
Monday, December 7, 2020

The Binding

 Popularity is a capitalistic, political and democratic appeal to the masses; as to not ruffle the feathers. In this you are paid with arbitrary yet future binding notes for goods IE bills- 

'birds of a feather flock together'-coven


The Fall; sHE-HEr

Outside of herself, justification in psychobabble: 
Fabricated Arbitrator the inhibitor-
 It was from "HEr" very origins (though "sHE" is not original; yet from HE) that sex would be a means of control. Whether being controlled or under assumable control. HEr excitatory transitory existence, and attempted tertiary replacement of the , 3rd Principle. 

 "sHE"; the failed (already; pre-fallen) and was made to fail the excitory event of Supernova. "sHE" the potentiated negatively charged electron inhibitor. 

 It is in the balance of The Struggle of become. A seeming thin line which makes HEr more masculine in material existence, though born under the wrong/false Star/energy, suppose to be in maturation. 

 Of course sHE would master the skills of HEr own domain. And those who follow the races (see Glenn Kimble's work) would also; having been corporeal from (false ) origins.

Total -body~mind~spirit~ 
Can only be acheived from original HE 

Adam, Jesus and EM~ME Force
The Oscillation
The world as a Capitalistic wrapper of discard. The learning hub of sin/Sign/syn/ ratio/degree of Understanding. 

The Original Con/with?:
 The most prolific works/workers either hide or fail to deliver this message of abstraction and original sin. "sHE" was made to cause you to faulter. Only very few would or could grasp this meaning because WE were under the guise of Woman's Seduction.

 The primary reason I do not polish nor push/advertise in mass EPL because this most unpopular Truth at depolarization, and becoming a vital and always burgeoning forth integral transmutative Energy. "sHE" and not leaving out any! Not a mother, sister, daughter, niece, cousin, aunt, teacher or friend from the parables of Eve and Lileth "sHE" has always been The Fall. 

Jesus not born of sHE-HEr; anti-principle. The Sacrifice of Purity, The First Sin. 

In the very essence of the name esoteric principles of light; pseudoscience. Thus entering the site is fantastic and beyond The Fringe of human understanding; conjecture?

Beating The Bull

Lucid dreaming is when you're conscious during a dream. This typically happens during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the dream-stage of sleep. An estimated 55 percent of people have had one or more lucid dreams in their lifetime. During a lucid dream, you're aware of your consciousness.May 15, 2019

Always Conscious!: 

 You will not be capable (absent drug); to attain the fully restful sleep absent being completely fed. This term 'feed/fed' relies nearly (in conjunction with) exclusively on CHO or carbohydrate intake. However none of the other executive or basal operations ("working") will be capable of reaching a homeostatic Equalibrium. However equalibrium in it's classic thermodynamic sense can not be acheived during the chaotic state of building up. The full enthalpy of the system must attain equilibrium. 
 Proteins however begin to address the issue if Equalibrium is not acheived but alternative calorie means are regulated in sufficient supply. Here an adjustment of protein folding signatures begin to adjust themselves around attainment of this (Equalibrium) not in competition but availability and prompt (Drive). 

 If Equalibrium is never acheived adaptation must take place. This is done by way of Drive.

Not everyone and possibly quite few (I believe), are capable genetically, psychologically, unconditionally and willfully  of such transformative feets. 

 Most who appear to be in an upper level of existence and consciousness are merely motivated by the toxic sickness that society burgeons forth IE Unhealthy Competition. To be first, to be better however stuck within the confines of "what is" and not as a part of the he casting forth of consciousness in Drive "what will become (next)".

Any competition is unhealthy competition. Competition in itself is unnecessary and rate limiting. It is demonic, sadistic and suppressant as it stays only on the fringe of understanding. *See Jordan Maxwell 'understanding'

The spiritual succession and accruement is not one of destination but flavor (quarks prompted to amass and align towards event).

The Field
 Starwars refers to this in obscurity, as midichlorians (meta-chlo-ions). **Life-needed-ions (as you know ions are only possible if electrons or protons are of a <, > number (leading back to thermodynamics). 

 In other words I do not believe that Equalibrium was ever the goal, nor normalisation. I believe radically and with great grandiosity that the goal to becoming rellies heavily and totally on transformation. 

*To Stand Under or Knowing. To mean this has profound implication as to literally stand under A or Monad. The number is letter abstracted (IE; '1'). "A" in it's full scope is an aspect of the 6 other principles in event/unfoldment eg 7x "A's", that fulfill directive of first understanding (not 8 because these have chosen a way/direction; always in Drive). Together these make up the Sun. However there is a transitory valuation placed on the active. I Believe the number in itself drives life (itself; towards eg "understanding") as 6.798. see article below "Phi Balancer":

Phi Balancer
Based on Phi or Golden mean Fibonacci



The second cycle cleaving by Phi

The leveling 6+7+8+9=30 

The return back to 3

One interpretation
**Met= unit of energy/measure also metaphysical
Chlor= chlorophyll
Ions= excited state of the atom/gas/substance


Disclaimer I am not a dietitian or medical professional.


plural noun: ions
an atom or molecule with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons

Meta (from the Greek μετά-, meta-, meaning "after" or "beyond") is a prefix meaning more comprehensive or transcending

 An element in modern scientific compound words (chloro- before consonants), meaning 'green' or 'greenish' or 'yellowish-green' (see etymology)

Mandatory Vaccination

Sunday, December 6, 2020

The errors of the [dimensional] ways

 The reason such lengths are gone to, as to make and rewrite history has to do with the fact that:

The singularity implies that all spheres (bodily from force) would be a reduncy of the same [sphere]. 

 Therefor all spheres would one by one fo back into the essence of the pure form [complete perfect and pure singular form]

 It is the sin that separates a sphere from another sphere.

 The are no vast number systems nor differences and even the same base pair existence is too many.

From the perfect Monad does not spring Phi in perfection, Phi is innate within the one that all other error infused divisions be based upon. 

  Therefor dimensional existence abstracted (here seen in falsity as individuation] is a repeating error code outside of the substance that is contained wothin a singular sphere or Pluroma. 

 The sin is what keeps dimension nal existence in play. The Grand Architect will thus fuse differing degrees of alchemical, spiritual and metaphysical unique intentional mistakes, sin, perversions of unique kinds. As well as metallurgical amounts and degrees. 

 The universe that God created was pure, perfect and inclusive. The universe adapted from the power of this original universe would this trail away from pure Phi Perfection. So all spheres would thus share a commonality, as to contain fractals and fragments (mendelbrot set?) of this original Phi Perfection. 

 The most valuable applicable empirical knowledge is not Gold, or Platinum, or exchangeable power of goods. The most powerful interator value immemorial is everlasting life. 