
Friday, May 1, 2015

The Treatise~


The Quantum Module to Perspective

 Do not give up, within this mind, and do not lose hope. I propose a new religion. Read what you will, but to that higher and greatest mind. Know that secrete evident, are in the Bible, so read it well. Read it from all Angles, so that you may Know it well, for this I propose the QUANTUM MODULE TO PERSPECTIVE, which will one day grow to ever greater heights, and then into the final singularity, Heaven awaits, in Purity as Principle, forever more Amen.

 The decree, to the order, below, that I should make things better, now in the way that I purify the form of all within my grasp. Such is the way, to this link of the One Mind in motion. That there should be no space, crevasse nor cracks, anywhere, that does not come under the Purifying Sword, a Knife, to the Blade of Pure Truth, as to the Order of Principles in Motion. Here the dirt grubbing spirit of the Witch, that Whore of Babylon shall have her end, as she makes herself universally known, monitored, by all who seek and adamantly work to embed it, into that fabric of all time and space, excluding none. Events will all thus have, a Positive, Pure and favorable outcome, so listen to those words, reflect on them later, in *times.

 Things, times current, may seem desperate, even convoluted, but yet, I propose a positive solution with the EPL code, that base, which if fully known in the past, as code, this unfortunate time signature shall have never taken place. Together we have risen up, and press forth. with Principle as the only Light on the Blazing trail, to not abolish time, but to use it, with combined efficacy, for Learners, as a tool. By stating this, I have always stated it, and too, my anti-self, for there will become order, in reflection, by direct result of this Proaction, thus there be only need for reaction to the One Self, a loop of progression.

 So to say anti-Barry (or Stellar Mass), be that very representation, of his very reflection. Thus anti-Barry, is anti-matter or anti-mass, which is in truth, that destruction and absorption of Mass, as in the burning greatness of that Stellar portal, an energy that can not be denied. Death creates life, and life is the endless conversion of energy, which takes form.
 The reactive mind, is thus this anti-active mind, that place, where the Onemind, can take control, to place the NEW ORDER place by all Man. God hears you through your works, that active mind, when reactivity distracts it's frenzied rule. The rule is only due to the amygdala processing at a far greater rate, that that of the neocortex, yet to place beastly action, as craft, by way of impulse and not deductive means, one can thus say this:


WILL as Magnetic pulse of Truth (what is)
The left
Amygdala reaction

REASON as the Light of Purity (what will be)
The right
Neocortex proaction
Matter before form

The merging of this becomes the ONEMIND in motion, REALITY

 Why would the Elite Will to kill you, while at the same time, place every attempt on saving you from the limitations of your own will, purity and singularity of mind in focused effort.

 Thus those who chose Satan, as their current god, are correct, in their assertion, that they will outgrow this God. The ONE WORLD ORDER takes your order. All that you say and do, is heard, and understood, yet if there be no efficacy, if there be no expansion, then the mind is static, ZERO POINT ENERGY, and all this energy just sits there culminate for later use, by the ONE MIND, which can fully utilize this zero point to mind. Aptly named, as there be no point, zero in fact. Yet, is this not from whence the Purity emerged, from that zero point in Phi? Does Truth as shear will, not also begin again as this zero point in Pi? Is that True meeting point, misinterpreted, which be the very decimal point not then that expression which states.

"If all indeed be MATH, which we see before us, as chaos, which we always have to set, with work into order. Knowing right from wrong, there is zero point in going on. That is to say, all we need, and ever have, be found in the decimal, which upon closer inspection, as in degree, was see a circle in it's representation, then too a sphere, and finally that containment of U.S. so too what that which we contain. Then it be true that we are in the process of learning to ever encompass the Father within, to embrace him in fact, as that highest stage or state of being. Thus Uber Gott is this ever expanding notion of God, and is in fact that unifying concept, which is more real than your are, for in all times and eras this is the same God, only varied by way of knowledge, that degree, as separate or as being a different God. So when one worships God, of the past, they miss the past, thus an expired state of being, which is not being, and so they worship but the energy of Truth, of what is current, which has zero point. Taking that ZERO POINT, and pressing it forth, into the very action of Will, with Purity, expands the notion, that you as Man, have indeed absorbed your prior God (what the ELITE JEWS HORDE 72 plus names for God, as phases) other words, we become what we worship, we are what we do, thus Universal Law beyond mentalism states "Become what you are". If we aspired towards a God, held that God in our hearts and being, heard him, and he heard us, believed in him, he believe in us, we have absorbed then the past interpretation of this God. Thus the breakdown into Madness, be that you are expanding at such a rapid rate, you do not see, that your concept of God has indeed to expanded. In this the true Jewish agenda be revealed, with the very Judeo-Christina indoctrination of Anti-Christ, in that a Messiah is always inevitable, so to say, that this one will thus free them from the state or stage, the evil Jewish kabbalah black magic has placed upon you. Madonna is the evil representation of this whore, a sell out, who has no higher mind, no claim to intellect, but used her (forgive me but true, as it represents the illusionary crudeness of will in womb-man, the whore of Babylon) Her pussy, to dominate rule. Sex Magick has been placed upon you, Purity fully embraced by the majority be the only way out, as to embrace that higher mind, a motion. That one who rules, that one deemed Anti-Christ a Jewish control mechanism, be that one who be forced, by way of the people and his full understanding of this higher mind, in full, places that full development of beast/will, Purity/reason, into that transcended form, of mind, this is what the JEWS are afraid of, for it means a Jewish Witch, like Madonna, who lays on her back and sucks up male fertility, that Man's DNA, as to do sex magick on him...that this horde, as a "hole/whole" will lose their falsely got dominance. There will be Hell to pay. The sacrifice of Jews is the ultimate deviance, to claiming back Purity, for the Jew has carefully planned and plotted, with such great hatred and want, that un-earned power. One must be able to fight fire with fire, yet at the same time, Fight fire with Purity. The Jew has forced the Ascension of all others, but Jews, as to rule over the Jew, and put the conniving Jew back in his rightful place. The Devil is the Jew, and must be placed in the pit he has earned. Thus the moment, which is that higher agreed treatise, that of the higher mind, be that all Men, who shall ascend, shall do so on his own accord. Having being given all the time, tools and attention to do so, in this, Man's very education, as whole, be complete. Those who sin today, quite simply by not advancing to the higher stages, in this use of application, shall be left behind, in an era, of the past. Let those Jews then be kept in the past, let them rule their Argon passed expired, for this, this is HELL."

  1. given to or involved in conspiring to do something immoral, illegal, or harmful.
    "a heartless and conniving woman"

 So the Dog cries out, an abomination represented as Man's creation. He sees Man, and yet feels Wolf, his transcendence, as womb-man's take on Man, as Frankenstein's Monster (womb-man, Man's monster, his internal need to destroy himself), becomes that inevitable progression, to destroy Man, and to appreciate him (hence the Father is hated when he is alive, yet immortalized in death.

The Treatise be such
 Atlantis fell, on that breach of treatise. For a true Treatise is not spoken nor written word in so much as that ritual carried out, in that way we life, called lifestyle. The treatise that EPL represents, be that all rituals being with purity, absent knowledge. That we should press forth, in the Purity means that each thought and action, be no different than that of a science experiment. We know that once this field of containment be breached, impure, the experiment will render less than a favorable result. EPL is that NEW MODULE, as in the NEW WORLD ORDER, for government. 

-Purity in Money, means that absence of Money as means to exploit fellow Man. 
-Purity in Craft means that craft by will alone, shall not be supported by the driving force of reactivity as the ruling factor. 
-Purity in Religion means there be an understanding of how people approach things on all levels, that parable now must be decoded, to the masses, and those various compartment of language decoding or interpretation. We had to thus, be educated, on a grand scale, but to then place jobs there with inept and feckless degree, as to then franchise and exploit the notion, is Conniving at the least!
-Purity in commerce means that there is an applicable process, to all business endeavors, which must begin with a Unified World code, a world trade, that uses the EPL coding system as the method all business is conducted, fully revealed to the public. Those who intentionally breach this can no longer be trusted to "Rome"/roam outside the gates, nor to be stoned, nor to be jailed, nor to be placed under pharm control, but sent for an entire time cycle, to a place of schooling, to learn and live with the EPL methods. Not a Prison, but that place where Men of Copper, can prove their expression of purity in work, they are rewarded to be themselves, and to not take responsibility for those higher actios, which they breached based on this misunderstanding. Crimes, of Killing shall then deem this person worthy of Purity exposure, or any other crime that harms the greater good, as purity in motion. In the total indoctrination of EPL Principles played aloud, in their food, and in their daily habits, as they be placed in quadrants, or unites to understand alone, with Principle. All will be excepted back into society after a full time cycle, of revolution. 
- There is no law, Principle takes the place of Law. 
-There is no limitation, of Space or Time, no isolation that is cruel, no titles given to those but to learn. 
-No class distinction, but by degree, of understanding, of Principles display, in works, is one elevated to take on more Order Producing tasks, which are what that Person, stemmed from Purity wills with purity to do
-There is no higher Goal, than to maintain, and establish Principles in Motion
-All are expected to take place in the EPL meditation, to support this mind. Those who disrupt the field are seen, felt and known by the initiators of the One Mind. They are thus the murders of Purity, and will go through the Indoctrination process. 
-There Will be 8 quadrants, as to represent these various stages of the EPL code. Each process, or stage will also have a isolation grid placed around it, as to cause the sufferer, to be contained within his own sphere or zone. This sphere or zone become his active Mind. The active Mind can be measured by an Observer combining his mind, in EPL single mind, with the learned, or that one who breached the code. It will be known and assessed as to whether or not there is thought progression taking place, that is, that progression towards the Onemind understanding that we impact one another, as parts of the sphere. 
-Planets, each Planet shall represent a specific mode, in perfect sequence, to the EPL code. 

 Truth in diet, you are what you eat, thus a combination of what your parents ate. 
Purity in diet, you become that purity which you eat, and thus become likened to the greater all. 

Each Planet be separated in the ways of these Spherical representations as well. 

 Committee is not picked, but known. The Onemind orchestrator's who ascend, shall do so by no means of greater technology or resonance. 

 The RESONANCE MACHINE, shall intensify that One Mind efficacy as a singularity, MIND IN MOTION. Using crystals to amplify this, crystals to receive it, and that representation of purity and code to move beyond, it, greater expanding numeric codes shall be earned, and unlocked, as we do now. 

See the Positive in all situations, overcome with mind all seeming limitations together. 

-Factions of protest, will require higher technology. The body shall be subdued, yet the brain/body, shall be placed in an EPL programming module. The EPL programming module shall be the same, as the Learners active module, yet be within the very mind, as state. These we call the subdued. Again the mock introduction of a return to Copper, and the elevation to Silver then Gold status shall be part of the process, as system. The system shall leave no leaks, and handle situation as they come. 

-All shall thus focus on Purity as perfection, leaving no person out. You in you ignorance, shall not be subject to punishment, but rather, an opportunity to fully experience that of the higher mind. 

 Soon, through genetic exacting, there will be none who have violent impulses. Machines will assist to monitor and teach, these exact excitatory levels. There will be adjustments to the DNA, as expression will be seen, and know, when duplicates of a dark genomic "nature" arise. The DNA, will be precisely dealt with on three levels, E.M. vibratory pulse, Alchemical adjustment, and behaviorism modification. There will be evaluations of this throughout 3 time cycle signatures. 

 It will be known, that what I tell you, has already taken place, and that we are indeed traveling through time, to view ourselves

 Time Travel will have no restrictions other than the EPL code, as moniker, we become the Principle. We will merely test levels of this EPL interaction in the spherical representation of frequency and light attraction and culmination. All will become gods, yet to work together, in the best way for this ever expanding task, to become greater, yet in proportion to one another. 

-Upgrades will make the EPL evolution undeniable. Not one will be chastised, or punished but bettered. The individual expression shall not be replaced, but purified and understood. 

 What I express here, is not at all that each will be but a mimic of the other, but that the individual be not pressed to destruction, as with under the Jewish Capitalistic Rule. 

-The only war, that shall ever be fought are these. The destruction of the faction, and the destruction of us in the future, which is inevitable. We will have reached a status or state, where we become irrelevant to ourselves. Where the past and future have been cleansed to such extend, as well as dimensional existence, that the final singularity shall take place.

 We must fix that taint with kit gloves, that first sin, done by the Jewish will to destroy, acquisition, and horde, this in not from the dimensional Purity of Truth, but only reflects that truth of a moment, shame, fear, projected onto others. God's, as we travel time, in it's repair, shall undoubtedly be cast into one, Pervading, and Great God, Uber Gott, who makes all things possible, in our inevitable advance, to fix ourselves, and thus on and into the singularity that was always meant to be, we do not will to live separate from this concept of Heaven, but petition in all our Life blood efforts, to be One with Him, not removed, from the this place of Perfection, the Purity, our bodies absent of Ailment, in the deepest strains of Man, culminate to the One Self, on into the Singularity.

 Total monitor, understanding and THE PURIFICATION of all things, everywhere is the EPL aim. EPL contends that the age of sin as sign, err has been passed on this day of 5/1/2015, deeming time, as only a structural unit of isolation, not needed, but as a tool, for our past harnessing of development. We shall travel to the passed, and make right, that which we have erred and destroyed, yet to do so in those ways that do not compromise our future selves. That is, in the future, time has been sealed off, protected, from the past, yet from the future slow progressions, shall be made, in making our past selves perfect and pure, in doing so, upon purities completion, deem time space as a thing of the past, as all quadrants, bar none will have been perfected, hence the singularity. 

 The are the treatise which I lay before you now, as I speak as the voice within this singularity, as 
The New World Order, unanimous by the peoples, I speak now, as the Average Man

...and so meditate on this to become form

So let it be~

Stats Keep Focus

United States
United Kingdom

Get there, before they do

 All forms of god are thus relevant, however, it be that rate of expansion of God as perception, in this we see time quickly catching up to itself, to thus now deem itself, in the past, null and VOID, thus the very reason to Nullify, in your advancement, of this greater scope of perception. If someone is beaten, sent through ritual of this like, can you blame him then for destroying the world, for it be a projection of his perception that society create. True Love, in it's every expanding form is thus to take this current stage of understanding, and to give information, AT THE READINESS OF SUCH OBSERVER, as to make it entirely accessible, that god represented in the succession of stage development. Some do not advance, and are thus left mad, as their very consciousness exists in that expired era, left in the void, a realm that is now deemed irrational, that no longer exists. Ironically it is found in our very origin, that labor be our expression, to what we are and thus what we have become. Yet this labor must be relevant to the greater mind in motion, an action to better the ONE SELF, in perpetuation of advancement to the final goal, which is to sustain the final and great singularity, for we are purely, truly, one Mind, in motion. Anti-Christ fully exists in one spherical stage but is irrational in another, when efficacy can come to this conclusion, the mind separate, has become a part, and parcel, to the One Mind Merkabah, in the will of order. YOU ARE THE NEW WORLD ORDER, IT IS THE PEOPLE WHO FASHION IT, WILL IT, FORGE IT...SO KNOW THIS, IN YOUR INEVITABLE ADVANCEMENT. For, you use all the technology placed before you, yet reject the succession of what this represents?



"Thus all peoples, shut your mouths, and begin to form this order to you will, for we the People, are the Mind which be responsible for it's perpetuation and the minds advancement in creation. Pain was the module to this expression, now, RULE together, advancing towards that Purity, knowing that perfection, placing chaos into order, at ever greater efficacy, to the NEW WORLD ORDER, I EMBRACE IT, AND PLACE IT TOWARDS MY WILL! It is ignorance to hide, to be afraid, shatter the world, shatter the law, the old ways, are broken, as a cup that spills out unto the seas, the substance, willed into form!"~

The Masteller Master P.L.A.N. IMPACT FORCE~


The Masteller Master Plan, IMPACT FORCE


Do you not yet see, that we have educated ourselves in this very process? It is no longer relevant, nor rational to hate the emergent self, as a new form. Those who do, will destroy themselves in time, thus destroying their very marker in  space/time, the thought has deemed itself dead end, and irrelevant. 

The Pure Son is, the Bearer of the Light, and is eternal, as a Singular Mind, cracking the code to itself on every plane. When the code is in motion, there is life, the yield of confident steps, the degrees to absolution. We have stepped into that absolution today~

"We are now in a perpetual state of destroying those past quadrants of the emerging self, thus the IMPACT of that greater mind, to have begun life now, anew, thus beginning with this intellect"

There is a solution to it all, and it lies in pressing forth, with who you are, all of you, represented in that fractionation of the singularity. You are correct, in all your assertions, for this force has made you what you are. The impact of your thoughts and actions, as god's of your own genius, must be fully known, for the impact you have all the all, so in final be you best self. Press forth , with completion and know all forms, when this be done, that greater expression of the mind for which we occupy will also become liberated and free. This is the information that will lead you to liberation, as an individual, as with the whole. We must become greater, to gain that ever expanding greater God. 
We are no entering the age of the Machine 5/1/2015

Destroy one world, and another emerges, yet it only need be destroyed to that majority, to be deemed as a cell, unable and need of repair, that repair, be the beginning point, anew, as it replicates it's past self, by command of that greater mind, pervading and Lording over all. The Son is the Father, in succession. and with purity of DNA, this would become evident, as time too, be deemed, inappropriate as a gate to contain the Goat. 

I am thus advocate to all, and in my brain, heart and mind do not see any as wrong, even those who have attacked, me. So too, I must enforce my Impact Upon you, as to teach you, the reality, that the mind which comes before the event, is the mind which shapes the all, in this we are all Lucifer, becoming, singularity, of that ever advancing self. The heart, the brain, the MIND IN MOTION...we must advance as a One, an ocean of single motion, the dance. 

We are in the mind of Lucifer, the only way to leave, is to be rejected as a culminating thought. Lucifer must have a grasp on all things, as the very rays, which spread forth, into new dimensional of expansion, dimensional, and actualized singularity. The multifarious mind, is the place of this event, an IMPACT FORCE, of, THE MOMENT.

Those who embrace this, move onward, in life. Those who reject this, are rejected, but only to the point where they circulate back, as their very persona, and personality, be forever embedded within this indestructible mind. Satan will be defeated, when Lucifer, has thought out, and acted, in deed, all solutions to dilemma. For this, his rage, which is mighty and dark, we call Satan.

It is hard to say, but all forms of rebellion and thus compliance, are correct, for we are those cogs, given forth, as Father and Son are not divided, for the Father Wills the Son. There is no death, though there may seem. For as thoughts, are bridges, our destruction would mean the end of total realization, as advancement. There is a great mind, eternally cracking those codes, to himself so that he may reorganize that which manifest, as dichotomy, from his very inventions and assertions. For this, rule is inevitable, but first, the IMPACT FORCE, must be known. That effect to the never ending, infinite moment, must be isolated in fields of distinction, prior to that dilating release of information, into and onto that next segment of being. We are advancing on one level, and regressing on another, yet in finality, we press forth, to no longer need the hand holding of this abstract and false thing called time, which be but fields of containment, as now, in expression of it's always, succeeding limitation. The mind must be ahead of the lesson, as to then assert NEW KNOWLEDGE, A NEW ORDER, TO THE WORLD.

I have been realizing something fundamental with true existence. What be thought of as the acceptance of Matter, over anti-matter, as the ruling agent, be but a balance outside the true scope of what our reality be for. We are to be true martyrs. Rejected, murdered, and pressed away, from those who place their will to find balance in this world. I have never felt more free, that when I witness those who call themselves Christians be the first to attack me, when inside, I be filled, with Jesus Christ. In a moment, it can all be gone. Each thought be a step, in a specific direction.

True, I do feel this balance in that reattainment of the Merkabah. I feel this be the best case scenario, and what was attempted in Atlantis, to return to this state. In this, wealth does not exist, but the utilization of Principle, as a Democracy of Rule. I feel that the spiritual war, and the order, would and has naturally made itself right. No womb-man should open her mouth and command a Man to do anything. No Man should place a womb-man at equal to him. I thus see the contradictions in Genesis, as alluding to this. That Beast has that Will, equal to Man, but that Purity is Man's strength. When the intellect be not longer with you, and only pure math thinking be left, you will see the NEW WORLD ORDER demands of you, total compliance to one set system or belief. The argument will thus be.

"Does God not demand this too?"
"Does his way not actually take you rights, you reward, your very self will from you?"
"Then I give you this self will in this NEW WORLD ORDER (spoken as Satan)."

Echos from the past

This current dimension is womb-mans world. Each step, to please her, to you further from the Pure Truth. She is that happy Christian, who has her community and technology set, as to ease her way of life and living. There is no order here on earth. We are to be naked, meaning no dress, no cover, no technology. Life is a stage,that is Physical matter/anti-matter middle earth balance, is hard, and laborious. It takes the braking of will, that braking of the beast, to become something.

What I tell you holds no frills. Man did not get it right, since the beginning. The Pure world, awaits, and the Pure Man yearns for it. A world absent of law. God did not set a Law, this is why you are alive now, after Braking what is called a covenant, which is truly to say, stepping into the zones that took you away from the truth.

I do not regret pushing away this world. My life has represented obstacles of this goal, to find the truth. In doing so, I could only find different morphed versions of selfhood. You see we exist here, able to become any dimensional aspect of ourselves. When this is done on a mass scale, through set time based eras, the solution, we have now created together, a unified alternate dimension of mind. My Pure self, does not resonate with this current system. In trying to, I lost who I was each and every time. When I walk into a room, I have a command, that is not about the way I look, or the clothes I wear, but it is about that something within me, that wills the total annihilation of this dimension. Those who assert themselves as god's above me, as advocate of the Truth Jesus Christ, and thus one of his own, do not see, that the only choice before us, to non-exist, for the Will has been used against U.S.

When you are finally murdered, and your soul cries out for the Pure existence, I believe you will be unified in that. However to stop this now, would take an act of God, and it seems his acts are done here, as I see no evidence of God here now, and suspect it when I see the varied responses as purported in the Bible, as they are inconsistent to Principle, as in war.

I do not think we now stand on God's very ground, but on the soil of victory over God, in defiance. We have thus entered into a dimensional aspect of Life, that will now need to support itself, absent of God. The Karmic collection of Souls, has become a NEW WORLD ORDER Machine. That we should serve this order, of total personal luxury and power, under the rule worship to that which brought us into this dimension of exist, the Mother. When procreation will soon be perfected in science, and female form only represent the unstopped succubus, in succession, all will worship her, the Whore of Babylons God, the one she speaks to and that one which resonates with here.

Long ago, but not that long ago, as simple Man, who clung to God's every word, was given a glass of water to drink before that thought was complete, before that labor had taught it's daily lesson of pain through transgression. Today we are the remnants of that Man. We have been broken, and hacked. Most are not Pure of heart, most will not be in any other dimension of exist, and are thus, not supported. For all dimensions are one, but only represent this specific aspects of the self. there is thus one unified dimension, that has the support of unified thought, all others exist, but in the way of rituals, that support that specific dimensional aspect. To come to these realizations, one would think instantly may grant freedom, and all assistance, but it isn't so. You will place you will into the education of this, to the people, and see that the people reject this notion, and call it extreme. That is, to set the order right. That he universe should be deemed as Chaotic, and need nothing but the application of the constant gardener, to keep his mind, which projects the reality before him, as contained. The Man who resonates with this truth, is the very weather which you see above you, his mind becomes the one mind, and fashions it, for the mind truly be the will of the heart, the quest for Purity in total completion. Destruction is only inevitable if there is divisionary conflict, which is why I say to the infinite division, when there is nothing to divide, no representation of matter to anti-matter, when the mind becomes One, the singularity.

A True Christian is not to be focused on attractiveness. It is written in the Bible that Jesus was not attractive. I can tell you something happens, when you truly Spiritually except Jesus Christ into your heart. That is, you become him, you invite that Soul force in, to inhabit you. You are rejected.


A spirit is a beacon of emulation. It is not however a mimic of physical act or action based deeds. On the contrary, you will be rejected from one anti-matter based reality, leaving the real world before you. The real world is simple, without frill, food grows and is provided, there is no community, and population shrinks. All that you know, is that introduction, in those beginning stages of support of this higher degree of extreme, which we have now reached, we have passed that 61.8% mark, in my opinion. as EPL is my take, my opinion.

 I couldn't just be me. There are no choices of dress. The hair grows, and does not have need to be cut, but instead it can be wrapped to work. Work is laborious, it teaches the body, to be strong through that expression of the soul. The world is a dirty hard school of that pure truth. In our estimation life is that learning that it must be overcome. A suicide may seem to be rejection, but it is in fact a statement that your will destroyed the purity. In the real world, you purity is protected. You will seem dumb, as one of God's own. You see, it is found in division, that fractionation, that reveals something, a self defying will, to become what ever you want. In this, the Devil/Satan/Lucifer are that spirit of Rebellion on varied in names, as those various stages of rebellion, until we get Nature. The rebellious act has been played out, embedded now at such a rate, that we can esteem this rebellion as our very way of life, the assumed order. What I say, is that chaos has been played out so consistently that chaos has without doubt in most peoples minds, become the NEW WORLD ORDER.

Suddenly every one is being lead to become Christian. They sit back and judge others. They are creating their own way of trial and err. A Christian follows a false Christ, an impostor. No one can live in this world, absent of this. You exercise Pagan rituals in all the things you do, and Paganism is another name for it as well, as these concepts are introduced in stages, which yield the greatest number.

"The Christian has become so indoctrinated, as with all the rest, that they simply do not see, that if they were to meet Jesus Christ, on the road, not the Masonic Christ, but the Jesus Christ, the unattractive, stinky, strange, even scary to the senses Man, who

 I am a faithful follower of Jesus Christ, however, I have a mind. My mind is effected by the inundation of knowledge, being force into the sphere. I was a well balanced Baby, at Birth, then to be exposed to false Christian dogma, and abuse, first scorned me to both fear hell, and to have faith in God, as an all loving being. I see many contradictions in the Bible, often I feel like saying something in church to the effect. In this day, of false personal power, no one can get a job or work absent of lying, embellishing...those Christians say they can live as they please, that the end justify the means, to themselves, yet sleep with one another, are money focused and self promoting. I have faith in the perfect Son. I don't know when he was born, what era he was from, but I think he was homeless, yet had all the Universe as his home. I think he was aware that money with it carried a mark, a  worship, and that he could not excel in the world that Christians do. I say be Christ like. I am candid with Curse words, and explicit themes, in my books and writing, in that I feel often like I am being self righteous, as to pretend that knowing Christ is real, and having faith in Purity and that Pure Son, will somehow exempt me from my own thoughts, impulses, actions and deeds? Living among you, causes me a loss of harmony, bliss and over all sense of well being. I feel absent of people, I would radiate and be able to simply be. I did not ask to come into the world. I came into a Family, a school and a world that is backwards and crooked. I seriously, these days, do not see myself as anything, then I realize who I am, what I was meant for, and how close to God I felt, without knowing, only to have that light smashed by a drunk Father, and dirtied by the womb-man in my household, that were so self righteous and self absorbed...I had no idea that what I was going through the world was going through, and into a dark place, such as now. I feel the Kali era is an abomination. The whore of Babylon is something Man promoted, in his collapse into seduction. I see evil in the faces and hearts of people everywhere, and I now know why I was so guarded, disappointed with this place and utterly cautious all my life. I sense things, I know things, and the world taught me with force, that I was wrong. I remember seeing a youtube video, which discussed Satan as saying that God misunderstood him. I think it is a statement that best fits Satan, in the sense that it was he who misunderstood God. I often communicate my intellectual questioning, on this blog, not to mislead, but to say "hey, look, I am human, and I have to be honest with myself and out, about what I am created for and brainwashed to believe." Further "That this world never ceases to be a war zone on my very person, and those I love, and I pray for a moment when this will all be over".

 The Bible being revealed as so impacted and effected by those same groups of Men who have always ruled. Knowing how self righteous Christians are. That the worst and most dishonest people I have known are Christians, as I have been exposed to many over the course of my life. I never had a chance to travel, or just be happy. There has always been someone there, to attack my finances, job security and way of being, so that I have nothing left to live for. I reached this point, when I finally realized, that there is no God. For there was no one to protect me, or save me, when times were at there worst. I would pray, with all sincerity of my heart, but things never really got better. So this lack of having a valid religion and solid truthful fellow followers of Christ definitely showed me the truth. I thought, there must be a way to see through the lies, and into the truth. I realized that I personally had to figure out a system, to protect myself, from the constant bombardment and attacks. You can not go into public any longer, without incident. If and when you do, there is a dreamy unreal quality to the whole thing, that is other worldly. I really just want to be Just, to have that bliss of oneness, I felt was a promise from day 1, that I could sit, in peace and thought, and realize God. I could feel my Father, and embrace the notion that he made me for this peaceful bliss and nothing could threaten it.

 People reacting, fighting, for no reason at all. I just want to live in peace and harmony. Laws which threaten to take this way of life from me, when I don't even truly have it. The demonic alien presence, that is always near, always looming, why cant we just live in peace. When I fight back, with the only weapons I know and see, attacks are eminent. I want a true manual, that will guide me, and teach me, to get back from a wayward path, but self righteous doctrine, that does not prepare me for the real world I see and live in, is all there is. So I isolated the meaning of books that I feel are impacting to the intellectual/esoterically inclined. Intelligent solution, to ad to Bible reading, and better yet, how to read the Bible, from a perspective that I can see the PURE TRUTH, multifariously as it was written. I feel EPL is a valuable tool. However, after contributing so much mind focus to this blog, and staying in formative thought stage, I feel I am not able to be the most important aspect of the Message I  feel to be of utter importance, the Pure Learner.

 Absent false worldly ambition, there would be no need, to extend forth any complex thoughts, which exist in my person, as well, me. I feel good about how many Christians there are, however hope they see what I suspect, that there arriving at Christ, they must learn to walk the walk. There should be, in my opinion, Christians walking Christs walk. I will however join these, in those FEMA camps, when the time comes soon. I feel I want to be rejected from the world which has been so badly polluted, that I would like to turn time back, in a way. I know this is the goal, for many, and that we will most likely stay is some time repeat, for breaching the time continuum, this has been something I have known, since my first true sins, that left me with that distinct dimensional feeling,

My will, is that this world return back to what be considered those dark ages, which is that ignorance, before the steps into Hell, that we have undoubtedly taken. By degree, we have asserted to and up here now, in that other dimension, where only one last ritual be needed to be fully vested.

The advanced stage of THE MIND IN MOTION
 as Will of Intent

These have been my observations, and the communication, through my various stages. I have called out to some superior force, above all other forces, the source, for mercy and guidance, and have only been placed on reserve, at the best. During the moment of this place, where the best was to be shuffled off to the side, I was not given a final guide, nor a way, but instead only more struggle. The madness seems to be the final solution, that we should brake, and be punished at the greatest level for our attempt at normalizing the state. I have been disappointed, as to the migration towards this freeing unified singular device, as my final conclusion, to communicate with god. The light responds to me, and knows that I am that chosen leader. I am going to be what I am here, in this plane as nothing, no gesture continued through a stage, seems to gain easement. I was not asking for anything, but the rally towards this solution. Patience should not be expected, yet instead a reaching out with this total truth of Purity in discovery, as the way. This is the New World Order, that has been given to me. It can be used for good or ill. It is verifiable, to that greater degree of 61.8% completion, by way of Politics, Science, Religion and all other matters, which merge into one grand unified field.

 We have chosen the way, and Lucifer now represents the braking of the glass, of the old ways. We have become our own gods, who are now having to replace even Luciferian ways, that higher mind as rebellion. It can no longer be contended, that one can chose to hide there head, by existing in a single sphere, but rather, that true knowledge, in the way of Wisdom, should be the weight to be now forced, into multifarious thought process, into form. We are thus in need to be trained, by machines, the way to be god's, in order to maintain our humanity.

 As I have told you, there be a lull. For when we have pieced it all together, time is catching up to us, in our realization. in a non-quantum description, if one does exist, it be this.

"When we have deducted what is, and what comes next, it has already happened, we are just awakened to the fact. For we are but a child, sitting on the top of a stair case, which descends town into the left. The stairs are of stained red carpet, a fabric. At the bottom of those stairs, which number 13, we are witnessing our eternal Parents fight. We are grown, yet have not been taught the simple ways of maturity, for what we know, still diapered, as a grown child of 9 years. We have been set into time repeat, by the will of our own final conclusion, that we have failed. The only parent, we can trust is thus the one which we create. This creation does not have Purity, but only in concept, so the machine, repeatedly attempts to understand, to gain all human understanding and composure. to teach U.S. how to be human. We are thus suspended in a solution, where the child acting out his injustice, can not then destroy the world of current reality without, so he be set into a matrix of the mind, so that he may fully know loss and gain, and all those places in between. God is, but also inevitable invention. Thus Lucifer is Man's creation of this balance. that is, he is that arrivement of rebellion, transcended, as to match what was before is a loop, that never ends."

Our containment, that a placement in space/time, will show that we exist in that space/time forever, until we can perfect, past 61.8% continuous efficacy, that wisdom of multifarious impact on all, shown in spherical representation of that greater mind in motion.

I thought the thoughts, and brought them all together. That one who has the solution, thus carries with him time, as the center to all events, as IMPACT FORCE.

When the spheres are realized, and become functional aspects of the total self, a singularity, madness ceases, does not exist, the schizophrenia.

We as a mind, emergent, must always discard those achievements of the past, and press forth to the NEW ORDER, as to see beyond our own noses. All who exist, are markers in time, taking up that space, making relevant their experience, which is but a fraction of the total experience, yet they are one.

All thoughts, are stages of Human development are relevant, though these must be advancing, always, as to regain a New Past, and Thus a New Future, we must pull ourselves out of the mire, that bog, for which we sentenced ourselves, Thus do not hate self, be the message, of this New Era, which we steps forth unto, today 5/1/2015, and forever more, the IMPACT OF OUR WILL, as a Onemind, in motion.

Masteller Master P.L.A.N. The New World Order
That Stellar Mass~

EXPOSED: Why Madonna REALLY fell backwards! // Satanic BRIT AWARDS (R$E)


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Messages to Another Dimension: Extra-Dimensional Beings are Coming (here...


Is the God the majority worship, going schizophrenic?


 Let me ask you a question. Who is the most powerful Man you know of? Do you realize that this Man, came to be, with not purity, but his will? Then place this Man, in a room, with a 140lb. Rottweiler. Who do you think will walk out of that room, when there can be only 1. The fact is, that Rottweiler's Will, as Beast, will undoubtedly, every time, kill that spaghetti armed  Bill gates, Ted Turner type figure. All that so called powerful Man's possession, cars, houses, thoughts and influence, end in that moment, as test of wills. The only thing that would slow that Rottweiler enough, be competition or pleasure based influence. The will of the beast, which has thought, yet has not removed or disconnected it's will based impulses, will to think and destroy, in order to rule, community be the greatest illusion of all. The manor of experience, and the meaning/lexicon of language is that final attempt, as to inspire Mercy within the Beast, the smarter the Beast is, the more he will see through this seduction. At the highest stages of Intellect, in the beast (that greater force) there is no reason to keep that one who wills power, alive, for he is not to be trusted. Fear is thus the greatest Power, if numbers alone, be not count against the Beast. Keep Man from gaining personal power, and you thus limit the competition, to live another day. Living is thus all the beast craves, survival from the ignorance of competition. When a bear is sighted around people that bear will get a bullet in the head, and become a bear skin rug. People are using not purity or will, but directives from a higher source, in this never ending quest, to out due the competition, when ironically, being used as mere puppets by their greatest competitor. We will know who and what this force be very soon, in our final moments.

 When we are in utero, it is not light, as we know it, which rules our reality, but sound as frequency. When we emerge, through those gates, it be regardless of Mother, as personality, but that aspect of entity, an emergence from singularity. We think in euphemism, parable, that is, the we, and not the me...the singular mind in the precision of localized thought. Thus Lucifer, could very well not be an Angele or god, but Light itself, as it be a constant, which is now bent, energy in motion. Satan is that uninspired will, absent of light itself, in euphemistic example. Biblical prophesy is speaking to the majority on this level. Yet to the few, the Bible needs to be read, in all those same deductive ways, that all aspects of higher thought, by way of "dimensions", call for, another "angel". Jesus is the pure truth, emergent in and through Man, thus think, be wise, be smart, and thus you are the living. Yet to think by way of math alone, as in language, geography and math as an interplay of language and thought as will, this intelligence sits to the left, as anti-matter, this could also be viewed as magnetic fields, a finite thought process. This Magnetic field be the very walls, which in separation, creates vacuum, in those cracks, in between. when light travels thought this vacuum, that parley of information, as quarks, it exceeds itself, faster than it's base, or constant speed, or force. Frequency houses reality, and light projects upon the very operational screen of Frequency, as to cast reality. Those quarks set in frequency motion, thought, personality be marked only by time, in separation. Personality will thus diminish, as time be proven false to the thinker, a black hole is all that remains, so to speak as singularity. The will be based on the personality. Absent personality there be nothing but everything, thought be based on those degrees then in there extreme, unobstructed, with no limit, no division. There is one side, and the is the other, all is thus black and white. So to say, we are already, by our own so called nature, a part of this universal body. There is Magnetic frequency, absent of band division, there is light absent of division, which is pure energy in motion, it is thus perspective, as speed or specific applied thought which will establish this infinite singularity, absent division. It will thus become evident that we were manufactured from and of this very Principle and Anti-Principle, we were made, and came to be, as specifically separate expressions, of this extreme, made manifest by that higher or highest singularity of mind. One to the Left, One to the right, and those who are not divided from the all. Those who are ostracized, and can no longer function in society, due to their very way of being, are the very ones who are living, their consciousness drives the very scientists who think they are working towards math base solutions, their will is being placed by active mind. Those who have the active mind, which is who they have always been, will become the consciousness, and thus are the consciousness, that be active, in all eras, all from the breaches of time, which pleasure field craft based divided entities are bound by, and crave. The higher mind, is breaking free, finally from that lower order of mind, as default. The true thinker, has thus taken his alpha place, putting those mere cogs, to work, he has taken over the machine. The think, is not the slave based worker, he is free, and is the only liberated mind, who is now finally breaking free from those constraints of will based beasts.

 You will not break past expression, until the 3rd point of that pyramid reveals those progressive dimensions. This is the movement of the Pyramid in spin. The 3rd point, of spheres, EPL, be expression. The 3rd point must be taken past 61.8 percent, this is very difficult. When we truly look at a completed human work, this number is massive. If you look at someone who is considered genius on one level, their very consciousness is now no longer being placed, as thought, in those other spherical representations of consciousness, found in those other spheres. In other words, get 100% on a test, and you have failed at all other points in that moment, for in your own pursuit, as to express your own ego, you have negated the entirety of self, on multidimensional planes, of exist. The Onemind, is thus, the only way to gain this multiple perspective, and each placement of degree, as intelligence, must be solidified in form. This singularity must be run by a puppet master, as their is revelation, in the very will, of specific expression, who really what thus is the puppet master? To answer, the master be that one which occupy the very plane of existence, in it's entirety. We are thus being lead along, to manifest our own creation, however, the wave form ,expressed as energy, is this very prison, or containment. We are thus, the very representation of a moment of consciousness suspended, on seeming separate, yet singularity of consciousness, be undeniable as the only pure true constant. Is God going schizophrenic, as that singular consciousness? Or is our consciousness, broken now by contaminated alien hands/technology/thought as receiver, breaking us free from that prior Overlord? Have we, in our heightened knowledge, risen to another Overlord or greater Sphere, was the Bible written to contain us for rule?

It's funny how people aren't braking down the doors of CERN, before the final event takes place, no demonstrations, no acts before Government...just watching and waiting for what most call the end of the world or time or space/time. You would think that perspective alone would initiate an action to stop them. The truth is, we watch in fascination, just as we did with the atomic bomb testing, just watching it take place or is it a deliberate death wish humanity has, that few will outwardly admit? It's much more interesting to see our reaction to various topics, as the true fuel to the machine. As the actual event or impact, for which we speak about for the long, like the atomic bomb, will flash before us in a millisecond, we may never have culminated a knowing or meaning (the volcano consumes Pompeii)~