Self Sacrifice in meaning:
"If struggle did not occur then how would I ever know?"-Gnosis
The world looks towards meaning; shapes, symbols, codes. A system immerges. It is the same systematic protocol that follows a principle nexus. Each principle has a corresponding mineral/element, color, vibrational signature. If this were taught early on, life and it's meaning would be second nature.
There is a lineage that can rather be carried along or extinguished. It is always up to the validator. Like a Bit-miner Machine it/we are the conscious processors of information, a data-set.
People have literally become lost in translation of this [truth].
Meaning is only displayed existentially because there is a reverse polarity of our inner struggles in relating to the world without. The world without has been sabotaged purposefully as a booby-trap to anyone placing their will towards becoming complete within themselves. Those who adopt and master this are then judged by an arbitrary ethical law of piety that does not exist. Shame is a shameful game.
Meaning is in a chosen symbol which aligns with a progression or stage of becoming. This is a state. A mindstate, a statehood, also; 'to state a fact'.
I am an INTJ, I think and see the world in symbols and shapes...signs and codes. People and the choices they make either correspond to this principle-code in succession or they are typically wiped out.
However a democracy insures that those who would be this minority of peoples (principle-less) will be securely kept as an inept animal in a farm only temporarily taking up space as a marker; justification of their inevitable irradication.
I will not live in a false society of novilty and games. There must be a principle based cause or death in a fallen world (a prison) be the only choice.
*In this (above) a masonic tradition of sacrifice. God and a Messiah would squarly be regarded as a 'theoretical abstract ego'. Work does not vindicate. It is however the intent within, the motivating force (called upon), aligned within that determines operation and function. Thus an entirely rational construction of an item has no life in it and will produce nothing of any real meaning. Just as those who have no principles can, as I have witness, produce masterful works. It is not the works (outcome of work/rendered) as qualification but/however The Struggle.