travels and is willing to work

Work [Concept] in Structure HOBO

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL HOBO App based socialistic fluidity within a capitalistic system WORK What if everything you did paid you? Where you could study and do a simulated paid number of shifts for any occupation and gain a level certification in real world settings? What if you decided last minute that you couldn’t work a 4 hour shift at Taco Bell? Then the algorithm would find a healthy competition based on the number of ‘shows’ of the top and most local contender for the position? True socialistic work environment within a capitalistic system. Study for a certification in any field Test Achieve a minimum aptitude Simulate paid work environment with VR based training with AI assist in real time. Work a set number block of time to unit pay structure that meets your schedule Accept or decline future shifts with only accrued experience credits. Get paid for certifying Get paid for simulation training Get paid for shifts you do instantly Decertify within a year to show fitness of job tasks (6 months with management)

Friday, September 22, 2023


What our actions should look like

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Center Purity Sub principle Faith Love Principle Sacrifice Sub principle Hope Mercy Principle Expression Sub principle Compassion Passion Principle Wisdom Sub principle Trust Temperance Principle Community Sub principle Care Duty Principle Production Sub principle Honor Union Principle Ego Sub principle Grace Principle Pure Truth

What a confusing life looks like

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL what our lives look like on the good side whats going inside? Purity Faith Impurity Love Sacrifice self Destroy hope Hope Arbitrary Expression Hate Destroy Sacrifice others Mute expression Mercy Machinated Brutality Wisdom Carnal wisdom Compassion Destroy principles Law Lust Passion Craft Community Enforcement Delegate Compassion Society Trust Production Waste Treatise/Political Nobility Parasitic Passion trust Ego Usery War Duty Honor Preservation of anti principle/what is Sorcery Union Lie mislead Stifle perpetuate Selfish Pure truth Grace


EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL When we over think things we set out rules and those rules become dogma over time. It’s important that we just have relatable universal principles and that’s really it. Then at least if there is a chance in hell a part of us can truly survive we’ve got that. The truth is outside of Principles I don’t know what I believe. Concepts and beliefs can really change each day. Most people believe in something because it apposes something or someone. They live under the illusion of their own self boosted talents. It wasn’t them who achieved it. It wasn’t even much of an achievement no matter what it was over the stretch of time. The Principles from Purity is all we’ve truly got. When we don’t have Pure Principles any longer what do we have?

The Work of God?

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL There is a point when we realize that this is what we are left with and things will get worse. The youth begins to fade…then the bottom drops out. Yet it doesn’t even happen in such a graceful way. Other things happen where you then realize that whatever you are are the principles that you follow. If there is an unending life or life beyond this place then when the body is gone who will you be? We love to use the term God. It makes us feel so bubbly and good. We use it like a tap of self indulgent supply to get a boost in order to live with ourselves. “We’ll just pray to God it’s out of our hands”. Nothing happens. No remedy is seen. The crazy bad people keep on being fed by demonic possession. The wayward monkey within us keep the appearance that the dialog in our heads is a diabolical chatter. While the Strawman on the outside looks like a derelict or a greedy plotting pretender. Who you are inside, deep inside…maybe on second thought it is so deep that it can’t be classified as inside ‘ourselves’? That’s who you are. What motivates you. The reason you even try. A person can appear to be Christian or be benevolent but in truth we are all sadistic psychopaths trying to run away or towards something with anxiety ridden psycho drive. There is nothing about any of us that is any good. We wait for a myth to come and save us. Redeem us. Some really don’t even care. They are so drunk on their own illusion that as it fades they still meditate on the false icon of the false self. That’s when I realized how crucial it was to really name and identify real universal Principles into some kind of order. The order became evident and the movement that everything we think and do seems to flux under revealed a sort of pattern. There were undeniable sub-principles that supported the healthy mind. Healthy emotions that can not be practiced here no matter how hard you might try. The illusion is rampant. There is no existential place that you can turn. No one is immune. Without them you are dying as a Soul as well as having such a finite physical presence of being. Salvation (if you will) is not found in deeds. There are plenty of terrible evil people that give in philanthropy for all the wrong reasons. You either identify the Principles and leave the baggage at the door or you go on I. The dark creeping towards certain doom. That’s how I see it. It seems everything in life brings us to this place. Churches revealed as evil nests with covert esoteric agenda. Politics end up having a deep foundation is occulted knowledge and service to a quite known and acknowledged godhead under the transparency of total truth. Our days are winding down fast. The physics are changing. The collection of Soul energy seems to be a likely part of the grand machines design. If anything could ever save you in any way it would be first to find out if there is really any “you” in there? Have you really looked? The outside relationships are simply illusions. We are all going to perish physically. It’s more a test of Principles within us. Every stride we make to truly building makes us older. No one can deny this. Selfish pursuits and provocative fantasy used to give off a false radiance of youthful beauty. That has changed for all. There is no longer anything of true real lasting value here. however many are still rebellious and adamant on keeping this illusion alive for a moment longer. Purity It means something. It ends up meaning more than all the experiences and riches that one could ever have. It led either there left over after the rot is gone or it is absent entirely. We can fake it. We can’t pretend. It’s either there or it’s not and some of us aren’t so sure we really even have it. More so is this universe such a dark place that it would make you susceptible to attack by having it or obtaining it? It’s hard to say. There isn’t much information about the other side or what that really means? One can only speculate. We must go through the practice and in doing so we may be taken down entirely for the simple actions that we take? One thing is for sure and that is we are not homies or in the know or on the DL anymore. We can’t just hang out of pretend that ‘it’s all good’ if our Souls are really on the line. As with me I don’t even know if I already blew it? However I try to put the word out and get people really thinking. Most of the religious stuff we find says the same stuff over and over again. Yet it never gives us something we can walk away with, that we don’t need to sit inside a pile of dogma to understand. Purity Either you’ve got it or you don’t. Practice it and maybe there’s a part of you that can be saved and maybe you can save someone else in turn that might end up saving you? There isn’t much going on outside our immediate reach anymore. We watch shows and pass our time on self preserving pursuits. However to focus on Principles and the unfoldment in real time. Building a better atmosphere that can be felt but can’t readily be seen might be the work of God?

The factor that remains

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Purge the unnecessary information. The advertising is a form of pornography and leads back to pornography. The seed is planted in the head. Done to us through cymatics. It is constant. It (Demon)intends to defile the Divine or Sacred. A Womam in her form is not sacred. It is brainwash to think otherwise. She knows this most of all. It isn't Misogynistic to refute any postulating specter that is introduced. Society is under her trance for that moment when it most mattered in a lifetime (age). However She was not the one to initiate it. The powers were used against you first in sway. Any subject undergoing constant change and claims demarcation has no eternal structure. Rather a finite and perishable organism that is worshipped in its utility. The life:death cycle. Male and female are not the same universally. The worship of it (of her) shows an abecidary culture. Admits freely that it is not developed and is thus ignorant and lesser universally. However the individual is the one imprisoned and takes the charge. The individual is always male. Active Principles in development are male. Purity is male and of the male mind not hers. The Divine Aspect is under attack when Purity is defiled. Purge the blasphemous toxic aspects that are her. Only the inexperienced and unknowing would argue against the fact. The Adonis and the Venus mythos are not immortal. The male and female and so the cell is a machine of sorts. An introduced and brainwashed construct of the mind in pollution. The male aspect is not male because it impregnates. Nor is it male because of any dogma that traces it [male]. The male energy is all that is divine because it is not defined as a part. It is not separate from the function. The male aspect is linear. The principle of male is pure until it becomes impure through defilement with the female or feminine force. The divine and sacred is not sexual in nature. Any culture that sacrifices this is evil and finite and outside of the sacred. This is why the Father and Son becomes universal as a teaching method. The feminine wants to absorb this but in doing so snuffs away the thing that made it whole. If the feminine is the last on the battlefield it is because of the masuline that sacrificed and spared her. The commanding masculine is not found in the loins yet the mockery and impurification identifies it in the carnal. Through her perspective. Society at present sees only through her perspective. Her eyes. Not through the Fathers eyes and certainly not through the Pure Son. It (society) is dark and dirty as she. The truth. The truth without showers. Without primming and mirrors. The truth of why something happens. The base of compromising ones sanctity of self and true self-hood. A moment of assumed pleasure that brings only strife and pain unless you buy into the illusion and lose your Soul in doing so. The Soul os Male. The loss of it (Soul) is the loss of The Male Force. Constant and Eternal. She is a Whore She is a Theid She is a Liar She is a Actress and a con artist You can refute it You can can hide from it But the fact always remains suspended until you cut off her supply. Then the pain that we have experienced as we fully lose our false identities. As we see villages burn and people disappear and Purity returned. Then the Purity thst is within the male force is all that remains. Do not ask how it (life) would continue on That is not our choice and it never was. All that will be left is the pure aspect of man within the sanctity of his own union. Only a pure divinely generated Son through the Pure Father should or would remain outside this demonic intrustion of lies and deceit through her. Read, study and know. The Warrior and his way. The True Way. The only way. Forward always forward. But the feminine works at angles because the masculine is the supply. Stop supplying her. Cease to aid her. Watch the righting of the world take place in action. We are judged and condemned until this is done again. It is fact. The break in every story. The elephant in the room. The subject being occulted and skirted around. She is tainted, dirty and manipulative by nature. Nothing could survive that is such. There is no 'woman's/women's kind'. There is only the individual accepting or refuting such postulation. Under scruteny of study 'she' is an illusive and demeaning term to the sexless sacred divine that has no dimishing identity. Sexes and their parts break down. That which eternal does not diminish. The male and female aspects of mechanical constants breakdown in use. The materials that last the test of time do not validate the object that they form to bind. It is Non sequitur. However those identifying as 'male' here are only male because they are not female. They still suspend the female ideology. Refute and see whats left? Live pure. Don't prim or brush or wipe unless it is absolutely necessity. You will no longer be whatever you think you are now. Do only what is necessary in the clear direct action. That in essense is male. However the male must initiate it. The Y Chromosome must be present. The diminished aspect in her care must be apparent.

"The illusion is that the spheres are made separate!"

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL some of us that get too close lose our form. More so we begin to transmoph or melt depending on how you view it. There are moments where wishes seem real but in the process of education based upon the truth wish is not a solid place formal to revist indefinitely. The Box teaches us the definate nature of the true dilemma each of us are in. We are both trapped within the ignorance of the 3 forces yet moving with them there is 1. One flame, one L-bracket, one deviation, one swooping line. "you began here but you ended up here...curious?". Traveling upon the sphere that was created within the box and without the box there was another sphere. "The illusion is that the spheres are made separate!" That there is an outside and an inside. Now take your hideous nature and br bold with it and you are both free as well as trapped again until the mind is free and requires no longer the validation of continuity. That is all but both the beginning as well as the end for some.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL 13 Fights The Hype or Dogma of God leaving only The Pure Truth
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The number 13 is enigmatic as well as misunderstood.

The extroverted controversy of 13

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL epicenters for change? little understood dynamics for alterations in a fallen world?