
Monday, November 20, 2023

Under the absence of a God

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL They weave out their heinous tasks in persistent deed. Why do they remain covert? Why employ (or deploy) such cowardly measures? Low frequency direct mind scattering technologies? Heart interferring and health shattering mechanisms of beta control? More so why aren't we as a pure and peaceful people being blessed and protected? What possible harm could our mundane (existent) lives produce in finality? It must be the order of things? Perhaps the impending completion of a divine tapestry they work so ardently against! But why? From where hails their nexus of force? For if we only knew we would snuff it out as the persistent pest it remains to be even still! Promoting weak men and women. Those who were not chosen? Those castaways and superfluous twisted evil things? Clandestine agendas at work lay bump in the night (that sadly never seem to end). Some aren’t allowed while others are greatly assisted! Yet many are attacked and blocked. What could this outcome be that these demoniac charged entities reproach? Aye what then are we? Why do we not then fully know ourselves!?

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