
Friday, June 16, 2017

Beyond the corporeal, a Stellar Mass~


 "For once, we all began as sweet spirits, with a benevolent cause, we must see through the eyes of fruition, this is not yet the end!"

"You! Yes You there now, as you sit back in judgement labor-less and absent just cause! Have you ever been the mutated animal or the dejected fool, the raped and battered Woman, or the War Torn Soldier?(!) For surely you judge not from an earned throne of experience [TIME]."~

 One would suppose that I hate Women, show great contempt towards her, yet the truth be far different. I spend my time assisting them. My Mother, my dear friends and those seeking enlightenment. I may seem harsh and abrassive,  but my natural way is one of sheltering, nurturing and elevating. They listen, and at great risk, once, I handed over the gauntlet to those who could, did and would, practice craft against me.

 My beliefs within are in perfect balance toward the without. I battle with their exquisite beauty, and this inner conflict taken to extreme, culminates beyond a mere orgasm, manifesting instead into a force of enlightenment, so that the slim chance we can move forward as a tribe of one, will again be possible.

 I work hard at disproving lost causes, because I was and am one myself. I work tirelessly at the notion that the impossible can be thus made possible.


 Further my professional life became one of unbearable intimacy, where I have been loved by many Woman. My harsh view is never with the spirit of any being, as tears well up within me any time I can spend a moment with a loving spirit, whether a Noble Bird, a Brave Dog or a Confident Cat...or a Wise Tree. I Love Nature, and was (and am) conflicted. They know I can touch their souls, and so through course they, as I, crave to know the Pure and True intimasy beyond said projection, a mere dilation of protein manifestation [corporealism].

 I tried to kill myself, but instead I must become the ultimate me, and in doing so, for better or worse, it has changed  the world.

Murder was the case, that she gave me; law and a boutique culture


 As of now, you have heard of, and quite possibly used such techniques as 'presupposing'. However the inclination, as to presuppose "that feeling which is next, or soon coming", used consistently, as to bend time itself, I presupposing.

 Assuming a person as a specific character, is quite common to the maligned conartist. Using often such techniques as to overwhem with over bearing assertion, as to break down a potential victims will, is also widely known...however abstracted upon reflection, or deflection and reflection. The so called victim may often times be the orchestrator and more so creator and perpetrator to their own proclaimed spiritual " taking back".

 The machine seems to let them get away with it, as is the case of seduction, and the huge cost, as to employ an entire world populous, on the very notion.


 A Symbol, and so too a sign can, Will and should, Talk, Live and Breath~

The Spirit; the collective mind~


 Absent the Spirit, all would be mechanical, forensic, sterile and alone.

 The Spirit is the interchangeable and exchangeable defining factor, which allows the Mediocre greatness (!), through divine Will. Principle then manifests.

A new world emerges, where we have an identity, a community which even supports that solidarity, toward and for, that greater good.

Benevolence must be that final outcome.

Therefore to justify those groups of Men, who have will thier own world, and so their own Kingdom thus.

The Perfect Self; do not doubt~


 When self doubt is no more, our errs can be corrected on the spot.

 Without the common emergences of such religious beliefs and transition...merging all religion into one, we would not be capable to fully grasp The Pure Son.


 Jesus is this Son.

So to see the purity which manifest in you. But alas it is in without, where the true dilemma lie.

 To doubt all that is without, is to thus separate the self from the solution without.
Then to doubt the self, is to divide the self.

 We life in a cause and effect time machine.

We have destroyed ourselves, as gods of Atlantis.

The default disc of return, as flat time or pentagram inverted is there as a segment of repeat, so that we can begin again.

 We are learning through crashed probabilty, back to prompt, working toward arrivement, when/where all that exist, is The Perfect Self.

Nothing is truly working against you, rather, it is everything that demands all of you, through Pure True Expression of The Self.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Our Hormone Prison~


 Proteins, which make up the very pigment of illusion, as light casts a shadow of presumed knowing, over ever searching convex and concave view, the blind.

 The machinations found in Man, and thus this resonant consciousnesses, Proteins!
When the hormones no longer alter perception, vitality be gone, but the true spirit emerges, as a Hermet Crab from its host shell. The secret be, to never let vitality nor the spirit leave, nor truly separate. In this we find a balance, a dawning moment, when the rules and laws of society be found in direct conflict with the individual as observer.


The held consciousness...


We must cease to justify The Craft and place this higher consciousness towards always uplifting Principle (EPL Principle), as a Golden Means.