
Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Picatinny rail, or Pic rail for short, also known as a MIL-STD-1913 rail or STANAG 2324 rail, is a military standard rail interface system that provides a mounting platform for firearm accessories. It was originally used for mounting of scopes atop the receivers of larger caliber rifles. Wikipedia
 Am I wrong as a Pure and Perfect Child Of God or is the world wong as an artificial code; a punctillio arbitrary prison. 

Scary Barry
AKA Little Fucker

The Challenge through Time [Cycles]

 It's not figuring out The Code (that is > difficult) but applying the Principles in Time that is the ultimate challenge.-Age

'Scary Barry'
'Little Fucker'

August 21st: Where did the road go?


Friday, August 27, 2021

Along with being crunchy and delicious, bok choy is full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that make it a beneficial addition to your diet. Like other dark, leafy greens, it's full of antioxidants and other compounds that help to promote better health.Nov 6, 2020 › diet › he...

Monday, August 23, 2021

"NLP is the language of evil"


Sunday, August 22, 2021

DONATEHISTORY1,000-Year-Old Remains May Be Of A Highly Respected Nonbinary Warrior, Study FindsAugust 9, 20217:05 PM ET

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.  -Friedrich Nietzsche 
As stated prior [EPL]:
The dot (below) in the center of 'Monad' represents the connical view of YOU/M.E. the Observer bec.ung Subject upon really nation that; the Monad is either traveling from or to YOU/M.E..

 If Monad is traveling away, then Nuclear forces become more involved (as Electromagnetic influences begin to decrease (balance in time/placement). 

 If Monad traveling to; then the Strong/Weak Nuclear Forces may be intestified behind the Monad. 

 What's the difference between a Monad and a Black Hole (Whole)? Black because the proteins in your eye pigment can not visually 'pick-up' on the phenomenon?

"I stared into the abyss and it looked back at me" [paraphrase]


Where did the road go? August 14th, 2021


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Monday, August 16, 2021

Materialism and Mysticism by Rudolf Steiner

Child of Principle
Self-gratifying Pleasure Seeker ?

Enjoyment can not be had here unless Purity is in someway Sacrificed. 

There is no medium and thus no true polarity

*Holding the line of distinction no more

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Prepare for the worst, time to get tactical and train imo

 *Not financial advice just my opinion 

 I've been one of the worst investors, mainly due to lack of trust and experience. However I have a certain knowing or inclination. I should have waited only 10 days to sell my assets. However I do believe that cryptocurrebcy is now losing its elasticity and will see a sharp decrease within a week back to 155-175T total market cap. Then...I think the long anticipated bear market will be fully in swing within 2-1/2 to 4 weeks. The dystopiac dreaded economic crisis is under way NOW IMO. 
 I am going to wait approximately 3 months and maybe even 5 before I reinvest...perhaps this cycle I'll actually be able to time it correctly. 

AGIx (which I just sold my position on) other DOA (w/

Matic (Polygon)
and even BTC (I'll buy at or under 10k USD)

Like I said I won't he investing right away. It may be 5 months before I take another position. I pulled completely out after losing nearly all profits. Maybe next time I'll get in early enough and be more savvy? 

 ...and a few others. 

I lost my profits and positions this time around. 

 I was able to pull money I saved and maybe some (like gambling)I straight-up lost? I got my kids laptops, games, scooters, birthday gifts, apple watches and more. I was able to get a working vehicle after losing my equity in my last vehicle (essentially sold it to scrap yar; that's two). 

 I'll buy back in at bargain basement prices and wait 2-3 years as the prices rebound and struggle. I'll take what I have hear and get more protective gear as well as begin to work again. My money will go into long term investments that I simply do not touch. 

 I've got protective weapons on order (being shipped now), night vision goggles, stun gun. I'll be filming with an IR camera soon. I'm buying myself a laptop to do video editing. I have another inverter and smaller 3qt pressure cooker in the mailbox. 

 I preparing to survive and work but go off grid if and when needed. A tent is on the horizon as well as propane blowtorch. It ain't no bulletin! 

 Imo markets will now crash so be prepared. 



Tuesday, August 10, 2021



Part of speech: verb

Origin: Latin, mid 19th century


(literary) Pass out of sight, memory, or existence

Saturday, August 7, 2021

The Fifth Gospel by Rudolf Steiner

click "Ghosts of Atlantis"


Surviving in California

Below surprisingly I am able to diagonally fit my own six foot carcass a top this 6-ft (3x2ft) fitness and stretch mat. Yes I am quite comfortable and feeling more opulence in this higher class though more cramped environment. 
No that's no piss (it's actually Arizona tea)
34 + 8 = 42 
42 + 13 = 55

0  | 1
1  | 2
1  | 3
2  | 4
3  | 5
5  | 6
8  | 7
13 | 8
21 | 9
34 | 10
55 | 11

Friday, August 6, 2021

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Count of St. Germain


Esoteric Buddhism


The Seven Seals and Their Unsealing by Rudolf Steiner


Faith, Love and Hope by Rudolf Steiner


Next Month begins "Catch 22"

 The Hardest decisions will not be agreed upon and cause devastating division within the next 13 months. After that time Evil in 2023


"If you want to hurt yourself there are Demons who will assist you...hell maybe even an Angel or two (will join in) if you decide to use yourself as a weapon in process?"

Failure is eminent even with clairvoyant foresight. 


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel


Rudolf Steiner's Surprising View On The Future


South China Morning Post "Kids Master Kung Fu"


Manichaeism by Rudolf Steiner


This Week Views (Global + Google; 'others')

The Rhythm, Tempo, Beat, Travel and Spin Authentication; Movement in Principle~

 Could you ever really say whether female is negative and male is positive? The electron and proton. The nucleus and the neutron. It has much more to do with a game of hot-potato doesn't it? No one force should hold on too long; else one gets scorched, else one takes the blame for them all. 

 Awe but then we see a transmutation occur of those same energies in more divisible and autonomous command? The boson..the quark (flavors) and neutrino. Carriers, messengers to the illumination. But who will keep in synchrony with the proper celestial rhythm?


And They Numbered in 10

"after some time, the psychology doesn't know if it's real or not!"

Outside the Four Main Principles and in synergy with PRODUCTION and EGO there is:


 The Dark Forces that ultimate become black are Green and the a much Darker Green of Self (en culminate). A spinning in (spinward) a spinning down. War. Self protection that is nature and how Nature survives. The brutal survival of Psycho-Drive. The sex, the violence the stench and the treachery. The Game of Machiavellianism. Political Science. Cypher Code; and the road was long and we had forgotten that we had no shoes. 

The White, the Light. Did it come after or before the plight? In Purity it would have been for such a short time; Able and his lifespan. If it came about after it was used as a sort of white magic with a purpose and an aim. Most (genetics) would be so cymatically influenced generationally that the amydala reactivity would surely have altered and become them in drive?

 So we have that which goes away, that which comes towards. We also have a right and a left however in the held lunacy and deep rooted imagination brought about through schizophrenic meanderings; paranoid anxiety prolonged throughout Generations. We have a back side, another side. Infused on that (concept is yet another). Shall we call (/refer) to these as Good and Evil? Or purchase the order is in reverse? -The Cowels


Soul Quest: Spiritual Mimetic Codes of/towards COMPLETION [Totality]

Over all Goal combined (those things not mentioned): The Great Work ridding all chaos into a seemless system of Pure Perfection in Ultimate Order

Our Rosicrucian Bisexual origins. Able to procreate which I call *Pan-Genesis (not tied to meanings in other casts or systems). Male and Female in one entity. 

 The separation created existential seeking Cyborgs. Only able to reproduce outside of oneself [incomplete searching completion; failed existence as error code]. 

 Partial beings like zombies squandering time and resources wishing will towards feeling worthy/valuable/authenticated. However this could never be. 

Jesuits [Witches] Goal is Feminine Control Ultimate Matriarch Mother [growing richer in ability as to acquisition successive over throws]
The False Left is Female within Male [heavily or entirely marginalized]. Able to reproduce with insemination.

Ahriman is the arbitrary inverted energy of superior and limited calculation of the Female Mind as ruling factor in all things, times, places and events. Seeing what is here and now as fact. Using whatever methods in order to achieve end goal. Control is all she sees, as intelligent that she may be. 

Masons [Druids] 
Goal Righting the Way (having fun on the way)
Patriarchy Father
The false right is male with female [heavily or entirely marginalized]. Able to reproduce with insemination.
Lucifer is the total transcendence of Male and Female Transmuted into the hierarchy of Energy Totality as Perfection in enthalpy. Self emanating. 

Goal is Perfection, Purity and Balance without error (codes)
The Center Point that is offered is Intellectual A Sexual Man able to replicate outside himself. Able to reproduce with technology.
Individuals with the same DNA and one singular soul, working autonomously with the same goal in mind. 
Esoteric Buddhism (possibly)

All ways in finality serve the same esoteric A Sexual end-game. Only differing in the process as to cultivate dominant personality traits along the way. 

*Pan refers to the god Pan. Genesis refers to [Energy] Generation.

Conceptual Withering

 You have placed your Faith into your back stabbing Brother's and seductive Sister's. Now invest your hard toiled earnings into a bankrupted system [of support].


Fleeting Finite Resolve

 You are building your hopes and dreams on disolving conceptual matter [placed].


Peace and Harmony in Purity; The Real World

" Imagine in an instant carbon turn to dust. "

 The idea or influencing concept of Anti-Christ is a Jesuit tool. The basic premise is that you are not worthy of redemptive transformation if you have ever sinned. Sinning is a physical learning tool. The carnal pursuits are put to rest and the Purity can once again come into your being (that truly never left). 
 The Pope stands in for God upon God's return. However the God and Messiah of which the false-right believe in is not the same Gad as the Left's (God). For which if your God 'returns', your God is not their God.

 There is a code to healing and health. The code however transcends numbers and letters as symbols [existed prior to in first lsnguag]. Not the rendition of or version of (as descriptor) but the Shift-Light and Spiritual Energetic Living Combinant of tracement. 

 The trials are there, set as a pathway to self-discovery, that ultimately lead one back to the Pureness of the Oneself beyond any form of usury and exploitation (the real world does not work off the merits of quid pro quo). 


First Principles of 666 or 616 and 13

Explanation of 666 being misinterpreted and really being 616:

369=6 is the median and average standard of the three numbers. When in movement the numbers revert to a 369 active formulation. 

1 is a statement that 6 counts as a whole and complete standard unit of measure or validator. Again the tri-number system makes an authenticating statement 6 is 1 and 1 equals to 6?  

 This may be the preliminary to the moving 369 moving system of energy?

Either way the standard median number even in the Fibonacci sequence is 13.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13

Here 6+1+6=13

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Where did the road go? w/Author Martin Popoff

 They want you to be in fear of made-up laws because man in his body is so very fragile. A Molten Knife 🗡️🔪 (a razors edge) can split and end most Men's Souls permanently. 


I am not endorsing nor condoning the use of any weapon here.

There is a paradigm shift where those who do not have the means or ability to gain legitimate self-defense in this time of impending need at present time may need to begin thinking outside the box so to speak.

I hope you all stay safe, may the meek inherit the world. 

*Be extremely careful. If you do not feel you have the ability to work such a tool below are other less lethal forms that are similar in price. However stopping a break-in homicidal threat and merely pissing off an irrational assailant?


EGI; States of EGO

EPL; Notes


"What 'I' do with Energy"

Production and Ego 


On variouse stages of Ego


Alan Watts on getting rid of your Ego (false EGO)


EPL; Notes


"What 'I' do with Energy"

Production and Ego 



On Ultimate Genderlessness

Expirational 'what is my Vista?':
The mockery and rediculousness of sexual identification as gender as to diminish the God Mind. The proof that it is impossible . 'You have a monkey on your back!' 
'Now What?'

-must sell gender; money

However alchemically gender/genetic Identity is a fleeting induced finite status; Klotho and the Three Witches (young, middle-aged, old); cymatical regulated endocrine/gland secretions like a temporary museum pass. 

'whats my motivation?'

Asexuality describes a lack of sexual attraction. Asexual people may experience romantic attraction, but they do not feel the urge to act on these feelings sexually. Asexuality is a sexual orientation, like being gay or straight. It is different from celibacy or abstinence.Dec 10, 2019

Christopher Isherwood



a state of intense concentration achieved through meditation. In Hindu yoga this is regarded as the final stage, at which union with the divine is reached (before or at death).
a funerary monument.
plural noun: samadhis

Quite typically there are two main directions a child under duress will attempt to learn. Depending on the severity and sadistic impact of the abuse:
-Just as if a radio and television were playing full blast while a commercial kitchen were the classroom (though seeming to the 'teacher' as in a quited setting) the child is replaying the static of past events. A rational processing is being attempted. 
-In compliance and self-protection the child  becomes an amygdala driven over achiever. 

The emergent justification takes longer or shorter routes (and reroutes) to either conformity or vantage point. The human brain seems to chart plot based on the organisms lifetime cycle. -Mapping


Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human Double by Rudolf Steiner


A Ship Called Misanthrope digital


The Inner Path followed by the Mystic by Rudolf Steiner


Brute-man (lesser collective); the folly excuse of time cycles

 In finality a man can not be accepted IE earn man-money until he fully displays (though behind the curtain) his deepest contempt and hatred. An assumed alliance in the shared collective focus of sheer hatred (for). It is the organic limitation that codifies and baffles man as a simple meat meal who is growing older, going sour inevitably. Someday not even fit for a beast at prey. Only then is there some kind of understanding that may appear as a brotherhood on the surface, however these only congregate in such a way for the fox hunt or socializing at the watering hole. This behavior as attempt to squelch his anxiety of ineptitude and foreboding (plague of) fear. 
 Man knows he is wrong and he will kill you for knowing his nakedness. He is a bad child who has gotten away with it, for the time (being?). An effervescence of shame pinned to him always. For he was mockingly pressed to do so. He has been catagorized away by an all powerful (at least over him) unseen force that sees through him on anatomical scale.  All he can assert to knowing (of this master figure) is of a Von Goethe Type Demon, that is arbitrary and seeing him (man) as the sum of rudimentary brutal animals (in truth division among them all) that become more powerless by the day in generation and regeneration. *Sum-thing is lost
 Man isn't truly in cohesion with other men, however carries this god assassinating grudge for the plight of man (kind)? It is quite personal, as if this pure distain were carried forth by each man (in confusion) for Kane/ Kain/Cane himself as progenitor. Most men do not have the courage to drink this catholic feminine energy (in and of denial) and see the spiritual man is in fact an A-sexual being that detests the falsity and confinements of not just time, space, gravity and morbidly but the very blueprints of a body in time of which he is imprisoned. 
 Man is man in Woman and Woman from Man, do not fool yourself.-Degrees


David Foster Wallace


Dostoevsky Darkness of Human Psychology