
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

EPL; "Joy" Stealer's"


*Joy Stealer's (Originally coined by Zig Ziglar) 

Sadistic Personality Disorder removed from DSM-III

Numerous theorists and clinicians introduced sadistic personality disorder to the DSM in 1987 and it was placed in the DSM-III-R as a way to facilitate further systematic clinical study and research. It was proposed to be included because of adults who possessed sadistic personality traits but were not being labeled, even though their victims were being labeled with a self-defeating personality disorder.[11] Theorists like Theodore Millon wanted to generate further study on SPD, and so proposed it to the DSM-IV Personality Disorder Work Group, who rejected it.[6]

 "They could be your Parents, your Sibling(s), your Teacher, a Stranger"

 "They", will create agitation. Discord, chaos and disruption will heighten as a means, that "these" should alter the algorithm, change the field reaction and thus interaction, with said cogs of influence, so that we may not. Cogs of influence amount to an environment or interplaying Spheres of Localized Influence (SoLI), connected to other spheres and unto machine, as shift lights and frequency. These spin as a massive and connected Mechanized Shift Rule (MSR), which conceal themselves behind specific Shift or detectable light ray/ri. This validating the massive movement, to keep the band very small, very tightly wound, so that any thing or any one (ODD, DSMR) which works in oppositional defiance to this Order, deemed now Disorder, should be pinpointed, isolated and then muted (Corral, Posture, Control, Acquisition).

 A womb-man is loud, yet boisterous, upon entering the department of human assistance (lower case, lower cause, invalid). She means to cause hatred, envy, despise, in order that she should play those spiritual cards, in her favor.

 Every one seems to be doing it, so that "they" may use advantage, but the power they seek, as mere hubs, cogs, or most likely only a partial one at that, be used for a force they know not of. These are Forcebots, Specifically here she may be a Witchbot, if not taken through the molestation and rape so young, so long ago, in order she be inducted into Thelema, as a secret agent, even to herself, an acquisition for the Druids/Mason's (4 divisions)

 We all work for cause, always a motive, an agenda, which we, as assumed individuals may fully claim, we know nothing about, yet work, from the seeming solitude of the self, for this agenda. Some may say they hear a voice, prior to gaining a parking spot, or that they felt a weird presence so they dismissed the person, merchant or patron before them, possibly arguing with them, or maybe actually physically fighting the assumed individual, based on an agitation, which came forth, from mere inclination.

 "We", as aspiring individuals realize that we are a part of a cause, a group. We may be part of a very clear agenda, or perhaps be in league with a very rare order. Some may have full conversations of the mind, with others, even half way across or around the World, a World. Point is, we are not who we appear to be. The sooner this is acknowledged, and not through just part of the day, but fully, all day, every day, the quicker Time will too be dismissed (Assumed Time or False Time ft), as time is space covered. And so... if a mind can('t) orchestrate and resonate from itself, a perpetual self generating force or Angel (Light or Spirit), then the cogs will also prove false/True), which support this false time, ft, [theory].

 They're Sphere of influence, or force used, shall be in proportion to your (Operator's) defiance to the order,(a false notion?). They are not powerful, nor self powered, but are directly controlled by an outside influence or force, which is why they work so hard, to keep these invisible tethers operational. These False Tethers fT, decay quite fast, which is why ft is on a constant variable, and sacrifices must be made to support this false notion, of unsupported shift field energies (The Galactic Spider Web).~

Perhaps mow a protected group, making haste to usurp the Rainbow itself, as a symbol of Shift or Principle Supremacy.

Or perhaps consider that distinct shade of Green, found with U.S. currency...Money?


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