
Saturday, March 27, 2021

The extreme highs and Dungeness lows...Cryptopeeps are B.A.T.ty

 No one person's endocrine system can handle such turbulence. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Our high-pitched reality transmutation

The answers seem to come to us. 
Ringing in my ears kept me from learning as a child? Now I have an obligation to listen. Listen to the high pitched frequency-sirens. The third eye opens prior to. I see the parallel, a connecting between imagination, fantasy and our made reality. Now, always now.


Friday, March 19, 2021


Elon Musk owns over $5 billion in Bitcoin ‘personally and via Telsa and SpaceX’

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Alan Watts

Dahboo77; newly found Dead Sea Scrolls(?)



Alan Watts
These basic qualities of light are; INTENSITY, FORM, COLOR, DIRECTION and MOVEMENT.

Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength which can be detected by the human eye. ... Light is electromagnetic radiation that shows properties of both waves and particles. Light is a form of energy. Light also keeps the Earth warm. Light exists in tiny energy packets called photons.

Monday, March 15, 2021

 With all of man's inventions he discusses mathematical concepts to precise available means. He discusses philosophical implications against most relevant (to him) arguments toward agreement. However man in this trivial replication always leaves out the fundamental source and the momentive Force of spirituality. For "It" is not readily available to use and discard. He has only absconded with a singular fleeting feather off the Angel's wing, antiquity.

You accumulate worldly wealth 'rich' because you are double faced. 
 You sacrificed your loved ones, many never saw the parallel, or refused to notice. 

 However in succession you took steps, more binding than a contract or a handshake or a vocal agreement. Where are you currently standing NOW? 

 What is your True Goal?


Sunday, March 14, 2021

🧡 💊 PODcast #32

Learn to pronounce
adjective: alpha-numeric
consisting of or using both letters and numerals.
"alphanumeric data"
noun: alpha-numeric
a character that is either a letter or a number.
Semblance comes from the 14th-century French word for "resemble," and it is a noun for things that look one way on the outside but are very different on the inside. A popular combination is to say that a person or place has the "semblance of order," when, underneath, everything is out of control.
  1. 1.
    relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process.
  2. 2.
    occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Where did the road go?: Jeff Ritzmann part 2


First Principle

first principle is a basic proposition or assumption that cannot be deduced from any other proposition or assumption. In philosophy, first principles are from First Cause[1] attitudes and taught by Aristotelians, and nuanced versions of first principles are referred to as postulates by Kantians.[2] In mathematics, first principles are referred to as axioms or postulates. In physics and other sciences, theoretical work is said to be from first principles, or ab initio, if it starts directly at the level of established science and does not make assumptions such as empirical model and parameter fitting.

Bitboy interviews Michael Saylor


Friday, March 12, 2021

Science; 'Magic Angle'


All that you do is observe

A dystopian cry ...
echos throughout the empty halls of justice (just-us)
A balance of the scales (an item made) confuse not with equalibrum
 Electron storms rage as the Witches 4, 5 and nine thrice the hour and 33 do their 'collected' live-ing or evil bidding
 Phi seems to move yet stand there still at the copper plates a torch 
 I know, not why.
A season, a month, a summer and a reason (or ratio)
 The dial turns in order to release the spiral. If done in the right time a spring


Monday, March 8, 2021


Charles Hoskinson

Alan Watts 1973

Iced Coffee Hour w/Bitboy


Crypto News Alerts

Been laying low. Unexpected market manipulation by way of government control over pool agendas.

MMCrypto (Chris) Bitboy (Ben)


To The Moon; Keiser Report




Thursday, March 4, 2021

Meet the Swirlon


Keiser Report #1666

Keiser Report #1666

Let me ask you?

Let me ask you?

 The form of a sexually alluring beauty is a form of circumference in perfection, an object of desire? Further a topographical reading and minor redefining takes place. This in conjunction with the internal physiological workers that we pretent to be more educated of, demonstratively speaking?

 Purity and Perfection made separate here on this plane of held; wave meets frequency meets phontom energies. For when these meet together there is Life! The highest value of the Left and Right obtained as existence, with absolutely no need for arbitrary policing nor observation. 

 The body resources are tapped into, with a low resonate bell ring; the neurohormones bounce a concoction of perpetuation. 
"She has become!"

 All of the rape incest that beauty so seductive in its temporary held existence, an attack onto form. There must surely be a principle based monitoring system at some time and of some sort?

 The call out to be better people and to shed our old outdated and archaic ways (which largely was design to cause failure however also to fail).

 In this nightmare a full acknowledgement but more so constant understanding of the dirty, rotting and often times ugly truth is far more previlent. 

 The manufacture of some bio-organic robot -identity-suit, on which to place a proposed identity scopic view of/or claim?

 The energy within the body-suit does not often match DNA chromosomal prompts towards manifestation? 

 Then there are those who are quite possibly shuffled about not unlike a celestial cattle? A potential soul trafficking galactic agenda might take place? Rituals and religions introduced and forced violently upon a people of a certain and specific geographical region with the latent underpinnings of a matching internal protein ratio goo available with sphere of sanctiones quadrant and zone. 

 Further the shift light energies provided by the ongoing vostex of donut looping light-frequency energies, the votes currently spins with coil codes precision. 

 All this hermetic nonsense as to keep the culminating and becoming mind at bay? 

 One thing is true with all assumption! You don't see the depth of my Rage! 

 For there are very few alchemical deviation solutions as to introduce. The hydrogen bomb was indeed a massive peak into the multiple layers of dimensional parasitic existence? 

 Zietgebbers, quarks and phantom energies must coalesc somehow, somewhere? 

 The Angel knows it's value and should be offered all protections without limit. Also all experience without judgement. The margin is much wider and near non-existent with they. 
