
Thursday, December 31, 2015

God is Love, my favorite color? Purity~


 People, as it were, are quite expectant. Entitled, deserving, in a self appreciating manor or virtu.

 I watched the Police come in droves, hailing upon the few homeless left over. Those who have left, for the most part, are the more intelligent of the "species".

 A town of children, who feed on false light. Light, which be echoed forth, as a synthetic emanation of things passed, and things to come, by way, mimetic sequencing. Chaos, Children of Chaos.

 People assume that your feelings, your thoughts, and yes your very disposition and manor, reflect them, as a self abasing statement of ego, a self expression, of the left.

 I can't take Loaves and Fishes anymore, the madness. Just as I can not spend one more solitary night, away from my now grown Son, I hold him as a God, The God, within my very heart, and mind, he is the center to my meditations.

 For those who can not understand this notion, there is no way these, all who I have met, in this day, can understand the concept of God.

 God is Love, and manifests in many forms. 

 Thus Satan is Hate. So those who harm the One You Love, receive, in proportion to your Love...Hate. To mute this, is to mute the self. How then can one proclaim a self, as in the integer, if one has not the means, nor thus, the Golden Mean, from which to stem, a burgeoning forth, so to say?

 Ironic, the movement starting at City Hall, on the 8th December, when I was looking for a place to be. I do not agree wholly with occupy, but somehow I keep getting sucked back in. Just as I do not feel good about giving, however when a fellow comes across my path, and I have, for some reason or another, gotten more than I need to eat, I will share. It seems to be a code, that I can not thus, live out.

 My thoughts are indeed scattered, but clearer than ever. My thoughts, concepts and ideas do overlap, as spheres, they, separate, on in perspective, but always a part, of the whole.

 Walking passed "X" street, I came across that Shriner's Hospital, again.

Image result for picture of shriners hospital sacramento

 There is a large sculpture to the rear, which is not picture on the internet, at least from what I can find. That sculpture depicts cancer survivors, those who made it through, those wanting to enter the "windows", which open as Phi fractals, or probability patterns, and those who are within the matrix, or interem of the network. Occupation, and character are heavily displayed.

 Did you ever ponder on us/U.S. being stuck here, in this "reality", as it were? Then would a quest to save a life, or even more, to prevent to death, until a latter date, not be control over the very flow, an out pour, of life itself. This organization is God, as it controls all aspects of life.

 Try to think around it, but Money is that means, which allows, for cause, and by cause all means. One can not achieve thus, that heavily chalaced Golden Mean, absent the tools, set forth, by way of occupation, or monetary absolute.

 If I am to endeavor, toward, through, any pursuit, I will naturally have to project myself forth, to and through a full time cycle, in order that I may render an end product or result, which is value.

 Those patrons of the Light, are also the regulators of it's offering, to all. That Masonic Stamp, a pyramid, and symbols, locks the user, into a binding agreement, that this Dollar Bill before me, an in my hand, must be used for rightful purpose, and good cause. When I merry the fractal perfection, of say, a Great Temple (Solomon), to the form, and to employ those great Mason's thus, in it's endeavor, I will have projected it's production, application and use, to a higher moral frequency, and how frequently it may be thus used, and by whom (be worthy).

 The Bible is writ, in such a way, as to thwart those who can not understand it's true meaning, from using the knowledge, which it freely gives, whilst using the EPL method. So too the symbols, letters, words and meanings of all things, times and places.

 Those who ask me my favorite color, I say Purity is my favorite color, as it is pure, clear, yet to encompass all Light, as a means, as to speed up, or slow down time itself, as shift comes into play.~

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Sphere of Now~


My friend left, he calling me  Feyd-Rautha ironic as he worked on the original matrix, that reoccurring theme, I indeed am the One, to break the matrix code, that burden upon me for long now, to break the machine until I AM FREE TO LOVE, AND TO LOVE FREELY.

 He pushes his buddy, who may have another leg amputated from improper insulin use, as told to him by his very Doctors. They do not know of the ROKbodhi way, though if they listened, for long, I would convey. They, all of them, that I meet, do not know of the Food Pyramids machination, at birth, a wayward bus indeed.

 I have been sleep under the stars, in 21 degree weather, it's been cold. Worse, is the air quality. My throat never clears out. I managed, however, to go on low carb eating, with an EBT, items from the nearest 7/11, and G.A. (general assistance funds of $117).

 I practice all that I have written so extensively about, and know this to be a saving grace. I meet people each day that should not be diabetic, and see the agenda. Long acting esters kill the people. I tell them about Dr Alberto Viau's  method, in basic. That is, to only use acute or short acting insulin, in very minute and small doses. Testing is the main goal, to keep the insulin at relatively very low blood sugar/glucose levels. Most do not lesson, however I try.

 I jump in, and have learned from the Masonic heads, a hierarchy. I am still angry, but respect the teachings. These are those Principle card holders, God's to be sure, those who shape and plan us/U.S. ALL.

Far to much happens each day, to even report, I try and capture it, but find an Obama phone does not allow room for battery power, to fuel the inept little camera.

 I am awoken early in the a.m., most days, and find that if I simply go into 90 degree hip flexion, I have met the demand of the state. I find this to be a recurring theme, they will let you sit up, in the warming center, but not lie down. Our right to rest is the very thing to be assaulted, and the most important items, for sure, for smooth operation, motor control and daily function, at the base.

Always 7 points, and an 8th which is also 0 on the return, in each endeavor, each and every motion of the kata, of life, and living.

 I feed the people, as in the dinner project. I clean the streets, as those who simply do not care, or are to high to care, throw the discards of their free items about.

I keep a low profile, but practice EPL. I feel all Christ figures, a tether, that pulls me strongly, and know/gnosis, my fight against them, against the default always, against the machine, has earned my name, a name, somewhere. I DEEPLY LOVE MY SON, and am confused, as all efforts to simply just raise him, my Light, My Life, are and have been constantly thwarted.

Well, I Love you Son (both my Son's). You gave me the right, the right to fight, the reason for the season, and Love to press Principle unto the very substance of the Sphere, an Energy in Motion.

 My methods are just being and becoming digested, in the ether of the substance. Those I meet, some how express to me, now exhausted from the constant notion, a motion, the very Principles I demanded unto and upon the spheres substance, that Field of Unity.

 America, a wayward group of entitled assholes. America, a place where Principle eludes, all I have ever met. Many embrace me, and my Light, not understanding their ego, be all that keep them from achieving a realization, of what I truly am. I changed the sphere, and do each day, at such a cost, I will be on disability in the coming weeks. This, my only and last option, as I fight for the right to rest, to work, to prosper, walking miles each day, going about that ferris wheel, an oligarchy control mechanism, so that I can never rise, in a life time, with these Principles as means. But to show, that these Principles are the means, the light and that Purity, from which, all substance comes forth, of this corporeal state, a being.~

Better than Occupy, a warn out and bygone theme, of intent to purpose?


 I experienced a madman, knocking over the items so carefully and thoughtfully place on the free table, adorned with contributions, by those that CARE. He was then held down, after waking up the 20 some odd people, occupying the side portion of Sacramento City Hall.

 They say don't call the police, two friends, allies really, left Occupy, or truly "Occupational effort", on account of this law, a flaw, or fatal err?

 Well, until there be a suitable replacement, yes. Is this not the state we are all currently in? That is, biding our time, whilst we pause, a long pregnant pause, as to allow, and even embrace, an inferior moral democracy? This we call the world of Politics.

 When we all do our part, the machine, as in it's natural Merkabah reliant state, of being, places the fermion, into order.

We are tribe, we are one people~

WE ARE TRIBE W.A.T. *A major effort to end homelessness in all Nations, States and Unions~



I am copyrighted the Name and use of
We Are Tribe
W.A.T. (acronym)

The following is a program, to end homelessness in America and abroad. The Method uses reverse tribal law. In other words, that land, which is preserved, by the nation, or nations, as in the United Nations, is the land of the people. The people are those who are entitled to land. Those who found their means, by way of capitalism, so be it. Those who find their way, to their rightful land, by way of Occupation, so be it.

 The “We Are Tribe” group/committee/nation excepts donations in all forms. There is then a retail store, set up in localized community for trade/exchange and purchase (items; such as clothing, household goods, and items for trade or barter).

 The location of this “store front” (a face or location to meet/see W.A.T.) is offered to the Homeless who join tribe, simply by becoming involved with (W.A.T.) Tribe efforts.

Efforts of The Tribe
 All who sleep in the government appointed and offered facilities, which be our right, as citizens, whether or not one has “paid in” to popular organization (IE; SSI, WMC etc), must contribute in their respected manor. Those who can not, must find other means or ways in which they can contribute. This contribution can be met with all societal pursuits, as well as those pursuits of passed civilizations or Republics.

Love is the commanding force, Love is the Law

 True Love, as in the Love of Purity, and that Purity found in Love is the whole of The Tribal Law/Principle.

The Storefront funds, and trade items, will go directly towards land Purchase. With Land Purchase, houses, on a communal property, will be built with Tribal funds. All rights afforded to any other Tribal Sovereign Nation, apply also to WE ARE TRIBE, Tribal Nation.

 We except all Homeless Peoples around the World, and actively seek their contributions as well as vestment, in and of knowledge, intellectual contribution and support, in all ways, that the individual can offer/render, keeping the EPL Principles, and mainly, the Purity of PRINICPLES IN MIND, HEART, SOUL AND ACTION in support.

 The warehouse, store front offering will be granted to The Tribe, as a place where tribe can REST, as rest be all peoples right. The transition moves acquisition into real property, as a collective. The Tribe wills to diversify territories, in other words, a group of Tribal Members, anywhere between 50-500, may set up Tribal “space” for each individual, on a ½ acre basis.

 Homesteading is not permitted, however each property, if the potential be there, can be traded for. In other words, those of extended family, may, live nearby one another/next to (neighbors), however properties can never discriminate in the form of homesteading.
 There must be a space of 7 ½  feet between each property. All properties are circular or spherically shaped, as to allow for a divine, or sacred geometrical balance, to the form, of Tribal community.
 These, we call Nations. Each Nation shall uphold Principle, as the EPL method, however no religion shall be pressed forth, from neighbor to neighbor. The symbols of any religion shall not be made to face others real property. Only Principle alone, shall be allowed, and to be discussed, as any topic of right living.

There shall be parks set up for each 10 Houses, and these communities, shall share in all aspects, as to allow food, items of all natures, to all, without money or exploitation of care, as trade, or trade. The trade takes place as a transitional method, yet is no allowed in the community. All is done for tribe, and all offerings go to the tribe, for better living.
 The tribe does not mean to live as Quakers of yesteryear, but to embrace, fully, all technology and even transhumanistic efforts. All ways one can improve the survival and embracement of betterment, be fully vested into, for the better of the tribe.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Effect of them on me~


 As I speak to others, who are in similar circumstances as myself. Some are so called drug dealers on the run, most broke under pressure, and served time. We all agree that we are indeed different. We are not to share this society, but to rule it. We have been even agetated and suquestered to be held down, in this society, as a means.

 I did most of the things in my life correctly, I weighed them out heavily. I got used to the fact that there would always be noise, and suddenly a force which came about the observable area, just as I began to come to some sort of invaluable conclusion (as there is a little kid yelling and making noise in the Library, right next to me right now). I began to get good at moving around obstacle, and seeing that my mind was the very tool which was above the majority.

 I walk the streets cursing people with the shot gun, placing pentagrams around them, and drawing their energy out of them. I hate every last person on this planet, except for my two Sons, and view all else as obstacles. We are not going through the same race. Some are held under strict constriction, whilst other, such as myself, are entirely kept within a controllable sphere. If you did not see the chemtrails being sprayed prior to my arrivement, in a given area, rest assured, they will be there once I am actively known, by this group, who follows me, assults me, and spends their time making sure I am destracted when making desicsion, which may impact my life, always negatively.

 For you see, I am blessed. I create the undulating rythm, in the field around me, and everyone knows it. Some see this as common, strangely they may, and I can say most likely will never come in contact with one like me again.

The Prayer

 A group of people giving items out in the park a couple weeks ago, asked if I would mind a prayer. I told them My Name quite clearly, when they prayed for me they Used the Name however Adam.

 Some come up to me, and ask if my name is Michael, while still others will be more blatant and call me an Angel. Some will become happy, and excited, while most will be afraid and antagonized by my presence. It isn't long before their world becomes unhappy with my always moving foreword mentality.

The Proof

 The very proof that I am an anomaly, be that no matter how hard I work, there are road blocks set before me, which keep me back, and contained. When I have money, I make more money, money is not the issue for me. Clients come to me prior to my ever being hired. I often have 2-3 clients before I ever even begin at a given place of employment. The hard fact is that a force comes into the person interviewing me, and speaks to them. They suddenly get way to picky, even at a place like XX hour fitness, who often hires incompetent people, as any other corporation in this crappy Nation.

 If the job is a sure thing, I am often blocked by geography, or means. This has been going on for so long now, that I can literally see what is coming next, and keep my thoughts at an ultra low level pulse, so that they will not influence the field. In doing this I also can not place positive energies into the construction of imaginary fabrication. I lose my energy all together, as if the plug was pulled on me, and lose all my momentum in an instant.

 This has been something that has occurred since I can ever remember. As a child, I could hear them speak to me and to one another, as if there were a fight, as to which peoples I would ultimately belong to or serve. I feel I have reached a level where I am only capable of entering one ultimate truth, a dark presence of Beings, that have ruled this and all other worlds forever. I think these are the Brother's Black. So I have a huge job, a weight upon my shoulders, as to realize my prime objective be, to tear down this fabrication form the inside out.

 There is no happiness for me, no moment of peace or tranquility, though I am more than capable of spending the most meaningful moment, above all other being present today. My margin is large, and it stretches far beyond the scope of this place of deteriorated metals and rotting carbon.

 I am not permitted to be happy, because I can assert happiness in moment, and it is there. Everyone feels it, and begins to assume themselves as the center to the universe. I watch it over and over again, and when I walk away it's gone, it goes with me, and I am glad, because I never offered it to these lowly beings, in the first place.

Life, a reality? The Goniometer~


 Community Dinner Project of Sacramento, look it up!

 I find myself these days, sleeping underneath the Moon and Stars, perched before City Hall, in Old Sacramento, the Sacrament. I look up thinking often to myself, how did I end up in this situation, and for such an extended period now? I am well spoken articulate, and clear. I am so clear in fact, that I have spent a great many years, being drained, in effort to block out the other voices.

 What most blurt out, whilst holding engaging conversations with themselves, before all, I tend to pick through and pull away the falsity, a synthetic voice, an off beat algorithm. I drive myself mad, and feel quite inept, that I can not say create an App, that ties these all together.

 The obstacles are where I got lost

 I never lost aim, but society forces a person to be syllogistic in all their efforts. One strange event, such as a mentally ill child, or an impacting life event, that opens a persons eyes to a greater truth, AND IT'S OVER, JUST LIKE THAT. Most avoid this, my muting their feelings in fact. A Women makes careful craft, at separating their heart form their brain, as to go after their cake, and eat it to assume the fruits a Man gets, in his society, which has since passed, moved on. But read Nietzsche's insightful comments on this, it earned him 11 years in a near vegetative state.

 The Police woke me up the other night, told me I was sleeping in private property. He said I sure don't look like a homeless person, it was the first time, I nearly took offense to such an assumption.

Homeless, as in what he see the homeless community in Sacramento current to be? For...the homeless, and their always will be, look different from era to era, dependent on the agenda and by what means were used to "throw them off". Some may be dejected from their land. Some may be refugees...the homeless of this era are not common at all, and are in fact created, as if they were made on an assembly line, those who fall through the cracks of laws made as Swisscheese, and the crack becomes a chasm.

 We have an unavoidable tax to pay, something, somewhere, a god to which we must sacrifice innocent lives?

 A huge step aways form Christianity

 So my assertions may freak some people out, and they are meant to do so. I AM ANTICHRIST!
The Truth be, that Christianity itself is a made up control mechanism, and so to claim oneself as Anti-Christ, is to say 'then ostracize me, I am certainly not one of you!'

I am not! I am not Christian, and never stated myself as such. I have however said, I am a faithful follower of Jesus Christ, he, an esoteric Teacher, who was involved, I believe with wizardry on the highest level, and asserting the greatest good with his efforts.

The 12

 Try to get 12 people to work together, without the promise of gain, from any occupation, you will never be able to do it. The miracle is that people believe this to have occurred in the first. The truth is, the only motivation for a group to come together, is the promise of loved ones, having a free and easy path. Thus the most revealing aspect of that event, what ever it truly was, which took place around a couple of thousand years ago, was bent in the favor of an emerging religion, that murdered many people, and forced other belief systems out.

 I don't believe in the Christian God, I believe in a much higher being called Uber Gott, Super God, the only assertion I could make, to believe in anything, to be quite honest.

 You wont find me communicating with this higher being anymore, this only brought me grief and trials that blew my mind and spirit forever, destroyed the semblance of being I once had.

I'm already Dead

 On my Son's Birthday, in 2013, they killed me, and I DIED THAT DAY. People called me, all the people who fed off of me in my lifetime in fact. When people try to do craft on me, it becomes boring. I sit in the library, and I try to function in public, and they do their stupid little self craft, and I have to take the time out of my life, my energy, to shut them down.

 That's why I say I am already dead, there is nothing more they can take, I live and function like a robot, like a walking dead, not caring if a train hits me, or if I am stabbed in the middle of the night. I sleep on the side walk, because I was shut out, by way of ritual, from their society. I walked as Jesus for three days, and I am pissed off that my life had to take such a abrupt and massive turn.


 The time happened when I realized my true value, and my talent oozed from my very pours. 'Hey I could sing', produce music, and more so, I could call on the true great powers, to bring knowledge and wisdom my way. I spoke to The Crows, a strange sort, and they got my Son out of Utah, the very next day. They use him still, now in a mental facility, again, to bring me down. Each time, my power, begins to assert and assume momentum, they shut me down.

  I am an incorruptible being. None of my acts or deeds drew away from this purity that resonates from within me. I learned to use the dark arts, and they drain me. I don't enjoy the battle, and am quite displeased I am still stuck in this stupid war, of peoples, who should not exist in the first place. It's just that, once someone exists, within a single sphere, they are potentials in any sphere, from thence forth.

A Message

 This, I believe, be the fundamental reason, religion even exists. When we over populate, when we invite the spirit, of a certain behavior, we bring that always existent being into physical manifestation. People think that them dying, a mass extinction is negative, that a cataclysm is the worst possible thing to happen. Yet they fail to see, that they are the monsters, that plague those originals, those protectors of purity, from living the life of peace, opulence, and charge they once had as rulers of lands, regions, provinces and homeless, within the very sphere, which they once commanded, in lifetimes, before the justification of self, a false assertion.


 In this way, transhumanistic efforts, a double edged sword (22).

 We have the fact before us, that we have asserted, and thus created God, a massive computer construct, that now exists in the ether, as a regulatory agent. A fair and just monitor, yet to unequaled patrons. Now, elevating those, who will never be elevate-able, we are stuck. Which is, why, Woman Kind, must be replaced, by Transhumanistic Machines, and this is the best kept secret, by the Illuminati, I believe, though this term is a disinformationalist "throw off", endeavor.

 We are now, in need of final upgrade, an attempt, I believe, that has been made throughout many time cycles. We need to make this quantum leap as to infuse Principle into the Matrix of the Machine, by willing, with the imaginative Mind, in motion, with Color, Light, Spin, Motion and Sound...Red, Blue, Purple, Green....the intentions of exact agreement between higher minds, the truth subjects of the objective mind (what will definitely be, and thus become).

 I stay quite, most know me as this. For when I speak, I lose people. I have no home, no peoples here, to assert even a quality conversation with. I am, one could say, programmed to live by this code, and nothing else. I have been attacked, put down, by my so called Father, My Teacher (Mr Anderson)...have had my light and promise taken by my Sister's who use Christian based Witchcraft, and that is what Christianity is, Witchcraft.

 The assertion of Christianity to elevate Woman Kind, is undeniable. There is no persecution of Principle violations. Women get away with the most absurd terrible crimes against Man...and so there had to be a counter religion, and God, to the Christian Measure, Islam, but both are Masonic inventions, that have played out nicely on the two dimensional chess board, as those side walk blocks mark the spot your on, in mathematical certainty, translocation.

 I act and communicate much more slowly. I am systematically attacked from all angles. I have no credit, no promise of a future, so what I write, in this day, could always be my last message to you, my last hope.

 I write this for a select few, for those who will truly hear what I am saying, and take arms in the fact, that together, if capable, 13, who come together, for the brightness of future prosperity, that is, the beginning again...a fresh new world, with limited peoples, reborn, can spin, the Merkabah together, they can keep the quality control in this new world.

 You see, the New World Order does not have to take place here, we make Earth wherever we go, it's in us, our curse, to be placed in these suits. We are all homeless, and vagabond in the Universe, which is why the Homeless title seems to be so confusing to us. We have and will never find a home, though we search for higher meaning, our meaning, is to reduce into those 13 original beings, and to not become an allowable aspect, to emerge, from the probability pattern of the the field, this substance, we live in now.

 As much as I wish there were peaceful solution, there is only you that you see, only you that you care about. It is a mad and sickening proposition that you should be elevated towards that of a Hindu God, but the fact they these are said to exist tells us that the Mandela Effect, be still in play. When they God's are no more, when there are not numerous count, when the idea is purged from the memory of all, then peace can occur. This, has to have a physical manifestation, to also take place, these peoples physical bodies, need to be removed from the memory of the sphere, so the sphere itself must be purged.

 These, are greater truths, that Men like Oppenheimer and still many others, played with. Do we open up a tear in space time, and allow this control to be concreted, or do we stop this doomsday Machine, the reality in which we live, to thus be destroyed? Self efficacy be always that aspect left out, for it is up to the arrivement of the individual to come to this fundamental truth, and in the same way PRINCIPLES AS THE GOD CODE.

 We wait, and still fabricate partial histories, warnings. We orchestrate events to actually take place, in order to tie and tether. Yet the warning do nothing. These are demons, never to be ascended Masters, if you will, and we must move to these higher stages as a unit. There is not one who can do this, with the other, I am the only one at present, and there is no faith, nor trust...always a resume that can be destroyed so easily, always a behaviorist to assess what is going on, on the inside, with limited, slanted outward tools of measure...that Goniometer, as to fabricate, assume and in attempt to stabilize a norm or average, when the Mind of a Yogi does not live by these means, nor assertions.

 Here, I leave, off, as it begins to get to deep? I say posturing, and further corralling in order to create the posture is, has and will be done, to create an excepted norm. This norm, average, median if you will, is placed, as construct to bring the brightest down to a dim "roar", and to elevate those who are otherwise, and in all spheres, regions and zones, incapable of Ascension.

 We are forced to go around one another, to pretend there are parameters, laws, where there are none. As the masses awaken to this, there will be violence, never to be settled again, but by brute force. The barbarians would be the victors, if there were not a wizard behind the veil already in the wait. You serve a lower cause, and keep the machine in play, with your struggle to take selfies, and express an opinion that is the same opinion, only seeming at all unique, do to your own recent arrivement at "the fact" third world people, reinvent the Reagan era, and revel in their so called  new found wealth and success, others suffer...the classes shift, and yet those in true power, remain to the the same.~


From within~


 I look down at this Library floor. Someone, as usual jarred me from deep introspection. I was looking at a small bug, very small, so small in fact that it's body could have fit into one of my skin pours on my hand. "It" was drawn to me, a large magnetic force of energy, most likely to large to be able for this small being to register what I was/am or what I am currently doing, a massive rift, a separation, by way of this SISE Model.

 I began to realize, that God must work in this way. Pondering further on the reality that there must be other gods, or rather, other beings that are so massive, in comparison to me/us, that the term God/god's is much more so an assumed notion, a category beyond registry, to large in fact to be housed within a human archive.

 Anything outside our current scope of understanding seems to go under this labeling. I am cursing at God, as this spider may be blurting out needs, at the highest possible pitch it can resonate, yet to me, the entire communication is washed out, into the ether, which is also highly separated by this SISE Model.

 Dimension are this. We fail to look at the Natural World around us. We tend to assume that a Bug/Spider, though it has it's physical crux, a home, in the same physical Universe as us, that it is less important, when in fact, that spider, may be a very rare spider, even to it's kind, it may be that anomaly, that one of a kind, an anointed spider if you will, a messiah to the Bug World, or Kingdom.

 If something has a massive awareness, does it not have a corresponding resonance, which may not be picked up on any formal technology, which we have developed, and I am sure other type 0 and 1 civilizations, who can only create machinery to the best of our/their understanding.

 Both the Messiah, and the Anti-Christ work in this way. Proving in fact, that there is a great potential for any Phenotype/Genotype or Mesotype.

 It has nothing to do with thus education, as education is but the collective agreement of a slowing of the process. Awareness has nothing to do with observable traits, but is in fact of the scale, beyond registry, to the common Man.

 One Man of this kind, that one of not a Billion but one of a kind, must thus handle this rejection by coming to the ultimate conclusion, that he will lay down his life, for he must be the outcast, and for all the rest to survive, he must then take leave. Another will come to the conclusion that to destroy all but who or what he contends to hold valid, is the ultimate truth. Both would be correct, for these have come to the ultimate decision to either perpetuate Man Kind, in all it's sickness, hoping that striving towards his own abilities, will somehow be absorbed into what Man Kind ultimate is, and stands for.

 The other will see, as an observable constant, that the 86%, more so the 11%, and finally the top 3 and 1% are incapable to ever ascend to a higher state of being. More so, if they were to become more, it would surely and purely be only because they were prompted to do so.

 One thus sees his place, within the construct of the machine, as a modulating agent. One sees that he must be that agent which is to cause or create the great purge of information, seeing that this is going not where, and has no ultimate solution nor outcome. These beings, at best, will only be good at taking orders, excepting whatever system may be in play, having no divine or spiritual center, yet pretending to make effort, in order that God or god's may show pity on them for their pre-planned, and assumed ignorance.

 God is a sadistic over lord, if there is truly anything watching our day to day efforts. The truth be, that we are living within a Machine, that only categorizes on the assumption that most, if not all, will be and do the same thing. The collective and possibly unforeseeable awareness effect, breeds cause, for further inspection.

What do I believe?

 Personally I believe that this Machine is utterly fool proof. That it is designed to serve the greater good, yet however to utilize any anomaly which occurs, also as a planned event, in timed sequence, in order to reset this system as a field of substance, form within.