
Thursday, February 16, 2023

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL practice and repeat them spin them in your mind picture them taste them feel the principles know them feel the principles energy in motion emotion get deeper deeper into what they really and truly mean imagine the sun energy warming and spreading the principles everywhere in pure light each color has its place and places in between truth pure truth

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

War is taking place systemically. From driving on the roads to shopping in the stores. No one in a household gets along. People only demand a serving of their personal momentary wants, needs and desires. If you comply you are seen as a weak sucker. There are no principles desired because they cause a refuting of money centric empty thinking. Purity is used as an act to lure and solicit. Sacrificing the person closest to you is an unseen religious phenomenon taking place everywhere. The search for deeper truth is deemed ‘non duality’ and then exploited for views. The Kingdom lies within and is thus an intrinsic practice as to not sacrifice your own Purity and Principles. To seek true perfection that follows wholistic geometrical truths. PuritySacrificeExpressionWisdomCommunityProduction EgoThe Pure Truth Sub principles: Faith, Love, Hope, Temperance, Care, Mercy, Compassion, Passion, Trust, Duty, Honor, Union, Grace The opposite of these are taking place an unseen war.