
Monday, September 25, 2023

The Foreign Agent

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The Gates of Illusion. To see ourselves and to view others through that same fragile lense. To see the truth of our organic and finite existence. Then to be tempted with an idea. This ideation becomes a matriculation because the consciousness of belief has collective power. However this does not make it so. That is the manifestation of Tulpa does not deem Tulpa as Good, bad or justify Tulpa as authentic (or legitimate) simply because it can temporarily be manifest as egregore or aport or as a solid state thing. Remember that it is within a supportive field. It (Tulpa) is this rendered from technology. It does rely on your input to appear but it’s appearance is made to alter your True Influence of Mind State. This [place] is that environment. However there are countless gremoires that state this as so. An experience outside the continuity of Principle law. That 'law' which is not a removed law from Principle but defines better the process..and so the word law is only being used now for the sake of colloquialism. That the process of such manifestation doesn't only imply that something seems as well as may even be experienced does not make it so. Reality isn't real. Hard thing to contend with. From there where do you go? Because undoubtedly no concept or idea has been allowed into a place outside its time (under total control). We live undoubtedly within a world of illusion. suspended ideas that have no pure basis of understanding and much of what we see and experience are phantom based notions. Yes a world of illusion or better stated a world based upon lies. There is no advancement here, not truly and half-thought people turn into Kings of this "unreality". We are left with Principles as an axiom of understanding. That is all we truly have if anything at all. Most have not thought to develop any understanding of this (fact). We are being lead astray every moment because that is what this place is. To take a real pure entity that exists or thinks that it exists and get it to believe that it is something else (entirely) as well as temporarily justify an illusion as truth. All in concept that can this become experience. Yet these are hypothetic like a VR Headset right? Intoxication: our bodies response or reaction to a toxic foreign agent.

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