
Tuesday, August 3, 2021

And They Numbered in 10

"after some time, the psychology doesn't know if it's real or not!"

Outside the Four Main Principles and in synergy with PRODUCTION and EGO there is:


 The Dark Forces that ultimate become black are Green and the a much Darker Green of Self (en culminate). A spinning in (spinward) a spinning down. War. Self protection that is nature and how Nature survives. The brutal survival of Psycho-Drive. The sex, the violence the stench and the treachery. The Game of Machiavellianism. Political Science. Cypher Code; and the road was long and we had forgotten that we had no shoes. 

The White, the Light. Did it come after or before the plight? In Purity it would have been for such a short time; Able and his lifespan. If it came about after it was used as a sort of white magic with a purpose and an aim. Most (genetics) would be so cymatically influenced generationally that the amydala reactivity would surely have altered and become them in drive?

 So we have that which goes away, that which comes towards. We also have a right and a left however in the held lunacy and deep rooted imagination brought about through schizophrenic meanderings; paranoid anxiety prolonged throughout Generations. We have a back side, another side. Infused on that (concept is yet another). Shall we call (/refer) to these as Good and Evil? Or purchase the order is in reverse? -The Cowels


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