
Thursday, October 16, 2014


Listen to Jesus, not to Christians

Types of Nephilim From Scientist In Hiding...


Best Forensic Scientists Prove ALL Human DNA Is Corrupted With Nephilim ...


Deception and the Return of the Nephilim (Full Documentary)


Nephilim Returning to Earth as Aliens (Full Documentary)


Principle absent of law~


My plan is quite bluntly a spiritual take over. I am sick of those groups being in power, having taken everything from me, because I emitted a higher frequency, because I am a product of something more refined, an improvement? The Kabbalah is an everyday Jewish usage, do not be fooled. The crests and symbols of all other power, point to this Babylonian based Black Magick. Those fools, who gained little to no prosperity nor leverage, by simply countering a religion, which was create to bend the ideas of truth and reality into a workable and sustainable source of force (IE Christianity), and have thus done the Opposing, are simply acting as the physical enactors, the guilty party, the thing that "the ignorance or concealments of Christianity spares the laymen". You are to remain a laymen thus, or go the opposing way to the laymen, and incur the wrath of all? NO, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
 I Will to take this power to a higher source. I will to make what be thought as mystical yesterday, as superior mind ability tomorrow. Further I am sick of the silence surround the approval of women using witch craft, and thus gaining prosperity. It is time for a revolutionary rise, yet can only involve those who are commonly associated, by frequency like. The power however, was protected with fear, and those who do not need fear, to stay within a line of designation, only need follow along here. We can not gain enough leverage alone. Modern druidism is not the God, energy, but furthering the support of witchcraft. I am speaking of and in honor of the power concealed, the power abused, the power of God, to his Son's. This power, can only be rightfully used, to the one who can take the pain of sexual energy, and thus bring it up into the solar plexus, spinning the purity of force, which is the most powerful. It is pain, and the pain of life, the pain of not denial, but pain of carefully placed concentration, focus, the spin, the draw, the culmination of placing power in it's rightful place. The men who protected this balance have fallen, and too, has the power which beacons to be rightfully wielded into rightful RULE. All modern sects, all known programs, IE Initiate systems of belief are lesser, corrupted, flabby! The fit mind, the ALL MIND, the ones who can commonly come together as a one, and better in hubs, around the world, connecting a matrix of force, that lay static until the superior comes to harness it. Pipe dreams, imagination, white lighters to the ignorant masses. A new group, a new system, and yes a new order. to silently but aggressively take the spiritual power which encompasses, and powers a thing, force, to go now in the direction of true freedom. This only done with money, being a thing of the past. states becoming smaller manageable regions of peoples. Education being what the child be drawn towards. The teaching of proper eating, biomechanics, how to treat others, mind improvement with motion light and geometrical imagination, merging the young into the forces, as one who can move cable cars with telepathy alone. This is the agenda, behind the fear, of the order, the new world order. To dumb people down, to bring them so far down, that they rot die and decay.

 Little by little, with this common goal, you would see, the pure truth emerge, for it is the original plan and thus is just. Then, as the HAARP units around the world, and in space are over thrown, the frequency, the pure frequency will reveal what has been concealed! The modified world, which exhausts you, confuses you, draws of your energy will be no more, and the proof will aid in it's cause. Once the real, pure and honest truth, be undeniably revealed at last you will see no more need for things you over rely on, and value today. The telepathic airwaves are open wide, cell phone are a ridiculous thing of an ignorant past. Animals will tell you there story, and most will lie silent, in peace, no longer a need to "look busy". The flow of the world will return according to what we are, we are a peaceful people, with minds, as one, more powerful, that all the Angels fallen or on high combined, proclaiming, "WE FIXED IT WITH GOD, AND OURSELVES, THE ONE MIND. WITH NO NEED FOR BACK UP FROM ANOTHER PEOPLES, NOT FROM IN THE EARTH, NOT FROM OUTSIDE THE EARTH!" The natural understanding will thus return, people will know their place, without the true gifts of man, and his superiority being sabotaged any longer, by false frequency reality control!"

 You would be surprised at the covens which exist, using watered down Kabbalah, as the ruse, within Churches, family quite locally. Look closer at what is being said, under peoples breath, take a much closer look at where the so called LUCK or being Blessed, truly comes from it may horrify you, isolate you, thus you have the knowledge, now what will you do, rise up, or shrink. The law is no on your side!~

The epicurean, tempered?


The planned and phasic Hedonism, be temperance?

The Power
The Wealth
The Sex

 Was it not Solomon, who was thought to be in the presents of Holiness, yet to use the demonic power? Is a Jinn, not a Genie, and a Genie not a Demon?

Show me where the need comes from to have the want, thus the power of to obtain this knowledge, yet to then be expected to throw it away? Is it a balance, a denial? Could it truly be that this world be but built to deceive. What other record have I, except to read between the lines, of the Bible, seeing that even praises be done, to unholy Men, finding the Mason's mark even there, as to display the math, and expect on the worthy to "see". To first find total earthly power, with evil, yet to then need a power source, that comes form only purity and goodness. Do we then go as far as to rape kill children, only to find, our skin turning like charcoal, and murder in our very blood. Do the Zulu not fully disclose that their very invention, be directly from Reptilian "god's". Who then prays in tongues in a church, is it not the Jew? Who then rolls on the floor, yelling, singing, and turning this calm connection to God, into Chaos, are we not all affiliated at birth to One of these?
 Is it found in the abuse of the masses? As those who rule with an iron fist, monopolizing the money systems, seem the happiest, most full of light? Are we to truly know, the difference, between that light which we were shown, with human eyes, and the light that is but superior, which we are to recollect, from some untraceable memory? It seems that this place beacons our return, that demons, and most men.

Is it not enough to but be a better man? As we sift through the ancient lies, we find revealed a slowing down of the masses, as it seems obstacles intentionally thrown in the path of the victim, does not find pity in the Father's heart. This is a big statement, as all discoveries and statement be. One who thinks by way of degree, then sees how this directly ties in. Ties into the typical man, pushed to the public as "the typical man". Reaching between his legs, after all the only obvious pleasure he should surely know, what else is there? The man who keeps a mistress on the side, and is good at holding secrete, yet in his heart, it is after all so that his wife does not feel angst, no, he uses sin as a means to assist the plight. He thinks this out, and he is an upstanding figure in society, and so all agree, and so he is? Could this be true? Could it be that the privileged, those who had the time, education, offerings, and convenience, as to have that office (mentioned as a means, in the Master Key System, that is a must), a place to reflect, to focus. What if chaos is all around, and the attacks, come to the superior mind? Would it not be prudent to see, that this mind, be to superior, and thus having little force power, in the way of gathering a mass of men, thus be the greater, but in society, the lesser mind. Is it not then agreed, by the slightly superior, yet more massive ruling majority to spiritually ostracize, and thus physically restrain this one, from further "rise to power"?
 How cruel it is then to see what the true Superman is, "why the Superman was not at all as we had pictured!" they state with awe, contempt "Why, we have simply ushered back a pure, one, a Christ? Well, then instead of admitting that we are wrong, we shall continue to play ignorant, that is, not connecting our realization, that connector, to the heart and the head!". "Yet how then do we free ourselves of this terrible mistake, it was a mistake right ?". The most greedy, with the most to lose then answer, with the confidence of Got, "We know when something, especially of this quality, has been create, he can not be then uncreate, so let us then use him as our power, draw on him, place him through life times, of confinement, force on him sin and impurity, and if the whole things comes to a head, we can thus travel, through portal, back in time?". "All those who agree say Aye!", and there were none who would argue, for they were vested men, with family's, who had a lot to lose, and after all, would the general public not but do the same?
 "We will, as in our flare towards the drama in life, as epicureans who know no better than to balance what we see, then stage out a drama, to be seen be GOD, to be witnessed by Lucifer, and thus to ALL, as the titans of society come together, we shall show the display of our lack, in the play!" And thus the confusion the thespian, and his fan, the politician being the celebrity, the celebrity being an actor, a liar, but yet, entertaining