
Thursday, September 28, 2023

On the malignant narcissist or demon host

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Narcissists are empty. They are always empty and void. They search for validation because that is their supply. It’s really an intelligence test and they fail. They are temerity based short sighted beta peoples that want to play the (drama based) role of leader ‘because that is what a leader does’ [narrative]. Empty and without purpose. Because they have been fundamentally deceived so long ago they don’t remember where they left off. Self healing can not be done absent purity and it can’t be gained (gotten/Gott/God) from the outside. In this day we are all quite literally forced (by a multiplicity of factors) to focus solely on self development. Through this process we are to learn that at the center we are always empty and will remain that way until we realize ourselves as a child of God. “Performers with poor performance or inferior productivity” This is often why narcissists are given things (gifts) that bind them by craft or trade in the ways of language, math, geography and charisma and essentially dealing with (as well as seeing a cosmicism or determinism) in assumed physics. “In self-entitlement of being so special [they think] that they arbitrate an exemption from choosing a side…but in their short sighted ignorance THEY ~Had Chosen Long Ago ~and are DEEP IN!” “When the physics change (since they are hard wired at their very base and think they invented physics) they will become corrupted and have no center; no core no axiom upon which to be truly a part of.” Concepts like God are copy pasted. They are a mimetic offspring of an existentially (yet falsely perceived) character (play) role that has no true meaning. This is precisely why they will undoubtedly (in the end) be discarded because they are truly empty. There is a secret agenda taking place and the best thing for these malignant Narcissists (for them and society at large; for healing of any kind possible) is to be finally and completely cut-off from supply. No more pity money. No more bending to their fake tears. No more tolerating of the cheating, lies and drama. But most of all no more ‘flying monkeys’ [codependent collaborators] or JOB. Toxic people covertly and often overtly adding to a Toxic Work Environment. “Your gross and your charisma is as valuable as a .5 cent coffee coupon…and that’s saying too much!” Fill yourself UP with GOD “they can’t spiritually read the Memo!”

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