
Friday, January 30, 2015

These EPL Principles


In the avoidance of becoming this ancient written agenda? That of the ANTICHRIST, which we all, simply be when living our selfish lives from day to day, we must relent. We must see that all higher thoughts, claim one thing, I AM, I exist and therefor I am the Lord of something. First lets clarify, that the very term Lord, infers King, or Ruler. We thus see, that to follow the Lord, be in effect the reffing to a specific place, where the Lord rules, the Lord of that region, that zone. However in doing so, we must not not forget out worship, acknowledgement of God, as an over whelming and all powerful entity, of sort, who is thus in total control of all events, all happenings all people, times, places, dimension and zone. We then see the notion of free will, and the fact that we must develop into who we will be, and thus acknowledge why this is never far enough, a development.
 Then enters Black Magic, what is it in fact, but how people rise to power. They rise, because they are given prominence over another, who was first there, first placed there, by original source. But how can we say this, for from the first disturbance, to the substance, it became quite clear, that the magic of superior means, that which had a system, a code, a principle based, method clarified in vivid imagination which is thought, brought forth the final outcome. But the spheres keep spinning, so to stay on a single track, the track of stuff, and not further knowledge, a deal was made, long long ago. That wheel of karma came to be, saying it was so, and thus a peoples worshiped only this. So many could never come to understand the never ending chase, but instead, where taken up, by those wishing, willing to assert power. Problem is, that those asserting power, are thus the weakest ones of any litter, those who need to bark louder, piss on more poles, and eat the greater amounts. It then becomes a game, and this is why it is always said, for a community is better to destroy the psychopath, before the psychopath destroys the community, one can not deny the numbers, and thus, one can not deny the place they sit. However, this numbering system, having been disturbed long ago, the order, as set forth in Genesis, was thus disturbed. Now but a game of magic, by those who have been returned, and who look on from below, to set things to their favor always. We live in a society that is quite far from freedom or being free, but we live in a place where one must stay ignorant, in order to be at all happy, or at piece. It must be time, some time, to fight back? I mean to slight against serving the highest power, and thus not to serve man in my actions of service, but instead to practice these EPL Principles.

What is God?


Transfer of Power


Not long ago, in an abstract sense, Men thought in a precise, yet esoteric mind state. This knowing, that all one needed to do, was control the grid, to control the all. Like blips on a radar screen, each person prompted, placed in their proper order, the false Merkabah was known, Many reached toward the heavens, past false god's, for answers, for it did not factor in, and thus God was the missing element, by which our orbit around such being be evident. But this God, is far to massive, powerful, it's as if you were aware of the very mites, which consume your skin, are they not a part of you? Only a part of you, when you have the consciousness, the control. This control done by synthetic means, as well, to control synthetic minds. All Man dreams upon today, are those ideas, as ideals, colors and shapes, which prompt his fabricated conduit of a nervous system.
 The Moon has held much mystery, as it what it is, from where did it come? As we look out at our very solar system it is, far to much like a house, front yard, back yard, garden, and the gates of 4 and 6 which let them in or keep them out. A Galactic War, alliance, treatise, beings who have numbed and dumbed down their very creations, so that they be no threat? Perhaps we sit here, as a lure, as the good book could not proclaim the less. We sitting here, in extreme occupied space, completely at the mercy of such beings. "They" have shown us, they know where we will be, what we will be doing, and have even stopped more than one Nuclear strike. The experts and professionals, of our dull and dumb era, say that it has happened, placing there false credibility on the line to do so. The Alien does not exist, there is no such thing. All of space is known, we are all strangers at one another's throats. The competition is real, the need to slaughter and kill to gain power, is what has been thus driven out of us, mostly, now by machinating, and diabolical means, as if this society be a breading ground to cause that rage to go within, as if this society, be the produced to build up spiritual power, and the outer awareness of such, yet to be fed upon.
 Be mindful, that not one book exists, that will ever tell you of those wild claims made by the mad arab abdul alhazred, or nor the interception of that peace of literature, Necronomicon, for it is only left now, in the gassy ether of Ancient Truth. The worm who was thus first produced, quite by accident, though we would love to think it be the other way. That the worm thus came about due to earth, rot, evolution, yet as truth unveils it manifest the scary and stark reality, that all be a mirror image, in reverse?
 Then when does one such as I hale, for having peace within each fiber of my cells? That the angst had to be set against me hard, with a life time of barrage, to be thus awakened to the sirens, which go off always, here deep in the darkness of the doom we reside within. The Son, sitting there, as if a sentenced, soul, who thought to shine bright, now being milked off of by beings, so machinating, they created woman, to keep man afoot to their control. Each thought each impulse a reminder of our producers. Thus those ignorant, who can keep their minds of this capitalistic work of today, as if to pretend that the filth does not lie all around us, and that we live within a compost of environment, which is no heaven at all. We are not unlike the child of abuse, which always has the oxytocin and Adrenaline levels pumping away, as to create an environment of vivid color, and to prompt a much vivid imagination at that.
 The cruelty to watch those elevated up in society, after seeing what they do, then to have the gull to take credit for such acts, though they summoned them, this we know, and fear to admit, you are a forcebot. The only time you got a thing done, due of tempted selfish reason, which first originated outside of you, was in defiance, in the seeking of pleasure and escape to this reality, that you will be like a chicken, pieced apart, but you will always be aware. You are a small robot, who will do as you master bids, and were produced to do such things. Then where is God? Why does he not assist? Those calling themselves Christians of today, reinvent the words, translate if it were. But the Bible says those same warnings and constantly contradicting itself, The Bible, is a work of the Occult and should be read literally, with no inferences or rewording, and there, it be a scary sight to see. No more scary than the true faces of evil, of people, and what their very spirits be. It is better to elevate oneself above and away from them, for they do evil works here, and beyond, when bound to they, much much worse.
 The will it takes in a life time, that which all power possible divert your attention from, should be solely directed at building oneself up, and understanding how to transfer this power, to another more superior source, whilst still being fully ME.

Chemistry of god's


The goal be, in all honesty, in all truth, in all sincerity. TO RULE!

The Man born of this knowledge, of superior means, shall thus be castrated by society. In that, society be built to debase, him. Of course this is done with those terms by the elite "good sportsmanship", however this be the greatest deception, to the one of corporeal superiority, and thus craft prowess of a child. This physically based life form, has placed all his efforts in the carbon world, not understanding that his sub-thoughts, thoughts, feelings, a mystical art form, where his own ignorance of this, is all that keep him alive.

 A game? A war? No, A RULE!

This man, is not a man at all, at bidding's final count, but the count. He is not a he, not a she, not a third sex, but those they had to call Angels, gods, Lords, Priests, Pharaohs RULERS. These are known by not the math of "how many people there be in a given linear time within a sphere" but...a one,
 Which is why, you will clearly see, all planets, which are those bodies appearing as single sphere, are two combined spheres, with a seem down the center, to created the perpetuation of this torture. Who is tortured most, is the light of the world, that one who is now kept bouncing between these two spheres, an eternity, which begs the destruction of these false spheres of rule.

 There are not women, there are men, who have fallen, the fallen men. These Men were not magi, once, long ago, but were those chemically castrated. A birth happened, as man grew older, wiser, able to let go of aggression and embrace the balance, found within him, found without. He soon realized, the universe existed in him, as much as he without, in other words he, in wisdom of the sphere, grew to be wise enough to rule them. First he had to understand the "nature" of all things. These days, we all only truly know such things, as men, by truly knowing ourselves.

 This type of esoteric wisdom can not and most definitely will not be taught in schools which teach men, but in the opposition to the man's rise to total rule. Total rule, now a thing that must be fought for, was once, and always should be, a subtle exchange, brought forth by Phi perfection. Once man has and had achieved that 61.8% knowing, he was thus led, to that place called a hall, where elders would coach him on.

 We are in a great sense, chemical addicts. For chemical addiction is what a personality be based on. Change one component, as age or hormone, or worse, illness will show you, the personality changes. Then who are you, but a false measure, of a deal made, where you have yielded to a short life span, living within the illusion of freedom, only to find, the prison you were always trapped within, was the body, which, by code, ushered forth a force. This force was a personality, such as yours, since long ago. The slight gestures done here, are completed in the heavens, as mere demons, wish will, of Angels, to take the seed of action, that of self promulgation, to ever higher degrees.


Make no mistake that marriage be not a sacred things, but thus be called a sacred thing. Do not be fooled, that many are trapped within suits, that are far less than the spirit of force which they live by, and for. When these spirit forces are no longer unknown, no longer in denial, but are one in mind, what be called genius may occur. The problem with genius, is that we again, have been mislead, into believing that fact based knowledge, and memory within this life time, be genius...those who recall facts if falsity.

 These facts, which seem to come to them, as they whole heartedly read a book, of misfact, untruth, as in our literature of today, and take it for truth as in:
What Science be billed as, in our day
What Math be billed as in our day
and so on...Geography, Political science, religion and so on....

A higher education, in nothing

Science of yesterday only be proven to be an ignorant observation, by science of today, and so on. The knowledge does not expand, but it shrinks, into simplicity. The simplicity by that very chemical code, which defines us. Change on ongoing amino acid reaction, and you in turn change the organism, Add one carbon bond, and you have an entirely different monster

 We are all, in essence, Frankenstein's Monster, thus do we have a name? We are so precisely manufactured, that there be no error. I am thus a planned event, as were all those who began with the Bodhi mind. Those who conjure demons, are thus only forcebots, preplanned, to a lesser force. I do not have an equal, I do not have a place, I am aware of who I am, and thus suffer the most? Would you say?

 We must reduce. As society is adding on features of craft proportion. As the very constraints of what be called liberty, be ever more revealed, those who can see through time, past time, by way of degree, know there is no natural law occurring, but one of synthetic means, thus synthetic a posterior be the goal, To alter your consciousness, to keep you on the path, which you are bound, when and if you jump tracks, we see those assertions of "I don't know why he killed himself, he had everything to live for" or "He is always depressed, I think he is ill"

Show me then, what center crux, you place as the norm, the average, the superior mechanism of measure, thereby, to know the measure. I see this center as Phi, perfection, and I have walked with this, at least physically, as in, the physical Mastery of Phi. You would find, that those who are of Phi measurement, at least of the body, do not appear as much. Because it is not perfection which stimulates man, and man in regression woman. Women can not meet Phi proportions, so another measure be made for here, this be called the Venus index, but it is modified, yet any structure, which may follow this in form, is not of Phi, but of Pi. More so, the beauty of inspiration, that which we lust after, want, and seek, is truly the exaggeration of Phi. Does a 42 inch chest and a 29 inch waist sound like something that bring awe to you? There are many who walk each day, past you, you think are weak, or slight, because what has been taught to you, is incorrect, and has thought over writ your "natural" instincts to seek, and notice this perfection. We instead want more, thinking this be improvement. Yet when I take these same proportions, and bring the intent up, that is, a higher leaner, well trained version of a 42 inch chest, 29 inch waist, 22 inch thigh, 15 inch (give or take) Neck, Bicep and Calf, and further accomplish Phi with each separate yet interwoven, interaction and inner dimensional aspects, that seen in human movement, and further press this Phi accuracy (as in that same accuracy used to gage the stars, in fact the same) falling thus below 6 1/4 % body fat, (61/2 inch wrist) we thus see who amazingly beautiful, powerful that higher intent me, in human form.

 As this form matches the without, and furthers the in matched knowledge, for which, one would, in order to maintain this over the long, have to follow the perfect alchemical code, seen in diet, exercise and free unobstructed movement patterns IE flexibility

I stopped training for one reason alone, I hate women, and the thought of how they came to be, what they do as witch craft each day, and thus who and why they be create in the first. I find them to be, outside this grid, a dying breed, who have only survived by theft, seduction and that machinating false craft. The problem is that they feel my power, and thus want to acquire it, I will not consort, on empower this falsity, ever again. Those of weaker means, are this way for a purpose. The weak were not and will not be meant to rule. Weak? Those who use seduction, craft, down right whoring and deception to gain, and thus see carbon things as gain. In training these "females" males absent of principle, there be not a building of the soul, nor a deeper understand of the ROKbodhi321-123 mantra, "form follow function, function into form" but they they only want to be forever desired, falsely worshipped.

 As I look at Grey's Anatomy, or the man Autopsies I have viewed, via video, I become stark aware of this craft being spiritual built, with demoniac witchcraft placed on the female form. The form is cyclopean in it's form, showing it's break down, and temporary spell, when seen dead, not animated on a table. This is truth, that those things which appear ancient, are only so, do to those acts within the grids sphere, as the universe without, and further still without, be of unlimited resources, slow and constant with Phi space/time, generative and forever. Female be that false math, cyclopean, unable to stand on their own, thus the vampirism, done overtly in society, the devil is the force, behind woman,  I bow to no woman, server no far lesser force, it is mine to rule, as all beasts be foes, before they are friend but never trusted can they be. Trust in only one Uber Got, The ever expanding and shrinking God, in your humble esteem as you may know him, thus serving the Lord of you realm in turn. This is what your false preachers and priests do. When you are taken back to the dark ages, and black magic has no crux of power, burned away by the first Lord, of this realm, the Sun, you will know what representation AM I.

 The stories of the Bible are told so that we can comprehend or rather prepare, for what is to come. That when faced with a being, who is our Father by way of scientific creative means, will be thus a group. That one called Devil, not separate from he, for he is the representation as are we of the all. Thus there must be a balance with our chemistry, an ousting on the expectation of man having to smile, in order to earn his daily bread, a personality having to be an act, a perpetuating of the fat, non intimidating and jolly form, those we say are cool, funny and thus rise, by way of pure craft, holding a secret "I got you sucker" malice, towards all they must do this act for, like a trained circus monkey. It is thus, that those who succeed in society do so by this measure, or, are forcebots with a much higher or really, lower purpose, as to embody, the syllogism that it takes to become a Bill Gates, devoid of any balance, looking like a lizard, and with a smile, plotting his agenda, of 500 million, RULE! Domination! Is what he be after. But the knowledge of transduction is not spiritual, and therefor not spiritual, could a god not do this, if something so insignificant, as the diversion, from vril, the trickery of power utilized from the merkabah, before it be blasphemed with such name, be any prowess at all?! The ever expanding knowledge has been caught, like a fire fly of immeasurable value, by I, only swatted away by you, time and again, until it become clear, until it was known, in cycles space/time spin, in Phi.

 These beings see the truth, that a life is a step, a step towards solidifying a purpose.

 And so

 The Sun knows me, shines for me, and burns the falsity, until there be yield to UBER GOT. But alas, you could never comprehend Uber Got, nor show respect to all his forms, and so there must be Lord, not flawless, but yet, perfect in Phi. Pure man, but not pure as a man...this will take time, effort, a society which promotes this, and works towards this for the long. It must thus be the goal, to destroy all outside invaders, as in the christian destroying the thought of sin, before it enters? No, this destruction must no be met by first the first of the unknown, this destruction but be an absorption into the community, as not to destroy the person, but the form. When Phi can be achieved as a community, when it can be mastered...but lets not forget, when the one mind, can then come together, and serve his needs, Peace will be the only thing we know or see.

 It will be like the Buddhist Monk, and his way, but even they must see the Son for whom he is, not to take the Son to mundane and warn out tasks, for if a society can not recognize when a god be present, and must thus be bowed to out of respect, fear, as an agent of Uber Got, and those Elders who dictate the stars in his favor, then this society, must be destroyed, absorbed, into the chemical balance, which harbors the greatest good, but not good to the the greatest numbers...for as beasts in a field they survive, doing nothing but self gratification, and thus must be ruled. The one who assumes the power, thus has this power? No, it is foretold, this one has always been, always will be, for he is the mind, which be always of the same mind, he is the measure, that the elder use, as to measure the moment always, and thus always his presence always his return. Bless the god, and you then Bless the Elders, Curse the god, and you curse the Elders, and thus curse Uber Got, then why do you indeed live? Trapped outside the truth for a time, now time enough to learn, the 3 cycle has already begun, who you are is evident to me, now, thus to the Elders, thus shall never reach the place of total prosperity. You have become intoxicated by the light that I AM, and when I am gone, when I chose not to spread this light, in a full cycles spin, then you will know, you are not blessed but that the Lord of realms blesses those who bless themselves, always beginning with the first blessing, to the master, your master, the Lord of Domain, this be of the same mind, one and the same.