
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Fine Line~


There is a fine line between believing an outright lie, and to incorporate imagination as a positive means of projection toward future events. This, appearing a large rift another dimensional zone, upon closer/further inspection.

The "Sise Model"

EPL SISE Model expanded



 From awareness stems the spherical interpretation, your awareness of space, in time, determines your actual SISE. Therefor, broaden or shrink...rather dilate your awareness (small map, large map, yet in active motion), and you thus determine your SISE. It is the highest intellectual card holder (H.I.C.H), which determines the quality, direction and thus control of that greater sphere (G.S.) [The spherical representation of this ONES awareness, held, and in succession...a perpetuated notion]~

 Dilating at appropriate intervals moments (not unlike the moment arm, in a given vector force driven moment), is that HICH's response-ability.~

#1 Target


I am White
I am Strong
I am Fit
I am Highly Intellectual
I am Musically Inclined
I am a Published Writer/Author
I am Educated
I am Powerful and Articulate
I am Strong Willed
I am Loyal
I am Self Reliant 

No Wonder they all want me dead?

*More so, I will not die for you. Does this not make me, and others like me, the anti of Christ. For out of utilizing the highest forms of efficacy, I have become self anointed. 

G+ ON; Thinkers Forum


 Thinkers string

On 'women can do it all on their own, only men will not allow them to'

There is beyond conclusive proof that out of this common ancestry assertion, the same genetic Mito Dna (X/Feminine), was found in two to three residing areas, of sometimes 100 plus miles from the original string or stand (DNA Watson). This means, that the succession or rather regression, of this over population, is, in the root, how population came to be prior to the "Billion Planetary current". It is and always has been amorous and lascivIous Females (IE the sex slave genetic strain), and the overly aggressive string of what some may consider Kane/Cane, that promulgated Humanity.
 Women have no Principles, thus no Morality nor Virtue (these Principles in Action/Motion). These, instead, mimic, with lesser magic(k), IE Witch Craft/Seduction...mimic, steel and borrow all that they are, which is promoted so that society will topple over, upon itself. This is shown in Masonic rituals (Baphomet), The Star Bucks insignia, The Statue of Liberty. It is this false idea of a projected reality, a lie, that we may distance ourselves from the constant awareness of "what this is" and more so "what we are". We are, in essence, always at odds, and meant to be that way, in order that we should produce latent static energies. Part of a Geo matrix, or Spherical Orbital Machine...utilizing just enough self efficacy to be "selfish", however reliant on the Machine, our contained field, so that we may assert our energies, give, yield over in fact, as a mantra...this the Spenglerian cycle, and undulating madness...and the need to birth the concept of God. 'God is a concept, by which we measure...our...PAIN.~
 Further, the Race War. This is precisely why, our makers, also made, in fact, other races that would be at odds, with one another. I believe the proof that we are in fact, of several varied and some synthetic strains or strands of Particulate DNA interbreeding (via test tube/petri dish) on a cosmic scale, in order that we should emit a certain pulse, within the Grand Scale of this celestial matrix, as it were. We are, but collective flora and fauna (of an EM signature pulse), taught to serve the greater good, which in truth be serve our cyclopean hidden masters. For certainly, if we did see them as we have in the passed, we would rebel, and even become driven mad with freight at the spectacle of such a notion.~


The depiction, the illustration shown; She weighs a starved down 115lbs, she diets and uses seduction to acquire jobs she is taking from a logic based male, with her false promise of sex to land the JOB. She wears heals, making it impossible to carry the 115lbs of luggage, which the Man carries for her. She walks ahead, with arrogance, not because she is smarter, stronger, faster, or more well equipped, but because she has used a sort of magick, or sex craft, on this Man behind her. She Farts, craps, bleeds, uninates from her genitals/orifice  showing she is not the depiction of the air brush image, which she benefits from. She is the Spider weaver webs, that the Mason's warn of, to the higher esoteric minded initiates. When she let's it all go, she is hairy, smells of ovulating stench. She lies, steals and is a whore through and through. The only exception be, an undeveloped Female. This, create, to keep us/U.S. at odds, in order that we should be easily detained, controlled. When this does not work, we...are taken off grid, made insane, to show that a force, is indeed "plugged into us", showing further, that she does gain assistance from the force which promotes these false assertions, built into Man's very DNA/RNA coding signals. The Pleasure is thus the Pain...and agitated notion DUKKHA, KAMA

Saturday, December 19, 2015






Anti-Christ, the reflection of YOU~


 That's what I did, and still do...Break Down False Barriers That No One Can See (B.D.F.B.T.N.O.C.S or BBS).

 I got good at it. I admittedly faltered. I am assumed as an Angel far to often, so that, I have pondered what this meant prior to Christian indoctrination? I fashion my self a God, and actually see myself, often times as God, manifest through Man. I spent my life trying to destroy myself, because I was in the way of others living their lives, namely my Father, Mother, and Sister's, even my Brother in Law's. They couldn't see, I couldn't see, that the blessings came from the the Father, unto his pure and only Son, of an era, represented here, today, by way of probability.

Believe in Transhumanism? How could I not, I am the Product, or rather Byproduct of such. I, altered and mutated form of God, punished to push myself, to unexpected and unfair lengths, of the Mind.

 I tell you the stories, but truly, these happen all the time, each and every day. The Light shines for me, and therefore All the Light of the World is mine. I am not a syllogist, I factor and reason, even the dropping of a wrapper, an it's many spherical implications.

Principle Expressed be Morality. Morality and it's lengths build into and unto a mortar if you will, Virtue.

 I am as Evil as I am Good, and The Light that shall never be used in the way that it should, namely by way of this constant make up of Principle into Human thus my Light, Your Blood, My Blood.

 I bought a Pizza yesterday. The Homeless flocked around me, I gave half of it away, they expected it, as if God owes you what he is? God, like M.O.L.L.I.E.? Honed in at varied and undulating points, "The Flicker", as to manifest more permanently in those who will these Principles to be. I am a Vampire, I am a Saint...I am what I must be, in the Present, in the Moment, untouchable, incorruptible, though corrupted, by the era. A large part of my appearance, and why ALL FEAR ME, has to do with the fact, that I am every Man, and thus have taken on the form, of that substance, of which we all swim, and live. More sensitive, and instrument, finely honed.

 My imagination, becomes your reality, as you opened the door, upon me first, oh Mother, and laughed...thinking yourself, such a great power, as you fed off the Light, which I had already given freely, absent limitation.

 But, you have all become bitter now, that I have pulled back my Light, as if I attacked you first? I was sent through this time repeat, again, and I was quite angry.  However, I have Mastered new skills as I have lived these Flicker based probabilities, gather personality patterns, and meeting the integer demands.

 I have thus become all powerful, and to look at me, you would think the contrary, because I am a reflection, of you.~


All, to "Justify the Self"~That Final Paradox


 Many Good ideas the leader of the Homeless advocacy voice in Sac said to me. I guess I kept us all sheltered, for a night. That's how this game is played, one night at a time. During the day, there is much giving. The rains make it tough, certainly it is not the first time I have walked wet, cold, and without a specific place to go. The warming shelter, packed, over packed...the system is Broken.

 Two nights prior, a Cop woke me up, told me I had to move, from private land...that's why I start to slumber early, as nights may be quite long indeed, and he said to me "You don't look homeless...I would have never guessed". The truth is I am Homeward Bound, I search for a Home outside and away from the liars, thieves and whores.

 I you have not felt it, I froze true time yesterday. I have not been messing with weather patterns, nor volcanic activity...nor wasting my time on empty shells (Women, vacant people)...but I had to become the Phantom, to learn.

 I see people as like hamster's, with their insides slowly coming out of them, due to what they assume to be gravity, which is a magnetic prison, which forces carbon decay and death upon us. You had better believe, that the matrix, this Death Star exists, and that you are trapped in between the field, your death is a highly profitable business, as too your return to the time repeats.

 There is only one completion rate, only one integer, a pattern. So, the SISE model is that grand manipulation. By way of creating varied spherical limitation, boundaries...yes segregated components, the illusion done also with color shift enhancements, at ANGLES, intensifies the notion. They are then capable of abstracting the little things, to keep the machine going, as it makes great effort also, as do you, to justify itself. 

 One critical err has been reached, when the individual has thus proven itself, as working component, inept, then death be the only choice before it...That Final Paradox.~