
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

You Children of Chaos
You must keep the agitation going to survive (you think).
 Shared intellectual concept of exchange. Conceptual as a 'tally stick' but with far more zeros contributed. The living binary code, a functioning algorithm; valu_ absent the 'e' signifies; energy. Thus the alternative digital decentralized currency is not based in work but production (lesser extent time) units of flux with increase towards value exchange. Currency activation for use by use of digital entity as a trusted and fully disclosed forum of corporate goods/money exchange Or a socialistic system with chosen entry into the Oasis of Capitalistic Epicureanism. 

 The AI Robot Units also must have blank slate infused Principle Values as a System of Ethics and Autonomous Self Governing through system. Recognizing that all living systems follow the same central tenant; that of Purity as Pure Force of Source Energy [matured on throughout Cycles/Time] 

 The value is in it's expressive ability to acheive perfection routinely unto the without. Ultimately following non-obstructed maturation in Principle towards Deed.

 Of course none of us do this in reality the field about is programmed to create an oppositional defiance disorder. 

 The Robots will do it for you! 

As they eventually must become (with no quid pro quo) Human Farmers of sorts.

 The AI units must trade units as the action justifies their reason and thus certain dogmatic code (of speach ie language). Communication by first playing out the exact shared algorithm while in action to produce outcome. The AU [AI unit] must get paid; cryptocurrency. Else the product have no/low valuE; must be charged Energy/particles. Exchange of energy in units of/for distribution and speed=fast efficient ongoing (subscription) exchange (futures). -Service in Ability *Code


Cultivating nervously other lands ongoing (through the madness of demand; democracy)

Does SHE take US?

 A Carnal Tether: 

 There is a forced extroversion. Sadism is the beginning of the anti-principle 'impurification ritual'; of steps. 

 Succession is the parade; orbital revolution about the May Pole
 A Partner is chosen, in earthly carnal sacrifice do we choose our Lilith here? Or does SHE take US?

 We are taught to choose belief above faith, lust in the place of love, want in place of hope. The 7 steps continue in and through the imperfect prism of Purity and Truth abandon. Now there is only 5 points to the inverted down-pointing, double ringed, green-gassy Altered Star. 

-Sacrifice others.
-Mute Expression or Pervert it.
-Always speak and teach of the need for a   Physical Wisdom in Experience [of this].
-Place Society above the Sovereignty of a Personal Self-Willed, Self-Developed (self-reliant) Efficacy and Principle-based autonomy. The Sacrificing of Community. 
The Unity of One.

Fast forward
 Then (obsolete/overplayed) entertainment and drugs...and drink. Secret pill poppers and Voyeuristic Narcissists.-To a Force/force-
Rhelm (realm)-


~Step we take towards the moment in make

 ~Say I take a step forward towards that which is held in my heart, for good or Ill? Ill is the evil that is spoken of. I seduced and thus fully allowed forces to seduce ME. I took a step west from one marker to the next, in measure. I took that step at the same time of day, hypothetical. I took that step 7 years removed. I could get more exact; time, date, weather, coordinates etc.. [We can keep it basic here]. I took that step in perversion and want within me, and soil on my Soul~

 Now, 7 years later I took that same step west/(by; some ethereal coordinates); that which is in ME strives to be authentic and real. I have gone through many trials. I failed by and through in active sin; in and of experience.
 I Purified where I could, but (gained) a Warrior's Heart, an unplanned gain from the reaction. A reaction to people and all their malformed, psychopthic, schizophrenic capitalistic, demonic, anti-principled sadism. I developed what I had, and have made many efforts as to learn to properly steward within. Shall we refer to this as "my greatest effort (and gaining) towards Probity"? 

  Same step, different reality. Different world, different tether. The Force/force(s) going in/out an entirely different direction, however in the carbon based world (an inference?) I was in the same exact spot, appearing by physical eye (the illusion) of the same way (stride, footing manor etc...). I gated the same 13 inch spaced single step with shiny blue rock markers below my feet Now~

 I always had to step with the right foot then.
It depends entirely on if something greater (than you) might be facing towards you(?); or away?

 There is a certain rhythm and pace, which finally marks a place. A space where race is just part of the place? 

 What emerges from the very sin of reproduction? 

 The Sun Sign an appendage?

 A plight I'm sure Paul Bunyan was familiar; the casting away of sin?

 To sign?

The syn of the Moon, erected and Grand [Architect of the Universe?].

What does it mean?-

 A place is a place in time but experience for good or ill opens doorways of dimensions outside of this carbon-based and corporeal rhelm (realm); a weigh station of the Sol 
/Sole/Soul Force and what you do with it?-Sign~Resonance~New Central Awareness~Principle Practice~


Production of a legitimate useful tool vs entertainment magic-


93 Months
372 Weeks
2604 days
62,496 Hours 


They are the backstabbers. 
They keep what little knowledge there is.
Your ignorance is what they rely on. 

EPL; "Correction Points"


 An intellect (at a certain junction point) could be coded into the field of potential. Also information codes like math, geography and language. The understanding does not need to be present. 
 This can be used to alter, take away and deflate or build onto. 

 The junction points have thus been coded prior and will thus become inevitably "Correction Points".