
Thursday, November 30, 2023


Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Information for your building Soul EPL
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Simple things humans can’t collectively understand. Why embrace Autonomy? Confidence vs humility which one is right? Can one truly express both? What is confidence (truly)? What is true humility? Is merely being short-sighted truly a lie? Maybe looking deeper still we might look to Jefferson’s statement: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” However when we look at the dialog between Socrates and Gorgias we see that liberty is the short-sighted settlement to pangloss Autonomy (but by proxy; weak sentiment). In True Autonomy we must be capable as to be, think, feel and act on Purity as the only guiding Principle. Liberty would invariably lead (towards total corruption) even while attempting to utilize and apply the most ardent fairness for all existentially. Any display of confidence is pangloss or worse based upon narcissistic (self chosen) ignorance. How could anyone display selfish (short-sighted) confidence while being aware of the greater Principle void dilemma as a ‘collective’. ‘Let them eat cake’ or Starbucks or In-N-Out Burger and people sacrifice hours per day in lines by will on such idle self-sabotaging pursuits under the malice of false democracy. Free will exists each time we error in our ways proves it. Why should people then be given leave to error/lie systemically as to pollute the cosmos. A shitty Tesla is flying around mars as if that is a token of achievement and not an embarrassing statement of egoic capitalism.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The Spheres of Principles do not and will not spin from lies.

Monday, November 27, 2023

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The Cosmic Hobo’s When I had first died I instantly opened my eyes into a clearer place. I just appeared there beside that mystical fire. Of which I assume was ignited by tramps and vagabonds (of some sort). Their faces blended into the stories as they told them, as their lips only moved as I became ever engrossed and attentive to them. I was often grateful that they were not vampiric in their ways. I soon realized that I was always one of them. A strange transition as to see through cosmic eyes. I could look upon the scene and it seemed to speak a story of its own. As I isolated my gaze to one specific place of creature therein (these disincarnate drifters were not the only ones) it was as if they continued to speak on unabated however never truly moved from stoic rumination. A train railed on howling through the night that never seemed to end. Even the galaxies and stars spoke and became clearer and ever nearer through the lense of conscious dilation. A true dialectal exchange. A massive transfer of consciousness and experience in just looking and listening as a singular expression. I wondered how long I’d been here truly or what I also looked like to them. However in that very moment contained within the very soul of an eternal expression I already knew. Eyes could be shared too! There was no agenda but that train moved on. By pondering to ask I instantly knew the answer but it was from one of these many fellows. Sometimes there were two sitting by that fire light among the stars and heavens. In an instant there were many, all moment blended into one solitary moment. To focus was to see all that you required yourself to know. I played with this postulation by imagining a prethought of water being the field and the echoes came from movement like fractalized patterns bouncing on a pond. I got a laugh from the soul who seemed to always remain directly across from me and a wise sentiment and warning entwined in countless dialects and aphorisms but I saw it as a singular gesture. “He has begun to learn already quickly, I wonder if he’ll fall?”. However I already knew, perhaps this was our commonality? *no edits no rough draft reread

Sunday, November 26, 2023

I miss that place where I spent eternity but where perhaps I’ve never truly been(?)!.

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL I’ve got suicidal ideology. The trick on romanticism intertwined with a fate filled ending. Yet the end being a non prosaic prose. But poetry doesn’t exist here, not on this side of things. The mushroom king lives forever and just a fold away. Somehow and someway and a long time ago reality folded and slipped into a hungry crack. Maybe there were too many pure unsuspecting creatures alive at one time in that lost place that this time forgot about nearly altogether. But we all crave it. It being so close to us at times you can feel its breath and usually, typically just an arms length away. But you can’t see it. You can’t interact with it. Animals seem to know it’s there. Some seem to forget where they are on this side all of together from time to time and simply lying slip away. Soon by nothing of their choosing they may reappear from out of a dark green forest or seem to slide in with the morning mist as I rolls in heavy. Blinking and licking the dew as they might feed on nutrients and vegetation. Perhaps a small mushroom grows there where they’ve meandered into a nook of valley as they feed? No thought was required. In fact it seems to happen when they all together do forget themselves entirely. Pure enjoyment. A forgetting of the self. Consciousness in autonomous liberty dilating always out of focus of a carnal temporal world in rot and inevitable accretion of ruin. It runs from arbitrary notions. Culminating and building into a welling of information as it heavies a large leave to release that damned up wellspring of informational tension. As it once again disperses itself where perhaps a young fawn has unconsciously and innocently entangled itself in its play with those unseen fairy sources of liberation from in perpetual existence useless activity. That is where characters frolic and memes fully show their grand presence. Only an immature shallow idiot would laugh and this makes themselves separate from the place. That sacred zone. A nonjudgmental universe of worlds where anything is possible and everything is nothing to be named.

Friday, November 24, 2023


Thursday, November 23, 2023


Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Monday, November 20, 2023


The Aim is not penultimate

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL I am personally inclined to believe the following: The great work is to cause so much stress and pain from the subject that ignites a miraculous transformation. That the subject [like a demand under the constant pressures of duress] would invariably fully awaken and become [a sort of spiritual technological Genesis?]. Thus bringing about a transformation of an individual towards certain divinity(?). “A fucked up production factory of super being(s) as a state” One ‘ “ They “ ‘ can readily control or contain?

Under the absence of a God

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL They weave out their heinous tasks in persistent deed. Why do they remain covert? Why employ (or deploy) such cowardly measures? Low frequency direct mind scattering technologies? Heart interferring and health shattering mechanisms of beta control? More so why aren't we as a pure and peaceful people being blessed and protected? What possible harm could our mundane (existent) lives produce in finality? It must be the order of things? Perhaps the impending completion of a divine tapestry they work so ardently against! But why? From where hails their nexus of force? For if we only knew we would snuff it out as the persistent pest it remains to be even still! Promoting weak men and women. Those who were not chosen? Those castaways and superfluous twisted evil things? Clandestine agendas at work lay bump in the night (that sadly never seem to end). Some aren’t allowed while others are greatly assisted! Yet many are attacked and blocked. What could this outcome be that these demoniac charged entities reproach? Aye what then are we? Why do we not then fully know ourselves!?

As we grasp at straws


On Free Will and “the disturbance“

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL On Free Will and “the disturbance” The better question concerning Free Will is can you be your best (self)? Can you or anyone for that matter work in total expression towards total self development? The answer becomes obviously you must be not only capable of but permitted to do. The proof comes by way of this constant psychical, spiritual and sick mechanized (and quite synchronized) attack! Some of us can feel them more! Or are we a greater threat to there mission aim in process? What is the reason for their deed against us to begin? What gives them the right? What universal laws are we fully or partially unaware of? Are you permitted to become? If they are truly in charge why do they sneak about and lash out from the darkness? More so why is it your development under attack. Is it because you as a burgeoning soul in succession to fully develop is in itself destructive to their cause? Are they short-sighted? Do they believe something inaccurate? They must be ordained by a higher power? Or do they work like rats and ants in the cracks …white-ants towards the principle correcting and righting to a cause?! Frequency attacks directed right into your areas of your brain for hours on end when trying to sleep or study. Influences on animals, people and even environmental situations. As to determine an outcome that must be favorable to an unseen force. Therefore determinism and True Principles are at play through natural course or process. This must be what and why such a malignant operating force works full-time and actively to do? As to undermine a predetermined and just outcome and attempt to rework the end results in people, places, times, situations and events instead under the false light of evil. For only an evil entity would claim to justify such means! As covertly and quite surreptitiously it works from in the shadows and the folds! It hides from obvious exposure of this truth! A clandestine and twisted group or force playing God as to assume a role as to determine outcomes! Fates of people, forgiveness, true lessons and the righting and fixing by the infusion of pure principle. From who does it hide from?! Whether an individual, low vibrating spiritual force, shadow government or disincarnate maligned peoples OR? What is it and what does it work so diligently and destructively towards?

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Thank You Michael Sugrue!


Saturday, November 18, 2023

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL If external happiness takes work than the conscious quality of the universe takes work and this [seems to echo back] a state of being. We must thus be this instrument or conduit. Thus Principles must be placed into [as a directive action] the Principle Based Universal Model by way of Blank Slate Infusion. Consciousness can be directed under the command of the essence of Principle Standard [absent deviation towards subset ‘systems’] ie they must correlate towards the communication of base directive from the thought matrix patternization eg thought, action, deed being/becoming then momentary stasis or maintenance phase. Parley, relay, delay ….morphologically transmit actionable deed [who you are in the process of being or essence of being].

The ironies in Unbecoming (all the way down to the name)

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL A narcissistic government behaves identically to the malignant narcissistic personality [disorder; taking pure process from order]. All the smoke and mirrors comes down to one goal or aim and that is: “The narcissist is jealous and envious of your ability to contain and maintain a True Pure Self in Expression. To the malignant narcissist all that you do is Devine. This shows the True Power Of Purification.” The answer is quite simple: “Be Pure [exercise purity] in all you think, feel, do and ultimately become by way of Purification in process.” The goal is “not to become someone or something else [a better version of yourself] but to purely and simply first be”*is this not the [first] very thing under attack? You are neither held to observe nor adhere: Simpler, more pure and easier makes all outside influences obsolete through the full diminishment of temporal want. “What you think you want now/today will be forgotten about tomorrow and throughout eternity” -on false ideology as a mechanism for existential control; control is illusion. The caveat is this: “It’s not another step upon which to employ/deploy [another action or deed]. Quit the opposite the answer lies in doing [what might be perceived as] nothing yet working tirelessly on yourself in process [while doing so].” The Pure Process requires nothing and is an effortless and timeless gift. It has always been there. The sexless self is the pure self in movement. Do this more often. There is no time for rest. -on what animals know inherently that we think that we’ve forgotten [but have we?].
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL To Balk Purity is to balk the very essence of One's Self. All else is rendered as deadend fantasy.

EPL is only one man’s interpretation but The Way is the only religion in reverence to Purity observance

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Thus TPS [The Pure Source] is the only 'thing' that is Truly Living or alive. To join True Purification or clarification we join Life. It is our task and duty as those inspired [with The Breath] to survive or revive through inspiration [to breath]. It is much more so about who we are when we inspire [air] than what is being done...however the Two 'become' One. -Monad The Proving Process is to Purify [as best one can] through a 3.3>6.6>9.9 current time year algorithm ‘count'. Even in our failure we succeed by Effort or The Will Of Want To Be Pure Again. This is no cult; but it could be existentially identified as the first and only religious cult because: Purity itself must become your every waking preoccupation until} fully interactive observational resonance and thus reverance of Purification is “The Way” or “The Only Way”. All will be restored. All will become new again. All that truly is will always be [again; to us here now]. There are no bridges to the past, it is a lie. The True Moment is suspended. The Flicker is All that ever remains. -The Pure Source. Do not mistake its many counterfeits. If you do you are aligning with your true source of force which is finite and vagrant. Either you can align with Purity or you cannot. Empty yourself. Humble yourself. There is no need to proselytize. However the here is no need to do anything but purify. The form becomes [from] not the other way around. The form comes from within and within has become pure. If you can think it you can become it by way of simplification.


EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL We all too soon mistake the errored fractal fingers of ignorant and sloppy interpretation for the pure source [stumped in cerebral (moral) conjecture]. Soon language, process, governments, methods and money [systems] erode with the tides and washed away by waves [TPS patterns]. Again the death carbon magnatizes and begins to emulate forms from the dead [prior world(s)]. Though the false-will has died away countless times in repeat and has no air or breath it’s code remains there in the remnants of countless cultures suspended in seeming 'empty space'. Proving only that even the total rubble of [arcaic] death in the number [code] is neither dead. The flicker begins to move through patterns in its dance visiting every place inspired ie The Breath. Intelligence should just be [“what it is”contained eg The Form]. The Expression is only being The Self [and not in culminate]. The idea of becoming is the only true sin. The message of essence of all [E.O.A] is sentiment. The Flicker visits every place globally, systemically and [we shall see for ourselves again] quite mechanically. Where there is the beginning you shall find the end. Hint “it’s always where you are now”.-Being We are angry and jealous of the flicker because we are quite empty without it. However in our misgivings [errored interpretation] we fail to see that it’s very intimate presence in visit in unmeasurable time [space] we are given the true code. This code is quite simply to purify, to clarify. No matter the self perceived sin or atrocities Purity owns every place that it visits and there is no true place that it does not nor cannot [visit]. Becoming One With Purity [O.W.P.] is The True Way [T.T.W.]. Yes it is a religion simply because it [Purity TTW] must be done religiously in all that we do. If you can think it and thus feel it you can in process throughout Time Cycles Become It. But the process never is You as the burden of truth. The only proof is to be in harmony with the pure source. There is no need for existential display. It is intimate, and the only time that you will ever be in truth. The beauty is that The Pure Source in you can be suspended and even shared and increased over time. Each of us (I believe) are capable (no matter our sins) as to become Pure in process. However the practice of this in adherence can never be forgone. Again it is our burden; to experience joy we must religiously practice Purification. You should already know how [is the caveat]. If you can think it thus you can feel it and so you can become it and therefore suspend the experience. -Beyond Quantum Measure [BQM]

“The Flicker”

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL There is a difference in expression of a sentiment. Sentiment is often overlooked and completely forgone in the eyes of the existential affirmation based gatekeepers. Sentiment is more authentic than the message bearer. An entity of any type or kind seems to be spontaneously always open and also subject to sentiment. We often confuse ourself in the labeling of a certain sentiment that further identifies the catalyst as some sub-typed to [other than] the “overflowing expression of purity”. When we inspect the visitor ever closer that is the only descriptor to the essence of true-purity in/of Free Will. Sentiment is often faked. It is missed, admired and craved as a continuous state of being. When we witness a pure gesture in process inspired by what appears to be spontaneous sentiment we often overlook the catalyst and see only the product of the moment. Perhaps a little child sharing a daisy with a fellow [friend] or a seeming random tangent shift in expected steady state behaviorism by an apex predator in process [of a hunt]? An unexpected visitor I I can only refer to as “The Flicker”.

Friday, November 17, 2023


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Pre-link to default measure

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL is it good, bad or indifferent? More is it simply taking-in root based information of the time? There seems to be a heavy theme in the real time, writing behavioral code production value, and they constant scanning of it in process. Is this the great work?? Again, there seems to be an undeniable cross correlation between time. Space (possible placing) and events. A charting if you will. (6) it wants you to believe it works toward altruistic ends or means. Yet often it comes off as a weak "nuclear" force. In that when met from a principle based claim from the succession of pure-will over a specific prolonged time. Of pure principle observance. This default that seems to arbitrarily cast itself out as a sort of master cylinder of pervading, dictatorial influence can be ceased by strong personal expression, however, again, only in culminating tendency under the direct line of assumed pure based principle under actionable deed. An undeniable chronic definite purpose seems to subjugate assumed unseen energy force production to secondary measure. At times it appears as if "it" is not present at all. however there seems to be constant thought, impulse penetrating scan of principles under the geize of actionable deed. It wants us to play out the expression of sin (or anti-principle) or the practice of principle. It this seems to search quite actively for the true-will or master-will in expression [expression being the active playing out in real time principle progrssions]. "in congruence a constant rally of real time alignment of principle protocol under actionable deed". Searching for the great work and/or the purveyor of circumscribing the process (often under great duress). It can turn those holding themselves under the influence of self perceived power as Avatars Under the influence of immoral Rewarding and thus awarded behaviors. The destructive object as subject is given bones for its destructive influence i.e. force-bots

IT; Leaving only compromise in actionable deed

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL (5) what is it? What does it want? It's becoming clearer that there is an influence that can only render a thwarting of free will in succession. There seems to be a direct correlation between time and will. notes: Blatantly speaking: if even one aspect of the pervading reality of consciousness, now bows to an arbitrary dictation of time, and the influence of will thus the entire system is then left subject to the great possibility of breach in process. More specifically, if the master will, or what is assumed as autonomy or free-will can be suspended by an active force, [while in the process of becoming] the moment of force required as to complete the task of Will at hand can thus be subjected to spot arrest. From where does the command come? As for the environment of the solution? As it seems to permeate, and even dictate trends, fads and eras that are to be culturally, excepted, and embraced. We see that the purveyor of Freewill or master morality is seen more as a pariah or renegade. does the greater good becomes a thing mouse, subject to master scrutiny. However, the task becomes a complex one as the origins of this accepted timeline, or norm of standard, must be fully investigated by an autonomous true subject. This is why EPL of the span of the last decade has been quiet reverence Charting this phenomenon. These aren’t clandestine cult groups of movement. “Force-bots” can seem to work quite independently illicit a response; More than often (as a direct attack on free will) can be too illicit anger, fear, confusion, paranoia, and even sensuous eroticism. However, the undeniable main causality is to suspend this sort of paramnesia I.e. keep the subject under active delusion projected influence. There seems to be at least three or multiple directives occurring in effect. Force equals mass times, acceleration, along with such entropy based thermodynamic laws. Ergo rules become undeniable as a portion of the protocol. We are ultimately left and is sort of stupor of gaslighting. Not necessarily often, but at times there is a direct influence of Stockholm syndrome, where an idea might be ardently represented in a person that in retrospect may be Not necessarily often, but at times there is a direct influence of Stockholm syndrome, where an idea might be ardently represented in a person that in retrospect may be holy under the influence wholly under the influence of a weak, cosmic force. The term cosmic being used much more as a reference to cymatic influence meeting like feelers in a quantum moment for weak Personal constitution. The above is precisely what motivated me to identify the areas of attack. So EPL represents the definite and definable mechanisms of anti-principle on display. That is: “ The first question I had to ask myself personally, and what I observed in the environment throughout a lifetime around me, is is under attack? The first question I had to ask myself personally, and what I observed in the environment throughout a lifetime around me, is is under attack? The Why? And a more extreme lateral response would be that of the direct opposing view. however, also taken into strong considerations are the sub variance of thought and behavior as to display that nuances themselves there go psychology, seem to be under the influence of attack, also working in congruence with a seeming master mechanization of However, also taken into strong considerations are the sub variance of thought and behavior as to display that nuances themselves there go psychology, seem to be under the influence of attack, also working in congruence with a seeming master mechanization of Master Control. Master control seemed to be undeniably, referencing the direct wording of autonomous, personal master morality in real time expression.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL (3) it's a time track that leads into other time tracks. But what is the master time track?
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL (2) *we could say they're not human. However, what human means is also undefined. There are those not unlike an occult practitioner that vow to serve the arbitrary default. It seems to work within family lines but also townships and provinces from a broader sense. A way of speaking and truisms that manifest principality through written as well as oral tradition. This goes beyond simple gestures and manorism and seems to trump rational logic. It is not a behavior yet a familiar behavior roots itself in didactic influence [to make familiar]. Although “it” particularly takes violent action when met with free will in expression to violate its plan in action. I personally being a practitioner of free will have been met countless times with assaultive behavior that seem to overcome weaker or more susceptible persons throughout my lifetime. I believe this phenomenon to be directly correlated to entities that seem to be at work as to keep something rooted in “a definite foreign way of culture quite separate from the current status or the moment of personal expression”

The master will; areas of dictation

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL (1) On Free Will There is a localized algorithmic synchronization, a seemingly broader algorithm I call the default and quite possibly regional zonal or spherical tempo-based-throughput dictations. There may also be more cosmic pulses of direct disturbance or master disruption algorithms occurring? When one is in synchrony with these dictatorial cymatical mechanisms of control there is less interference. However there is a choice of will to either do/express what one’s internal master will knows to be [True] or go with “the grain” or “follow the current” as in that current pulse of undeniable influence of which I may reference as a whole/slang in times as “the default”. The default this has a definite agenda. This term may also refer to other methods. Methods of direct contact, a mechanized holographic almost computerized influence and what I have called/referred to as “force-bots” [even witch-bots]. These “bots” seem to shamelessly follow a course of action that is often in direct defiance of Pure Principles. These “bots” are actual people that seem to either willingly follow this “default” or at times seem to be over-taken by a force that may or may not be in alignment with an assumed free or internal will. *it isn't quite 7am snd a crow cawed 7 times as I finish this (it was 6:59am)

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


On Free Will; it isn’t free

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Much of our reactions are reinterpreted by us from an existential perspective. I call this the default. We are in essence burned-out at dialogue between rhetoric and principle or liberty and true autonomy. This is done blatantly and quite intentional (and seems to be the sadistic center to ‘modern’ humor). Rather the world without becomes the critique of the structural component of what we will become. In order to physically exist we must give something up. What we are hard pressed to give up (or not physically succeed in the world abroad) is principle based [at the heart of true principle in fact]. We are pressed to destroy purity and replace it with a sort of physical wisdom. This is both a violent cult and a religion. It is a psychical dimensional doorway of juxtapose slight of hand and a counterfeit of natural principle order in process [of truly becoming]. This may seem like a slight modification towards our natural expression and influence however played out it leads to catastrophic ends.

Sunday, November 12, 2023


Thursday, November 9, 2023

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL What if no one ever believed in God? What if God was merely a construct of control? Can you really think of a world without God? Even an atheist has God looming in the shadows of their reality. It would in fact be the most intrucuit psyop played out over ultra long stretches of time. One has to fully embrace how the world would really and truly be as completely void of God. However this godless state reveals itself as the very missing item that great minds [running the world today and away have?] ruminate and are feverishly consumed with each and every day. The stark postulation ties itself perfectly into historical oddities, factions, rules and rulerships, times and events ie The Motivating Factor. The idea unleashed like a plague upon the world. This I now believe Nietzsche fully and unquestionably knew. When we use the term God we are referring to a supreme creator. However there have been many fragile carnal figures named as God through antiquity. Did Abraham not dine with one? Let’s take this notion on further still: What if there is no afterlife? Even those who contend to believe in nihilism, cosmicism or determinism have the ghost of people who believe (Geist) always pervading their reality (as well). If this were it? If there was nothing else but yet we still had this wonderment and fascination for the divine that would indeed be the most cruel thing that could ever be imagined. A world dead set on rationalism and brute force and will. The predetermined fight within a person alone and faced with utter mind shattering gloom and doom. We would at once fully see that God is absolutely the binding factor for any organized faction to culminate. Further that the promise of an afterlife could justify the giving up of this one as to become a slave to the fantasy system of God and a great beyond. What if this is it? How different things would be! If this was known broadly entire systems would collapse. People would succumb to the disease of mind and a daunting reality: How fragile, temporal and finite every moment is. This is our only truth outside technology. Technology (under this reality) would be the only prospective key to any sort of ‘way out’. Codifying our thoughts, actions, deeds and essence into a footprint. Making an afterlife and a sense of God real and even tangible to some degree. Leaving the mimetic remnants of our essence fingerprinted somewhere in time. But the construct would only be capable as to do so much in the way of holographically reinterpreting ‘us’. Further there would have to be definite differences in each of us. We would be in a literal compartmentalized state of hell but would we be even be “us”…that is a grand assumption of any original self? When you begin to see think like this the puzzle pieces begin to fit all too well. Why all the strange Psyops and folklore would hold any fascination with covert government organizations. I think God and the afterlife becomes a problem that extends out far beyond humanity. That is the detrimental requirement as to create an on running system that could potentially codify this [God and afterlife] into the very (projecting) fabric at the base of [hollowgraphic] Perpetual Reality. No afterlife, no God ‘existence’ would seem so bleak that no one could possibly handle the weight of it. That is none with a fully operational consciousness. Consciousness itself would seem to only be the ultra-sensitive, agonizing, heightened awareness of doom. So it would become imperative to use technology to only advance towards building some liminal ongoing process towards a ‘backup plan’ (a sense of a central God system as well as binary codified unique ‘persons’ storage). But to use technology as to also suppress and contain those who discovered within themselves the this truth. The truth that we are not only godless, finite and alone but also under constant monitor and attack by those who make a paranoid aggressive dash towards the continued building of an operating system that will codify into storage their own self-assumed identity.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


EPL Live


Monday, November 6, 2023


Friday, November 3, 2023


Wednesday, November 1, 2023