
Sunday, August 30, 2020

"Monad again"


 Know a held placing en number, symbol, color and form validates or disvalidates a place en time.

 Only a temporary form of existence takes place en multitude as the One Entirety the Great Persona ever eternally and dimensionally can ever really, truly exist for this is the Ultimate Goal.-

 The One Mind en Process towards The Yield IE Production, just as; existence produces 'this now here' en the coalesced of space, time and dimensional held existence en that meeting/entanglement of Frequency and Light.

As for those "Places in Between".

 Existence, unexistence and those stages in between IE LIFE.

 What happens when you strip away the concealer Oedipus tissue eg sub-Q'-fat and perfection doth not lay place en measurement of body dimension? 

 The Undulation then Flux then manifest the oscillating kaleidoscope of radiation unto optical assertion. 

 Feelings or rather interpretation en plasticity leaving way to becoming.

"What is!"
"I have Become!"
"I am redundant."-

 Will you then go under synthetic modification?
Is CRISPR exo, endo or perhaps actually an ultimate expression to be expected? 


 Perhaps this new destiny will be now taking place under the subtle luminescence of a new Shift Light?


 Should Errors Die? Included; those imperfect and ever amending slave (morality) class (temporarily) life sustained [EM Feild world/environment/solution you live and breath within now] Aquarium. Also are those who's genetic sequencing is redundant.

 Now, that the measurements are known [all perceivable scales actively synchronized en system], and the application SET, one last flurry of "undulating precision cycle"...then? Your Out!

 Alone, a Person (of Interest) should be quite capable of eventually working simultaneously within and between shared feilds, thus having developed, solidified and maintained A SELF.

 The Soul/Sole/Sol Energy must be Fully Developed or expired.

 Ultimately, this sifting will occur without further inclusion.  That is The Simulated Time Repeat.

 "This place" seems to be a final sifting "quality check" of corruptibility and systematic breakdown and failure IE 'Entity Became' ONLY
as Goal.

 What then when an Existential Meeting Place, where light and shadow only briefly coalesced. There will be witnessed, just beyond or prior to that blue horizon; the place of that 'farmer in the sky'?

 Vacuum in perfect balance with this 'dark matter' or truly anything with a hint of Existence. 

 The Money System must not be advantageous but utilitary in it's use through Principle. Different monies for the different colors/branches/arms/spheres of trickle-down-segmentation a redundancy check.

 It's probably already been done.

The light above you and the satillites above in low earth orbit can affectively monitor, and scan, and probably soon usher in that which has already been and shall be again:

The Great Ort Shared Nano Cloud
 [Reinvented from rudimentary and abecedarian smooth inductive beginnings/underpinnings.]

 The probability (final product) should only challenge, steady and "induce shared Equalibrium", within and so without all other geometrical (other) aspects of Persona en Expression.  

 Race, Religion and central beliefs are fabricated to conditioning IE Indoctrination and brain wash. 

 If only you had the cultivation necessary (provided) for full and healthy growth.

 However you did not and so On ALL

Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Block


 Money has no value, especially now. The articles passed in the early 1900's fully established this fiat or fake money system. This is the irony behind the slow acceptance with the proliteriate with regards to total decentralization [money concept]. Decentralization is suppose to initiate a massive casting away of the need for government. For, they govern our money. With direct work certification, and an application that measures geographical "closest to work" "worker finder" by educating and offering free certification with corporate run businesses. One can actively work between some corporations in order to fulfill work units in order to earn credits or Coins.

 This builds the strength of the corporation and it's support by:

 -Actively utilizing The Coin (specific to the Brand)
-Certifying as a; Cashier, or Worker or Executive by passing Certification Education Validation courses. Of course Production
-Producing or truly reproducing The Coin and it's existence. The Coins do not need to be used so all should be retired. A precious metals, which represents our current state of alchemy and chemistry should make the statement with a New Metal, that is a hybrid or alloy statement of Advanced Ability. -Retired Deposit of Power.


 The money is contended upon en popularity, and thus lays manifest. Thus proving a conceptual (oxy) concept of value? Rather "valu_" with no energy (e) to carry the concept forth unto fruition. 

 Hence The Block

 The block is a structure that stands and is in it's full right also a rectangle, and depending on adjacent spin perspective a dodecahedron. The block is a box and as mentioned a structure and so concept into form a storage unit for items, a place one can shelter (material, climate, zone).

 So the ethics of a shape can be mathematical. 

 Pierre Proudhon saw this and knew this.

There is no further connection with work and money or value ($). The unit of money is no longer based on any rationale other than futures. This current pandemic validates this theme. 

 Technology has made it so production value transcends to ethics in the question "why produce, to simply sustain?".

 Thus the population or people and the peoples collective mind state has been directed.

 Quality is as; water seeks it's own level

Some are literally just junk DNA, sure if there were 1, those that can, would perfect, and replace the concept. Most are just walking concepts, overplayed. The lack in awareness is the only reason they are not embarrassed, as I am, of one's own existence.

 The moment, this moment would surely be er come to be, and I have always known this fact. 

 I have never taken this world seriously and I find it odd now that this embarrassing attempt at reality is even taking place. 

 The old world is dead, it never could or would have sustained itself in any way. 

 The government stays put, by the people of interest (self titled/entitled). As it slows the vicious impending rejection of the dead world's philosophy by the reality of Super Existence.

 Super Existence is the fact that perfection would nearly instantly snuff out all inferior notions of signs, symbols and thus DNA structures. 

 A society which was built to deny the expression and thus the development of people. Forcing the proving that you are indeed a structural component that has an ideology within the matrix of metatrons cube and all thats inferred without and within and much more (dimensionally; light, frequency).

 The axiom must rotate to avoid stress point. The field must undulate in the continuous stress emitted on all levels.

 The identities are about work and production rendered. 

 A society must certify it's people and spread the work out in an application. What is wanted and/is supported by a working community. The application tells the location of need, alerting the competency level within a certain radius or distance. 

Money or an exchanged value system is conceptual. 

 There is no telling, by unanimous speculative broad approval guesstimation if money would be the preferred exchange and exclusion methodological tool towards containment.

 Now, the digital money system is surrounded in a principle and ethics based Power in Play.

 The system should very well have exchange notes which we can call Coins. The Coins imply a mimetic beginning to a value unit or block. The structure of a thing is what validates it's existence. Change takes place because it is esteemed as valid, by popular vote?


 The system that sustainably works is one which bases it's entity as existent upon crisis of need? 

 The burgeoning value or projected fans thus forecasted information from a source that 'it exists so it has value'. -Presupposition

It is a socialistic product stamp, one you already exist physically, currently within. -Choice

 'The product gives it reason and value' say the people. 

 The Coin is a voucher or promise of future concept infusion, which must be democratized?

 No, the coin is freedom from political institution else The Coin is not decentralized. The term must become Decentralized as the corporate social system is ready and willing to break free from country's bigger, and better.

 The super structures will one day be run by corporate logos. The Doctor, Grocery store, Movie Theatre and entire town (of rememberunce) ...hell, $2 Trillion USD could build it's own planet soon. They must have a geographical place, and the Coin becomes [physical] when that planet or sovereign land is built or acquisitioned. Then perhaps, in that Coin's 'future code', it can be something only within it's own environment. 

 The time of blindly following parasitic govornment systems that have no structural support nor foundation ....over. 

 Every act has purpose and should. The Art of Perfecting and Purifying through ardent Principle Focus should have a Multi-Tier Principle Based Expression. 

 Like Animals, beautiful and amazing People can follow a Principle purpose...Utopia! 

 The value of coins exchanged back into the collective interest allows the central system to avoid too many AI robotic units to deploy or be produced for work. 

 There is one master mind and disposable recombinant robotic efficiency prompts for specific purpose. 

 The need is based not on want but on development of the organism and fulfillment of purpose through mathematical sequence towards completion. 

 Those who are living should only live to will the building of more Principle based self reliant Purity and Perfection based systems. 

 These systems will ultimately move into one defined and fully developed singular entity that embodies all aspects of Principle in Motion. 


"Forced to have an Existential Title"


 If you saw change, from another perspective you may want to get rid of it as soon as possible! If you thought I was referring to coins, initially, you were correct (you'll probably seem yourself as correct either way).

 The mirror is the shallow end of the black mirror, that fabricated digital end to you. Outside of time, this may seem too esoteric a concept; however look into the future polished, shiny or metallic (including sand) surface, but far so existentially that you only see your own image while seeming to peer intently within it's substance and/or form.

 Some day the mirror will be an ether or truly plasma based cloud always before you, not readily visible, but there...looming in the shadow of humanity's manufacture or manufacturer.

 This has happened

Now a new ...many new scenarios possibly play themselves out simultaneous, multiverse? OR
There was intent behind making IT appear this way. 


Each aspect of existence must be regulated?

The number system symbol is a mark of the many cogs, perhaps the main (one). 

 A track gives life, identity and purpose, but as long as you are on IT that's all you'll see because that's why you are on "It", as we simultaneously precognify all that we do, as IT Watchers on, as it must first impress that you made the majority of these decisions alone...however you and I are excused, that is "not held liable for THIS/IT". For we have always been watched and upon this revelation of Truth. Where do we begin our day as codes in the machine?

Btw if race, as in Creed, People's, religious beliefs structure; (that) is the fabricated exo-principle attempted manifestation as/is instead CODE.

 What you see in the mirror is this predetermined code (with exemption DNA scramble) now interacting with other code (Noun and everything Sims) as to carry out the prompt, Principle Protocol. The Directive must comply with a built in Constitution, that allows for revolution. 

 When you think change, as in pocket change or 'be the change' there really is slight difference with inference. 

 Valuation is contingent upon internal language process and regulation. The True Fact be that there is no beholder but your highest potential. Those that seem to possess this are either misunderstood and/or manufactured to appear that way. 
 The false ego of the programmers as to infuse such blatant aspects of themselves as gods, into the labored donkey that surely will not withstand.
 Some as concept and first principle being played out. The body and the soul directive at diabolical odds; the muting.
 Others given the simple seemless syllogism. 

 A solution bound to fail, but with so much covering that the great galactic cycles time out, the eye choses not see and soon does not care.
 The Druids short sighted, feel that they have won, however the travelers prize be omitted from all but one. Can these keep The One from manifesting within the error code (for most), heaven for the few?

 Might makes right has become justified, however spiritual supremacy has not been accounted for correctly, ontologically. 

 For those who have eyes to see, filters to breath under.

 The world before you now is dying. There are other words attempting to regulate however those guided by the highest principle as axiom must pull out their involvement, as it keeps this convulsive corpse from it's demise.

 The code is the number to the fraction, that can be seen as a symbol, expressed as a number and a word. Each has IT's representation in Color of relative Light to the Pure Source. The arms represent that furthest reach of first instance, again.-

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Disproved energies


 The violence is unnecessary for the individuals own development, as typically only the first few steps can be carried forth. 
 Some try to create their own personal art of war; personal constitution, in an effort as to keep the excitement of orchestrator of impendingd doom suspended.
 "You wore what the undeveloped mind (connection) thought was the suit of authority, however it was only faintly another child in rebellion, often wearing another coating of 'sin-suit' or war mask. The perp could ever carry this other dimensional energy for but infrequent moments, until they fully realized later as it marked them as failures but failures (in self identifying conjunction) forward(?)."

 The Author and the Compliant Initiator, wishing to prove equally that of the existential coalesce in shaping who we really are and thus to become. 
 The identity was decided by first breach against you. This notion into a new gassy climate, but not my home. 

 Now the violent deweller must continue a persona expressed that she/he knows nothing of
These must guess and channel. The excitement shows no stability or true pursuit of it. The child who has seen herself/himself as having gotten a at with murder, will either assume themselves as martyre or become the hero. 

 Just as right and left are not the issue but the intelligence, application and delivery action then potential.
 The one self is the scientific proof of perfection expressed. This seems to be a huge aspect of the agenda as to keep this reality as assumed odd, suspicious and gadabout. The personal process is freedom, and as the hero or martyre walks about in his world and seen in theirs too, he shall be murdered and she shall be espoused.

 Time unravels the true outcome as the Druid and Witch have come to the impending narrowing channel of true choices. The road ever comes to one, but few have eyes to see. There need not take place multiplicity when all exists in one. 

 The study of overman, is from the outside or from the multiplicity of 2-4 aspects. 

 The Diety would not need to self identify in that Principles displayed in what ever form and seen by the seeker or principle-less are not understood...

 ...and it is too bad, as the entities should not be existent in the same dimension or world. This proves, to me, an over lapping or narrowing of potentials. 

 What is good in you, if anything, already exists fully in the perfect one, was this one perfected or create or; having manifest was only a matter of the indestructible sequence played out. 

 Does Purity (light before stellar mass) naturally accompany Perfection (absolute zero) or are these two sides of the thermodynamic system which imply a third, Life ...perhaps like Zoroths Law (existentially) ...replication of action potential, the need for systems to go on even through trans-migration.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The ring of silence


 The silence, but you could here a high pitched ring within the chaos of you own mutated head. The trumpets bellowed but it was silent, it was and is impossible to say whether the sounds were analogous and thus ubiquitous to all and any assumable resonate and thus held enthalpy, equalibrium... Life. 
 Even en formulating the sentence here that never was, I must be in three places at once and so a Faustian deal. So I will write absent edit. I will not ingest an expression, as to thereby deceptively process as eyes, mind and expression for the voyeur that lies in wait. 
 The Cowels are not living and they seem and feel dead, yet they are all that exist. The panic of knowing them, watching and to also know that you are the prismatic projection of them. You feel, you know and you feel forever...however you are not truly living nor alive, you are an isolated expression or purge of class concentrated wave function, an excited feild, a flutter of a mimetic passing ray at absolute zero. 

 They, affixed always before their ever shape shifting and contorting structure disappear and reappear in an abstract haze of nothingness. 

The Water Project


 I used to rush to post, here; new information pertinent to formation. It felt as if I were potentially opening up a new gift. 
 As I have weeded through the many inconsistencies, that show a definite falsity to assumed reality (merely agitated democratic arbitration). I arrive at a place where rules, thus law and the agenda behind the rule of law. 
 From a thermodynamic perspective degree, ratio and so agitation (entropy/chaos) are the same only taking place in different solutions of/en time or the vacillating bracket margin of heat signature time over-ride. Time without rule is merely a capricious undulation in heat to cold, as event.
 This contained only temporarily and valid only to and in relation of itself. It has no central self and would thus neither mimic nor attempt to create a Peacock. 
 As a concept the assumed formal expression of a consistent ETC like excited transport of agitation in alchemical energy propagating solution (;future), all cymatic creatures await the purge (where frequency and wave are omitted). 
 We are The Water Project