The one who creates the contagian also creates the antibody, this serum, a mere shuffling of proteins, which after all, is what you are, thus what you will become, a code, and the will within this code, predetermined, pre-planned.
It wasn't because I was lazy, slothful, unmotivated or thus motivated by apathetic means, or driven to repulsion, of self, because "the sin" so surmounted, as to, in avoidance, do the antithesis (as reaction), though that is how the default "re-digests" it.
I knew all in the beginning, as I know it now. The question, as a seeming seedling, looking about the colossal beings, which must have been of qualitative measure, for this must be how they survived, ruled a labyrinth and thus grew, maintaining an order? I later learned, but not much soon after my first test based assumption, a pondering, these are the beings cast forth due to chaos. I did not remember then, but the elder, who is older than those of the Necronomicon, in principle, separate, a division, of worlds. Those 50 names of Marduk, like those 72 names of God, in the kabbalah (qabbalah), each representing a rippling out, or in your view, different phase of God, the all consciousness.
There was, thus set, for us, before the seemingly infinite test, to be an eternal life of leisure, that our ways, so perfect, could, thus should sustain a life. What sin did I commit to enjoy a grape, in it's perfection, had I been any of those names, only mortals, had to define, divide, such as Epicureans, Hedonism or thought so worse Nihilism. division, no different that a grown prejudice, as man began to be frightful, realizing he was on a moving belt, seeing the universe move about him, but in an orbit it did go, instead of identifying the movement as a movement set for, as in the all...
That is as set in above so below, as within so too without. In other words, the spheres.
Stretching forth, and out, a radiance, thought now dim, to the new budding light, yet not to realize, dissolving into, be creation thus.
The Buddha lives within me. There is no need to learn outdated ways or terms, the study only confirms. I am not held to meditate on old idea, patterns of movement, I have dissolved yet still remain, proving the sphere, has a synthetic grid about it, which be placed there to interfere with the delicate pattern, which be the goal, to life, become a part of what you are, to serve the higher self, to become self-less. The terms, the academia, is for the bloated human. I am thus a god/God, because I am, and I am thus the God to worship, because there is no value in the suit, but that of the average man. I can pass any test, with mediocre "grades", for in my mind, my soul, my heart, there is a never ending spinning, as you isolate, greedily on the smaller, and diminishing goal, set forth by the falsity, the motive force/motivation of fads.
You have, thus, made a statement, but the same as the most common force, which has built, in it's ignorance, as the tides of all sees, now manifest in physical form, as carbon, death, piss and decay, have built up, a force, that force so fallible as to never cross the grid, the line. So many back at the beginning of the line, to go again?
The center, was the beginning, and burst forth, what is to know? The ripples went out, locking of grids, in Phi count. The Molecules, made of principles, of understand, correlating to their count of exist in the all, had and have particles of their like, linear or slow "time" of their like. This world of carbon meant to slow, so that on second on "the other side" be 10,000 year here? No, to abstract, the count must be of Phi, this is what you miss, the quantification, what you see as the division of energy fields, which were not meant to pass. Man, as demonstrated by Oppenheimer, in his famous statement
I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
made thus, a statement for us all. How ignorant that we should think that we are not an all mind, a one, that going beyond meant a statement that we are ready to face the truth, that the carbon, which has been slowed to such a rate, the the time be near, the time of truth, that we are not fit to become a part of the purity, that is, the division is a gift, but we wanted more. What will you do, when you are faced with a being so massive to your "collective" and thus limited intellect, that you pronounce, "this is God to us all", have they not come before? You will never travel beyond because you will never be gods, you prove this in the physical crux of movement, that is, in physical movement, you must rule? You rule nothing, you are nothing, and the soul, the collective force of this time, is the hell, which causeth a return of angst, the karma, the dukkha the suffering...that Nietzshean time repeat, simply, you never "Got" it right.
Sin brings about the anti of sin, this is, after all, "how we work" that thus, we do ultimate sin, bringing forth the forced understanding of ultimate good.
I am thus, NOT SORRY
For the sin place within me, was and is your sin, and I do not proclaim myself of part of you, but rather part of the all, where you are but an energy grid, which I be dissolving and have thus dissolved. Those who see themselves a flamboyant part of the times, should see, that to be rejected, as a threat to the "cause" of the division, is in fact, a statement that a King awaits, a King rules now, which is not any of the false Messiah any man or especially woman, has been witness to, for there eyes could not thus behold the splendor, so the statement of Albert Pike, of Adonai being the lesser god, in the higher rights, known by public view. The splendor of but another being from the next dimension, like superman, only super, by way of contrast, to you. Do we not search then and adamantly work each day, in the acquisition of the smaller division, that of the microchasm we call technology, for we must have something to rule, by which to esteem "ourselves" collectively as correct, right, God and God's.
Through out time, as displayed by Esoteric Buddhism, and more available, the Mad Arabs re-discovered works, there have been superior peoples to you, of this day, that you are a washed out version, that which could not, and thus can not pass through the Halls of Amanti, the riffraff, those who could not balance the Principles, which EPL has unearthed, and re-discovered. Are you a part of the greater mind, the one mind, can you consider yourself a part of one body. Can you cast aside your Christian created prejudice which is false, a craft, witchcraft, and thus, a creation of control, so duped are you, as to believe, it could actually be that simple, haha. You are nothing, and going into nothing, those works you do are not your own, but on a grid, of repeat, the default, you are doing the works of lesser gods, demons, now picking apart the carcass of what you esteem as "the world', and you, are just a puppet to the cause, to continue this realm into the gas for which "the remains were meant" thus carbon decay, for whence there was not.
- Who provides grazing and drinking places, enriches their stalls,
- Who with the flood-storm, his weapon, vanquished the detractors,
- (And) who the gods, his fathers, rescued from distress.
- Truly, the Son of the Sun,"' most radiant of gods is he.
- In his brilliant light may they walk forever!
- On the people he brought forth, endowed with li[fe],
- --------------
- The service of the gods he imposed that these may have ease.
- Creation, destruction, deliverance, grace-
- Shall be by his command."' They shall look up to him!
- proclaimed in our Assembly.
- His commands we have exalted above the gods, his fathers.
- Verily, he is lord of all the gods of heaven and earth,
- The king at whose discipline the gods above and below are in mourning."