
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

You are an Operator.


 You are an Operator.

Levels of Perfection, as it is Perfection the EPL Initiate seeks.


-Inclinations (conditioning, repetition, ultimate statement)
-Sub-thoughts (part; a priori, a posteriori, WILL/Defiance)
-Thoughts (that degree of influence; separation and composition of above, Principles)
 *Morality (how, why and how much we weight out each event here)
 *Virtu(e) (first steps towards an action, as to mark an event TRAIN or Kata)
 *Actions (as we solidify 'this is what I am doing, and it is thus being done by me' by this degree [effort/ marked, a rate coding signal response to and from the all afferent too, and idol/latent  potential]

Surmount into DEEDS, which ripple out, and echo, into and unto time space, you are being watched~

Forces we choose~


This is a Force

 "We fail to see, at least in quasi modern scope, a farce to be sure, that these are fixed events, gods, a location (?) AND NOT The very Forces, which are summoned, beckoned to stay, and tethered by mental mind behavior, CONDITIONING, as to become in constant sequence, a part of chosen force."

*Upon recognition, and so to finally realize, a statement to be sure "Then this is the Source of all Force!" event TIME SIGNATURE~

Yancy Lives!~


 From those five who played with Satan's Paw, and to meet a time to lose their very soul's to he, Yancy! Etched from Green lit' and left Phi echo, the gas came into, and unto he'. He was and is...remains to be Stellar Mass.

Black fractal, black olive tree eyes, the creeks and cracks and lines. A large sharp green jokers mouth, as to forever embed the impression of the Jade Face unto he, and all he speaketh'. 'YANCY!' the vigilante clown. That universal mask, from yor, a Pagan warriors wrathful face.

 Each tribe, of each and every time, succumbs, finally, to that greater cause, the event, of their demise. That ugly sister, Witch, which scry, so too there is a Druid outcast, so too a halfling abomination, so too the hand of justice, "Yancy!", a universal One, with Character, and not a clown that is a character.

 When you have seen "Yancy!", you have to met YA MA, that ancient emanation, the destroyer, and so redeemer?

The Last One Standing~


 When I speak of one, I mean The One. When I say one, or One, I mean just that...a complete One, The Complete, The integer.

 Perhaps you saw through time, and thought you saw your reflection [in me]? I peered to you, oh blackness, nothingness, and saw progress in your event horizons view, a scope.

 It was that glass menagerie of Prince Rupert's drop, by the thousands perhaps, hanging there, in suspended animation, or were they? Each a master sensor, of seismic activity, representing perfectly, the distaf, those two wings, driven in recent times by that vanity of Klotho. The right, transcending into fragile and perfect, PURE, nothingness. While the left, seeming crude, shrewd, indestructible, yet to be destroyed permanent, with a mere backlash ripple, an echo, from Phi 21.

 You could hear the massive pounding, as if a Giant at the door, in some distant Galaxy were refused by a fair maiden aboard a ship (Shem), like this one here (Earth or Malstruck, the emanation), and were now in process of destroying the entire Orb Spider's web, proximally speaking.

 The Drops, supported by nothingness, ironic. Each was life, a portal, a way. It all depends on whether your are one, in yourself, looking out from a drop, set about as a molecule afloat that tiny sea of but one PRD's potential, unlimited. It's hard to say who made them, or how they were first create, but they're being was definitely recreatable, thus rewritable.

 I simply could not afford to entertain the thought, that I truly was, The One. As I factored through the logic, I found it to be the only way. Yet each Drop too, a hallway, safe, as long as one followed closely those scales, as set forth, by the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a Dalton's weight, absent giving off an offbeat frequency, could make the Light Journey safe.

 All those little lights, which travel passed, and through, and some even to enter The Great Hall, or' Amenti.

 Each a prism hung, each and every drop, made o' fire and ice, a moment, of Universal Materia Prima, suspended, marking the event, the Time.

I looked about me, and seeing that I was to either; care for these little trifles, which would soon turn to but sand from the straights of despair or Destroy them all, in order that we should try again, this time?

 I had to yell, "YA MA!", thrice, with progressive conviction, "YA MA!!"...'and a final', "YAA MAA!!!! Nothing happened at first, and it did not happen as I would have projected an outcome, which I had not, I would not risk interfering with the results. Rather, The echo blast on toward nether regions of space, as to follow an Avalon and thus ripple round, and through other veins and venues as to echo back Phi, and into Phi purification, the purge.

Then it happened, The Great Event, that over and over and forever captivated Beast' and Heathen Hearts, a want. Life, and the final loss of it, at least from the vantage point of this prism' perspective. ~

 The sands of Time, were all that's left, and a heartfelt Space In Time, A Heat, a Siberian Silver Platinum freeze.  

Monday, February 27, 2017



Anti Christ must only be the half, of an energy solution. As there is a positive, negative, grounding and energy circulation taking place, there must too, be those agents and elements involved, on a supernatural level, that border material prima, the Holy Spirit and ultra violet elements, in constant and concurrent succession, to have made a thing at all. The World spin twirls as it travels, as all things that are, thus alive, have proved to be.~



"She, can be pure, logical, and more to her own power, find the solution...but then, she returns, toward the corporeal, that beastly state"

 The number 13 represents, in pure form, the 13 disciples, a transient Man. Sometimes there were 12, other times 13, an enigmatic number, an eternal sign, though seeming divided "B"/8/Eternity. There is a moving undulation to numbers, that never had, and never were "static" or stoic.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

"Chasing Butterflies" [Free writing Stellar Masso13]~


 I, in a transient state of being, creeping those plank longs (of antiquity), down a hallway, of Victorian haunt. The Green Gass (EPL; GG) hovered there, within my being, as if id taken a fresh high thimble shot of akvavit, that ol' sea brine...and to polish my chest.

 '"I could still think! I could, and still reason-it was always life, that got into, the way."'
My very soul, seemed to say.

 'The corridors were also quite warn, creepy to alarm, as well. So how does one, get stuck into the rift, into this state of mind, a funk?'. Thinking to myself, often, but more of an autogenic and ubiquitous notion, perhaps a rate coding error, to many afferent neurons, firing off at one time, a traffic jam, within.~

 I that dim lit flicker, traveling down a creaky hallway, towards a window, with such an unwritten view, an event horizon. Twas' as if, I with a rushlight, radiant, a dull shine of my will, against the blackness of the all.

 It bellowed back-

 I just woke up, again. My consciousness, became my awareness, intuit.

 I dreamt of little girls, in summer dresses, chasing white butterflies, along the stretch of that long pond, which wrapped around the rock, which was legend. Rapping in colloq' "They say that rock can heal anyone, sept' for the impure hearts", a man said to me in my youth, at the train station, once in a bigon' time.

 They were chasing me, with baseball bats. I was running from my life, my old mange black cat, my crappy fixed income apartment, my own terrible breath. They (those five chasing me, at present time) only thought, that they were the vehicle of my demise, and so.....I assumed it to be, also rather willed it along, in this final moment [a time].

"Old Men don't get to cry!", the leader, that one with the backward baseball cap, and a tear over his left eye, a broken brow

~Stellar Mass 13


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

EPL; "Joy" Stealer's"


*Joy Stealer's (Originally coined by Zig Ziglar) 

Sadistic Personality Disorder removed from DSM-III

Numerous theorists and clinicians introduced sadistic personality disorder to the DSM in 1987 and it was placed in the DSM-III-R as a way to facilitate further systematic clinical study and research. It was proposed to be included because of adults who possessed sadistic personality traits but were not being labeled, even though their victims were being labeled with a self-defeating personality disorder.[11] Theorists like Theodore Millon wanted to generate further study on SPD, and so proposed it to the DSM-IV Personality Disorder Work Group, who rejected it.[6]

 "They could be your Parents, your Sibling(s), your Teacher, a Stranger"

 "They", will create agitation. Discord, chaos and disruption will heighten as a means, that "these" should alter the algorithm, change the field reaction and thus interaction, with said cogs of influence, so that we may not. Cogs of influence amount to an environment or interplaying Spheres of Localized Influence (SoLI), connected to other spheres and unto machine, as shift lights and frequency. These spin as a massive and connected Mechanized Shift Rule (MSR), which conceal themselves behind specific Shift or detectable light ray/ri. This validating the massive movement, to keep the band very small, very tightly wound, so that any thing or any one (ODD, DSMR) which works in oppositional defiance to this Order, deemed now Disorder, should be pinpointed, isolated and then muted (Corral, Posture, Control, Acquisition).

 A womb-man is loud, yet boisterous, upon entering the department of human assistance (lower case, lower cause, invalid). She means to cause hatred, envy, despise, in order that she should play those spiritual cards, in her favor.

 Every one seems to be doing it, so that "they" may use advantage, but the power they seek, as mere hubs, cogs, or most likely only a partial one at that, be used for a force they know not of. These are Forcebots, Specifically here she may be a Witchbot, if not taken through the molestation and rape so young, so long ago, in order she be inducted into Thelema, as a secret agent, even to herself, an acquisition for the Druids/Mason's (4 divisions)

 We all work for cause, always a motive, an agenda, which we, as assumed individuals may fully claim, we know nothing about, yet work, from the seeming solitude of the self, for this agenda. Some may say they hear a voice, prior to gaining a parking spot, or that they felt a weird presence so they dismissed the person, merchant or patron before them, possibly arguing with them, or maybe actually physically fighting the assumed individual, based on an agitation, which came forth, from mere inclination.

 "We", as aspiring individuals realize that we are a part of a cause, a group. We may be part of a very clear agenda, or perhaps be in league with a very rare order. Some may have full conversations of the mind, with others, even half way across or around the World, a World. Point is, we are not who we appear to be. The sooner this is acknowledged, and not through just part of the day, but fully, all day, every day, the quicker Time will too be dismissed (Assumed Time or False Time ft), as time is space covered. And so... if a mind can('t) orchestrate and resonate from itself, a perpetual self generating force or Angel (Light or Spirit), then the cogs will also prove false/True), which support this false time, ft, [theory].

 They're Sphere of influence, or force used, shall be in proportion to your (Operator's) defiance to the order,(a false notion?). They are not powerful, nor self powered, but are directly controlled by an outside influence or force, which is why they work so hard, to keep these invisible tethers operational. These False Tethers fT, decay quite fast, which is why ft is on a constant variable, and sacrifices must be made to support this false notion, of unsupported shift field energies (The Galactic Spider Web).~

Perhaps mow a protected group, making haste to usurp the Rainbow itself, as a symbol of Shift or Principle Supremacy.

Or perhaps consider that distinct shade of Green, found with U.S. currency...Money?


Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures (1979) Full Album


Monday, February 20, 2017



The Time Matrix of EPL; PR-

"It has been, and so it will be" OR "It has lived, and so it will live"

The Single Quark, on expansion (revisiting space), as familiarity was established upon completion, which always has been, and yet is to be~

Perceived Reality PR = Consciousness is the rallying towards completion from completion

OR "Completion towards completing itself"

on into

Expanded Reality ER= The future rendering of Perceived Reality IE *The Moment

The Moment= all three phases of being, future, present and past and the transient 4th place, in existence, a held consciousness or notion *Projected Reality or what reality is BSI [Blank Slate Infusion]~

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Consciousness creates an unfoldment of perceived reality~


If consciousness expands, then it goes without saying, as Phi has shown (Fibonacci) [Phi swirls in, Phi swirls out]; than) there is a midpoint to particle physics, thus a new perceived ever smaller unit of measure will manifest, as consciousness also manifests?

[The true business lies in the expansion of this idea, as Phi be also represent in the macro scale, a mimetic sequencing, effected by light prisms SHIFT, clusters of like colors tethered in familiarity, and not relativity. It visited before, in one sphere, and so it can and will again, manifested WILL]. 

The First Sphere (tFS), which completed itself, and thus ever sought completion in Phi, was already complete within/without itself. 

 We call it/bu, a Boson, a Quark, and according to position then perhap an Electron....?

quarks, leptons, and their antiparticles), and the fundamental bosons (including gauge bosons and the Higgs boson). Although elementary particles are not made up of smaller particles, some of them may change to lighter particles (according to specific rules).

 We see the swirl continues, as the midpoint, possibly a Quark, now, seems to be attached to some unseen force, wherever it moves, it creates the space. We continue to call it a different name, yet it came into existence from seeming nothing, it expanded and collected, unto itself.  It was guided by consciousness. It can not be divided but always unifies into, and unto integer, pressing toward completion on all scales, and there seems to be but one, The Sphere, in movement. This can only be known to us, in the midpoint, a perspective (interpretation), as E-motion (energy in motion/the spin).


The elementary bosons (force carrying particles with integer spin ) are: Gluon, W and Z, photon. In what you said, the electron is a fundamental particle but the neutron and proton are not. The proton is composed of two up quarks and one downquark

Saturday, February 18, 2017



Quantum Mechanics Light Absorption 
Click on picture for doc link


Quantum Mechanics of Light Absorption
We consider here the quantum mechanics of the absorption of light, between two states 1 and 2, whose eigenfunctions ... Each is a solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, ... This is calledFermi's Golden Rule. ... The dipole moment operator for two particles which have charges ±e is μ(r) = er, with components.

"Principle('s) are the only Hope (a sequence), of series.~"

V.E. [Virtual Existence] } Publish; EPL Familiarity Theory on Everything.


 The theory or rather the name which it implies is; The Theory of Relativity.


-Relative to what?

 We know, that the World before us, can be calculated, by way of Probability Unfoldment [EPL P.U.]. That is, if we can completely prove, which we have, and do moment to moment. That is:

-Since all is a series of repeats, than Relativity is not known until later on, in the initial sequencing, of [assumed substance] reality, as we know it, M (m->Momentum).

*More so, that Familiarity came first, that is, First Quark was a flutter, and thus a big bang as well, for there was nothing to compare the Bang with.

This flutter in fact was a Quark.

 The Quark had nothing to substantiate itself upon, yet it returned into Virtual Existence [EPL V.E.] as it; a) was, b) and so it is and  c) therefor it always will be [assumable].

Do you realize what this means!?


All is virtual, in essence, temporary in it's own state, and so assumable. Will is that area of study, continuous, which gives consciousness or conscience to the unformed un-named, and relatively unmanned Quarks, in order these finally work in unison. This bridge works, plays itself out, as tribeculae.

and yet....

Spiraled out, rather fractals out in such a way; as it (Phi) also swirls inwards, relative to itself, as well as out. It's just that there is an end point, which sanctions off that next realm in Phi Quadrants, as it continues the infinite loop, which strangely meets itself, as another ankh, or loop, in time space, in order that it's/existence, infinite quest to validate itself, as a self, forces a coupling, of an assumed self, in order then, to validate self = V.E.. 

but, and yet...., 

 finally missing itself, and diverting to that next opening in Time-Space. The finishing point is assumed, as the snake never eats, or meets that devouring point (open jaws to snake tail)....

...instead now diverted, there is force, dispersed, much, very much, in fact, as Prince Rupert's Drop [PRD], where, the echo's emanating form the same source, yet the flicker, only held, relative towards that spheres completion, relative to the series, which plays out in Phi/Golden Mean or Golden Ratio (also Fibonacci sequence). 

Those Crest's, Flags, World Religions, Government systems, Cults, Societies and Orders, play out the timing of this saga, that is; at which point in The Eternal Moment, played out in Avalon' of energy pathways, display a held notion, an assertion (made up) of assumptive parts.

 Thus to substantiate EPL's

BLANK SLATE INFUSION, AS A MEANS, or, what is translated/interpreted into The Golden mean (M/m->).~

Friday, February 17, 2017



 Relativity is a mid-point concept, to believe in this, as first Principle is to deny that for something, to be relative to another body/object in space, even if it be "in itself", is to deny first placing with Familiarity:

 The familiarity points to an object returning, and able to return to the same point in space, rendering time, a moment.

 W/womb-man creates, in E-motional thought form end points, when there is no beginning, so there can be no end. Only, truly, the same Familiarity, as it plays itself out.

Space authenticating itself, even if a virtual held notion

*Revisiting, a loop, but channeling. TIME the same quark, outside of time, creating/weaving time, by way of Spherical completion.

The dilation of met Spherical perfection is the balance, a repeating time signature. "3" is met in the center, and flips on itself to create transient 6, but truly 3/3, a tempo (636/(6)3(6))

"Materia prema, virtually wiling to substantiate itself, a thing"

Flitting, between object and subject

Thus all is but a mimetic sequencing, assuming the role, and so assumable(?)~

Thursday, February 16, 2017

"Familiarity comes prior to/before relativity"


"Familiarity comes prior to/before relativity, thus a posteriori unto a priori(?), once upon a suspended notion"~

~Stellar Mass 13

site I found:

the principle of relativity

Familiarity Principle EPL


In my estimation, what is occurring, that is EVERYTHING YOU KNOW, Took place, as "One Single Quark, visited the circumference of a sphere, and expanded, by way Phi Quadrants or Zones (like onion layers, A Sun. The Sphere, and Time was thus set, More on this soon"~

*Time Being, space covered
Quanta, Integer be "That number, which comprises the Sphere, a constant?"

Investigation; The EPL Familiarity Principle~


Preface xvii1 Overview 11.1 Condensed matter physics 11.2 An example - H2O 31 Gaseous and liquid states 32 The liquid-gas phase transition 43 Spatial correlations in the liquid state 54 Ice - crystallized water 85 Broken symmetry and rigidity 106 Dislocations - topological defects 127 Universality of the water example 138 Fluctuations and spatial dimension 159 Overview of book 161 .3 Energies and potentials 171 Energy scales 172 Van der Waals attraction 183 Molecular hydrogen - the Heitler-London approach 204 Hard-sphere repulsion 225 Exchange interaction and magnetism 246 The hydrogen molecule, molecular orbitals, and bandsin metals 25Bibliography 28References 282 Structure and scattering 292.1 Elementary scattering theory - Bragg's law 292 .2 Photons, neutrons, or electrons 332 .3 The density Operator and its correlation functions 342 .4 Liquids and gases 381 Hard-sphere liquids 402 .5 Crystalline solids 431 Unit cells and the direct lattice 432 The reciprocal lattice 45vm Contents3 Periodic functions 464 Bragg scattering 472.6 Symmetry and crystal structure 491 Two-dimensional Bravais lattices 502 Three-dimensional Bravais lattices 533 Close packed structures 564 Space groups 572.7 Liquid crystals 581 Isotropic, nematic and cholesteric phases 582 Smectics-A and -C 613 Hexatic phases 654 Discotic phases 685 Lyotropic liquid crystals and micro

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Principality?} EPL Familiarity Principle~


The Quark is
How did it become?
The Quark alone is Quanta...complete~

This is displayed in Phi' 0 1
How could 1 Quanta, if Sphere is not first made Quanta, a notion?

A virtual Quark?
As in vacuum?

Time is the measure, the travel of distance, an Avalon between said junction points.

The Quark [capital "Q"] validates itself, by reflection, an echo of/in Phi, beginning quite possibly as phi (lower symbol, a mimetic?)

The Quark become Photon, as the echo of Phi, creates the abstract of what will be SHIFT (Photon's colliding at the rate of relative speed, at which they be first lay quanta, or (that is) become RED SHIFT, BLUE forth.

Now mass is produced, by way of relativity to True Integer (The Pure Source) Eye of providence, or really "The I" that bisects Phi's O

That is, zones are create, as ripples or echo of Phi, in distance, in speed from the source, yet some quarks bounce backward in already layed/lade/laid quantum space, and thus justify time, as time keepers, or light carriers. 

Now we see that each gives off, in their own assumable and comparative relativity, a Phi frequency (as in the particles, fermion, found within molecules. 

The pyramid flips, as the third point be reached, creating true time, or relative time (stated above in "this relativity"). There is a North, a South, and a WEST/EAST, but (as the EPL Symbol), EAST and WEST are based on perspective. 

This creates a flat time, relative to shift, an E.M. event. 
Like convex lenses, Red connects to Blue SHIFT, and Blue SHIFT to Purple Shift, assumed as flat time. 

Together a prism be made, as pure source interprets and bounces the signal of Phi, off of itself, in time, that is, a relative Phi based distance from itself. 

Validating Phi Math, yet assuming itself as incomplete, by continuance of the number sequence. 

Why would Phi continue, if it were not integer, were not 1, were not complete, ah perspective. 

agitation comes from assumable perspective, as interpretation. The Prism~

Stellar Mass O13

Quark to Quark
Photon to Photon
Instant Mimetics
*As the virtual "P" loops back to center 

The Right and Left path, where is first perspective?

First AI robot conversation ends in argument


Is the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, a Religion?


Is the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, a Religion?

No. AMORC, which stands for Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, is not a religion and does not require a specific code of belief or conduct. Rosicrucian students come from a variety of cultural and religious backgrounds. Becoming a Rosicrucian student does not in any way require you to leave your church, join a church, or change your religious beliefs. Some Rosicrucian members do not subscribe to any specific religious beliefs at all. For students who do, we encourage them to participate in the religion of their choice. As a result, Rosicrucian students come from every religious denomination, and through our teachings, many find a greater appreciation of the mystical principles underlying their individual religious and philosophical beliefs. Those who do not belong to any particular religion often discover a sense of connection with a higher intelligence that was missing in their lives before.The Rosicrucian path incorporates both metaphysics and mysticism. Metaphysics is that which falls beyond the five physical senses; for example, intuition, visualization, and healing techniques. Mysticism is simply the process by which you may eventually experience direct, conscious union with the Absolute, Divine Mind, Universal Intelligence, or what some Rosicrucian students call the God of their Hearts. This is not done by adhering to specific tenets or beliefs, but by learning and applying natural laws which, over time, allow you to experience Divine or Cosmic Consciousness. The Rosicrucian Order does not attempt to define the nature of the deity. Rather, you will remain free to discover this through your own reflections. This same approach applies to everything that is presented through the Rosicrucian teachings.We don’t expect you to accept anything on faith. We want you to think for yourself, to learn how to draw upon the higher knowledge already within you. What we provide are simply the tools to enable you to accomplish this. The Rosicrucian teachings contain practical exercises and experiments that allow you to demonstrate for yourself the principles presented in the lessons and to access your own source of inner wisdom and guidance. As you do this, you’ll begin developing natural abilities that may have been lef.........

The EPL Mantra~


The Process/Quanta

We begin with Purity, as the Golden mean, the measure.
We see that Faith, Love, Hope, Mercy, Compassion, Temperance, Care-Passion, Trust, Sacrifice,  Expression, Wisdom, Community, Production, Ego and The Pure Truth, are subject to the Purity in them.

*All else, are just shades, in between the lines of so called "separation", a distinction? 

Monday, February 13, 2017

I broke free....


 Everyone thinks that they know what they want, more so who they are to begin with.
[the Master Key System, by Charles F. Haanel]  Most think that time works as flat time, which is a money exchange, which is a root in pleasure, of this world, being the highest expression of a beastly self. Where does the spirit enter? More so when does it leave? If there is but one persona, one personality, ONE MIND, than/then The/the Holy Spirit be no different in scope, it must be invited, tethered, ushered, requested and sequestered to become the force. Is the Holy Spirit the Source of Force? That is like asking if God exists, if God is real(?). We know Principle is quite real. More so we/U.S. know(s)-Gnosis, that what we fill space up with, the substance, becomes the solution, of which we travel.

 I pressed on, to the highest peak, and there she was, a naked and beautiful goddess (lower case), awaiting me. She was the taste, the flavor, the color of all womb-man kind, and she was not enough for me?

 Rather, it was the Holy Spirit, which I desired from the first. I realized that since time was an illusion, flat time that is, so too were all things made manifest from notion. It dawned on me, that space rather, covered, being what time is, that I merely had to fill space up, my space, with the highest quality of substance. The angst of flat time pushed me towards beastly desires. I tried to use this for positive, however I ended up back at the same junction point, time and again.

 I broke free when the world rejected me, the world that was my prison, and I failed it, as much as it failed me.

 When you run out of time, here, do you know thyself? Are we not an impression of Proteins, which give interpretation, set in, like impressions of footprints on the earthly soil, time? That is, constantly echoing back, unto time, as it asks U.S. as the consciousness, that time keeper. What is time?
But a tool?....

Stellar Mass 13~

Light rather Quarks travel through protein structures, imprinting, blank slating, and being thus processed, an application, interpreted and reinterpreted by way of pigments, texture...not unlike a readable laser disc. It is texture, which is vastly over looked ((Q)quality, (Q)quantity= (Q)quanta?)

Friday, February 10, 2017

MASTELLER PT: Masteller method: The "Nerd" statue of David ROKbo...

MASTELLER PT: Masteller method: The "Nerd" statue of David ROKbo...: We are all a combination of ecto/meso/endomorph frames. So it seems strange to use a set standard (Adonis). Also Adonis is a god, not God, i...


MASTELLER PT: EPL: "We" cave men, who paint our saga in excremen...

MASTELLER PT: EPL: "We" cave men, who paint our saga in excremen...: EPL: "We" cave men, who paint our saga in excrement, th... : EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL pro·le·tar·i·at ˌprōləˈ...

BODHIrok The Art of Spheres: Human Bio Mechanics

BODHIrok The Art of Spheres: Human Bio Mechanics:  There truly be no separation between this idea, or ideal (really) of the corporeal, and that which is of all pre-substance, that which came...

EPL 5~


EPL 5; coming soon
*a condensed version of the last 1.5 years of blog posts

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Then come slave~


 I'm sure, there have been whores/thieves/liars, born into the trade, the tradition, as a means, who have taken up an intellectual tone in life. Those who reached the higher steps of themselves, only to find themselves, I AM. It is through sin, or rather, the search for sin/sine/sign that we take up arms, onto the world, before U.S. Now. We learn hyper-vigilance we learn to run...the amygdala (left brain), begins to short cut images of half truths, which we then project, onto that screen before, into the field. Then come Slave.

 The slave's ascension to a higher master morality is based on less reactive thought process, as a means to solve problems. We tend to look down at what our appendages hold, cognitively speaking, and begin the intellectual pursuit, as to fashion a tool.

 The steps, the degrees are ratio/reason, figuratively and etymologically. We become closer to whole.

 That first step, away from purity, as to back step, and explain the unexplainable. That is; why did we sin? what was the sin (adultery) against the self [not in sequence with set solidified goal].

 When the left, takes up arms, as to machinate and so too orchestrate an actually fraternity which supports a lesser degree of development, as to keep the agitation LIFE, perpetuating, one has to question; (a) whether they do a service to the those living within this dimensional existence (carbon, atop that shift light spectrum in constant decay) (b) these are maintaining and producing a prison of machination (not unlike a Steven King novel, it feel many *times).


If all time truly be, is space cover about the circumference of an orb, unto fully saturated sphere, then vacuum must be that inverted opposite, and a third point, thought, which always takes place in the center of the moment, a bubble. I believe we are existent within the center of a vacuum, and that more and more this information will come to surface, as science grows more comfortable with itself, as it too becomes a bonafide religion.

 So the organs of the brain, our bodies, could be said to house the same phenomena that takes place outside of us (U.S.).  Thus the Neocortex is the house of the moment, thought (Emotional Intelligence, D. Goleman).

 We have begun to see, think, reason to a Will that states that we must also firmly demand those nutrients, and so too, exposure to living around those elements, is a rich and fertile way, which allows a resonance to occur, that taking back of the very Merkabah which is that Shift Light Machine, which was given us (U.S.) as a means, to control the earth as a Space-Craft (a proximity in Space-Time).

 There are other metaphysical offshoots which cause concern, and also validate Craft itself. That is Time-Space, as it has thus proven itself as a constant, though transient, for the machine to call Time-Space invalid, invalidates the machines, as it's main tool for existence, and operation (LIFE).

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

City of the future~


Stackable mega structures of the future with vacuum seals, and E.M. based elevator transport, with seeming invisible cables. Super mega structures may one day be built around large mountains, that also may fuel the structure with thermic heat from the precise control of volcanic activity. Controlling volume, kelvins, and flow of molten elements. Working along with Shift Light E.M. Gravity/Magnetics and of course frequency to moderate and modulate the powering up of super mega super cities that are self sustaining, maintaining and contained.  SM13~

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Morals and Dogma PDF~



“I know my fate. One day my name will be associated with the memory of something tremendous — a crisis without equal on earth, the most profound collision of conscience, a decision that was conjured up against everything that had been believed, demanded, hallowed so far. I am no man, I am dynamite.”

The Division No More~


Absent Love, Man is nothing


; it must be sustainable, maintainable 

 I too, but a replication, within this Time Machine.

 I was broken, a broken and distraught shell of a Man, until Principle came into my life. I thought at some point, I would become them, the journey goes on.

 I thought the orbs were evil, and was told I was a master of them in so many ways, they became Spheres, the Spheres became SHIFT, and the Shift showed me the way, The Pure Source, that flicker, that is within, and comprises U.S. ALL.

 I tried on the Messiah robe, and it actually fit. I had many divine experiences, truly, I turned it down to a realistic hum.

 I tried to be evil, even let sin enter my very being...well tried, but it did not fit me.

I tapped into genius, and found, that once the tricks and mind techniques wore off, I was/am just a bone headed guy with a lot of errors.

 So why am I divine? That is, why is my being so inspirational to all those who know me, as just Barry, or Bo, that regular, but intense (really, honestly) generic dude?

We are all emanations, god's, abstracted, divided.

The Goal will always be, The Division No More (T.D.N.M.)

 Some know me as a success, top of my game. So know me as a homeless guy. My journey became my choice, and my choices were my suffering.

I followed my Dear Son's trail, LOVE, and he taught me from those Facilities. I was denied, stripped of all prowess, all titles, and still humiliated. The process of rejection was necessary, as the Pure Son showed clearly, in parable, in truth.

You may read into, the intonations that exist, that is, my complexity. How can I try on so many colors, so many robes, and still be authentic. Truly, I ask myself.

 I even see, at times, many times, God as irrational. Often, I replace the word God with Principle, and find this to be more reassuring. I know that I am being loved, cradled and watched over, by majestic beings, that transcend all that we know. At times, I see that this super being, that watches over me, can only be me. Then to realize, that error gives off that false illumination of persona or personality.

 Truly then there is but ONE. One divine being, one divine presence. I realize, that my ability to realize this, allows me certain liberties, and gives me sustenance, a certain and most definite faith.

 When the errs of our ways, that is our very DNA, sin a priori is gone, there will be one, only one. Faced with this knowledge, Religion is a tree, an Avalon which grows. I know the Holy Spirit is Purity itself, and that floors me, astounds me. I have made practical solution of the impractical, and if many would recognize, or take the time, they would see this respect I have shown, to those great mentors. Gottlob Frege, merging Philosophy and Math, as  single entity, Life, The Pure and most Beautiful Son. To say I AM, is to say, HE IS. That one personality I am not completely , yet I yield to the inevitable merge, which will take place. Let me be but a trusted Quark, that remains within the Pure Ones very Bosom.

 I was offered the world, by those who did not contain it, nor maintain it, and so I did, and knew at once, it was always mine to begin with, ponder.

Stellar Mass 13,
That 13th Son~

Thank you Antonio and Collin for this, Love, Dad forever into infinity~