
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The higher intellect, a fight against chaos?


First integration of "The god's"

They call it a god, because "it" is greater
They thus kill it
Eat "it"
Wishing to be it

They do not adhere to "it's" principles
That "it's" Principle make "it"

They thus mate with it
Masturbate to it
Wanting only pleasure, the release form pain?
The perpetuation of angst/dukkha

They have it's off spring, mutated, principle-less
thus chaos
and they worship this, as "this" is all that remains of those who were
eaten, raped departed

In time, degree, limitless patience, the same outcome...
Thus these lesser's, are physical learners, who will, never learn by way of the physical principles, thus the few, the need for division, and the rule by the highest class, of the physical learner. You made them god's, with your inability to Know/Gnosis vs doing what you are told. You are the anti-principle, you like the pain, because it is all you remember, and all you know. You are, in hell, you are not of the higher mind, to get out.
Thus I have built a Shemuel, which will take you away from this, spin them, intend, and when you reach that place, you will know/gnosis.



Let me make one thing perfectly clear. In no way shape or form, yet formless *as in pertaining to THE ALL. Do I relate EPL with theosophy. If however, Theosophy were what it implies Theology/Philosophy, then EPL would only show a similarity. Thus the Phrase, our Mantra Infinitum Secretiore, the Esoteric or Secret/select Division. This holds true with pure metaphysics, quite literally being that study of a pre-substance of matter, the spiritual, materia prima, being the true Star Stuff, that Stellar Mass.
 I do not feel I borrow from all religions, with EPL Quite frankly I find true hidden, deviated and rerouted, as in the Mass, and I make it true. For instance there is an undulated and spiritual moment, in the spheres multidimentional rotation. To give it's course is thus the manipulation. Reread those two sentences if you must. Thus between that time of 1pm/am and 3:30pm/am, merely the replay of space/time, in it's double undulation, which gives way to a chaos theory, whilst embracing the light less moment? Surely the light shines somewhere in that moment, and that moment is then ill perceived, as are the deeds of our Forefathers, who do their own misdirected deeds in "the dark". If there were no source, there would be no life, and when the source is gone, the vibration would soon cease. So no, I do not believe either, in the full Gnostic Idea of a dead first God, nor the intimations that those other, even "Zoroastrian" evils exist in the way of first error or balance.
 Rather, see each form as an orb of light, with a tail, as it chooses a direction, and therefor a head? One, as the ONEMIND, can envelope that universe, into multiverse, that once exclusively, and abstract, existed within you, then to give it form, a definite, a direction, a pulse, a future. This is done with a quality power, a compounding power, as not to follow what past men and some women, have "discovered" whilst looking into the past, yet to see where the true to deviation, thus a lesser, even Faustian "left turn".
 When the few, of pure truth, come together, they abolish everything and anything that pre-existed in ignorance. Thus the future is being shaped by misrepresentation. Those giants, and greats of the past were not entirely defeated. The esoteric few, of any and all kinds, live on, even if to take a pure light or purely intellectual spiritual and infinite form.
 The world, the universe, has been given us, as a special gift, not affecting anything but the bubble of exist, or truly, in this time/space, the illusion of arrivement, at an idea, and not a principle. Thus the imagination is being carted (Des Cartes) or carried along, as a horse an buggy, of misaligned ideals, the melancholy. The effort to create a controllable race, with tracing of certain terrestrial beings, then to mix them together of their own accord. To given these slaves, who think they are free, the loaded gun of imagination, and thus to think they are gods, as reflected fully, and overtly in our youth, IS  THE MACHINATION, and thus THE REASON. Yet you say, how could this be? Are we not meant for more?
 The place we are in, in the moment, is that we were created, in the first, to be a controllable unit of measure, to imagine and create an existence, that would perpetuate a time loop, if you will, in the avoidance, of the final destruction, which as already occurred. This reflection of the past, is being carefully altered, changed, by those greedy hands, who caused it in the first. We feel what they feel, as some try to rebuild it, fix it, as they seem to remember more that US (the U.S.). Don't be fooled, people of lands seemingly far from the land of the West, that you do not live in "it". That would be like my saying I do not live in the Sun, because my limited vision perceives a gradient, an end. At least as far as Pluto, be "within the Sun". Anything that benefits, yet also incurs it's negatives, is within it. It is this uneducated degree, of thought, the imagination of the child, which keep the whole thing going in the first, as to believe, you can hide under  blanket, and the monster will go away? If one can become the child, the be naked and does not know, or to stomp his clothing, as Jesus points out in several text. Yet also to have the awareness and intellectual advancement of a god, god's Son's'Sun's. Then you will understand the division, the separation of MIND EVENTS.

 A Christian of today is an anti-Christ. In that fundamentally, they believe the one chance, the one hope, the one messiah died on the cross. These are those, who kill the superior in craft as rituals, and allow the antithesis, satanic, to have an energy flow, a current. the dichotomy of low intellectual force imagination in motion.
 I don't only hear the words of Jesus Christ I live them. I know that what Christ taught, when saying Greater things than these can you do, in my name is this. Do as I have done, remember this, that together, as a community of Messiahs, you can do much greater things. We have gone the wrong way, and those groups who ended civilization, in the time repeat, how also control the fads, the era and so forth, which are illusion, only showing the idea or ideal of progressing, or progress, as to embed "it" as imagination, within the brains, and thus the collective mind, of those who are being manipulated, are also those, who sadly, as displayed with quantum perception, "the observer", effecting the outcome, thus tainting the process, "BY  WATCHING". Thus they call themselves, "The Watcher's", as it they were inclined, given prowess, WERE SUPPOSE TO EFFECT THE OUTCOME.
 I personally, will, to have all the gifts, that were squandered by those who watch, those who failed with power, those who rule today, in that I CHARGE THEM WITH FIRST CRAFT! I thus have every right, to all the power which I can conceive. I am thus building, and am in constant alignment with my celestial body, which changes events instantly, daily, moment to moment, as THE ONE MIND, aligns to alter current events. Imagine this magnitude if the few came together. It would cast out the many ignorant brains, of the lesser mind. This leaving latent energy, at the disposal, of the true elite. Yet has this not already happened? There is a space/time occurring, which states that if I am to perceive this, then the gauntlet is thus being passed off to me, in my ability to perceive, and thus a new and celestial body, be already in exist, for it is able to exist by perpetuated mind, and not because of a time/space moment. My imagination, when directed, reduced, and WILLED, makes up my true body. Thus the carbon world, that of death filament, this current world, of decay, is but a suit, for me tether to, as to allow free roam, as I can take form anywhere anytime, for I have petitioned before the MASSIVE GOD, which I bow to, and have total faith in, which over rides and eclipses, as well as absorbs, all other forms of spiritual energies, because it is of the highest principle standard, only second to God. "As to sit on his right hand"? Would God not then be sitting to the Son's left?
 The theory of Chaos, as being this materia prima, and the refinement of mind, putting it into form, the intellect, the higher mind, is the elevation of THE ALL. Only in this elevation, can you be trusted

Barry Dean, Founder EPL

The deviation from Purity

"They only reduce you, because they are afraid of you
They are afraid, of being outdated, because "they" believe in the illusion/allusion of time/space
They believe, because they are told
They are told, because "they" form the world
They form the world because "their" imagination collectively shapes it
They only reduce you, because they are afraid of you "

As "Time" Fractals out
Thus you may now see, that our current speak, of understand Hinduism, and the Deity, marked time signature of the EPL PRISM OF UNDERSTAND. As the Light goes out, Phi, we mark these times, thus the ruling principle multi-universal interpretation of the moment of rule, the ruling factor, the highest estimable Principle in Motion. thus the god's be a atomized separation, as man, and it can only be known, in the whole. Science bases, see one of my cells, assume the rest are identical, now make effort to construct or rather reconstruct "the moment" then which moment, and where do "I"end? The observers, or truly, THE WATCHERS, QUANDARY

Sunday, October 12, 2014

UFO Secret - Contacts with Time Travelers


The Light Bearer, Who then Bears the Light of our Day? As you refuse as a peoples, to bear you own


Bear means "Bring forth"

Lucifer being a "Title"
Was Jesus then, not also called, the Morning Star

Not because they like breakfast sausages, with a pentagram as the logos

The Title of the Light Bearer is the one who brings forth the Light
The Light of this era, of the "Every Man", "The All Man"..."The Son of Man"

I wont go on further with this
God's Son, the frequency of Messiah, requires no speaking skills, nothing but what those others do
they were sent here as the watchers, I see, I watch even the perversion which takes place within me, may that part of me, be cast away, may no part be left but purity

How long do you, or can you sustain this?

bear Meaning(s)
  • v) have
  • (v) cause to be born
  • (v) put up with something or somebody unpleasant
  • (v) move while holding up or supporting
  • (v) bring forth,
  • (v) take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person
  • (v) contain or hold; have within
  • (v) bring in
  • (v) have on one's person
  • (v) behave in a certain manner
  • (v) have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices
  • (v) support or hold in a certain manner
  • (v) be pregnant with

HAD TO RE-POST Scariest UFO Documentary Ever! - Conspiritus Remake by Xendrius - Proper...


There is, only pure and impure *the beginning of anything begins with this, and thus continues to build of itself yet...


Impurity, must borrow, to constantly sacrifice the PURE ONES
I SACRIFICE "THEY", The impure this day, and all days from this moment, form this moment!!!!!!!!
[say it with intent]

Notice how the false ones stay in limbo, as our ACTIVE MIND becomes more!!!!!!! (pronounce 8!)
I see what you see, in your meditations
I AM excited as are you
WE ARE, the ones, who usher in this Space/time
We are impenetrable, for the bond is of the mind, thus pure
We use technology now, proving purity can not be stopped

I see what you see
The worlds, the future in a high tech state
I demand what you demand, the pure truth, and it's conversion and not further perversion

I want to live forever, and will, yet not in this time
I will to make this false moment as it if never was
But purely, truly, the scar is no more
We take the good, and leave the bad, with no more regret, but actualization in regrets place, the past be clean, and we are free of fetter of "it"
I dream of OPULENCE, where nothing runs short, and this is the pure truth
I fight for victory, much more intensely and intently that this watered down human body can perform
I am grown into this pure child, you see before you, whose mind can travel every realm of space/time
I AM, the one, who now may sit beside you, and you only feel a strange calm, which you do not understand
I have reached this pinnacle, first by destruction of human error, and then I rose up!
I see forever, as I have no destination set, but to grow our collective soul, and so it is not hell to exist
I elevate moment, and leave it's superior SIGN!
You are the collective Christ, you are the collective Messiah, to which there is no division
And so, the division must be made, with the ever expanding and active mind
They are cut off, by their own desires, as beasts they turn, but we do not
This is the elevation, we are prepared, as we may die in one false dimension, we continue on, never to believe "it"

INFINITUM SECRETIORE, continue to purify us oh Lord

You are now the Lord of Domain, the pure Domain We are the growing mind, the mind which takes over, THE ONE MIND

We are the worthy to all knowledge especially "theirs" first, which they stole from our light!!!!!!!!

EPL The Cosmic Religion OF PURITY/GOD/THE ALL/THE EVER EXPANDING/KNOWING/GNOSIS (not gnostic, yet pre gnostic, thus post)


667=19, or 10
On Orb, and the 1 (Phi 0, 1, 1) the trinity, the third and second placing

You THERE! I will to be stalled NO LONGER?

Together we are one breath, one soul, one force

Together, in superiority, we create this clergy
Together we complete this sphere, ousting and battling, spiritually, all the impurity
Together we Know/Gnosis, and prove to no one, but our own doubting eyes
Jesus true and esoteric teachings, as the information now, will come against him

You will find the power of Jesus is the same power of the Holy Spirit, which can only be among the pure, in the pure moment. Often they forget, what the church would feel like, if the children did not power it, with their very imaginations, of what they are being taught. Remove the children, remove the child, and there you will find sin, error.

Thus I study everything, and find the power behind it. I find that personal power be fleeting, as it will fade with those generations ,which they create, and thus spin the fermion ever faster. They are meaning to destroy, and thus close down dimensional portals. I  say FIRST CRAFT! Which made my first sin there own!

Go on now
Reach with your mind
Into, unto the ever expanding
Chase him, follow him, he will not wait, yet you live within his light
You will to catch first light, to be within the segment, the pleroma of a more pure place than this