You are a child cast from The Abyss.
The Great Celestial Spheres came from the spin of void. A misshapen and wobbling pluroma, eventually refracting from itself that much dull shine. Just enough in fact to falsely replicate a portion of itself, as this false-self spinned and it's polar opposition.
Found in this refraction and inverted Halo prism suggested all geometry was known and reinterpreted. From this the length, the angle, the color, the distance, the draw. For always there was a cymatic ring. The chalice of our dreams and nightmares.
Non-euclidean spherical math was there in this false beginning. As each form grew and validated the other these drifted apart. Forever consciousness would be marred to measure the distance. A Universe?
The original spun was never complete, and the mirror of it only reflected the partiality of Truth.
Tied to this we are, tethered and strung. For even principle itself is a hazy notion.
These sacred geometrical structures assuming themselves (and Order) can only breed opposition. However to assume this bipolarity burgeons forth from duality is incorrect. For in the beginning it was solidified, from the dullshine, (then it's grotesque form) from origin; the only thing close to complete that never was and never will be.
The measure of who we are, and what this original form can be? only measured by the distance in between, sorrow. For the more I grow the further we are apart, and the further I am from myself.
We can count these geometrical foundational steps back to an assumable origin. We may call it Dyson Sphere or many other names, but more abstract in regression is the original form. Forever the monster searches for its maker, and when we find it? Only void.
To make effort as to validate myself only means that I am unaware of the origin, the entirety. The point and the reason for this life? And completion. Never to bridge the gap, never to travel the void. The truth and What We crave is to return back in to nothingness once more.
The assumable laws change as the substance changes. And soon there is no substance there at all.
But what came forth from eons of spin before there was time assumably successive? Eventually the Electric Serpent, offspring of the void.
There is a Chambers there. To begin the journey you would quickly lose a self, and so there is no way to view. But hard to doubt what I am saying for the void that weight in you.
First there was the spin.
Then there was the form.
And from this came the substance.
The Light that shown from this energy originated from this; thick black darkness.
Through course you choose the light for it's somewhere in between. It is better not to know, for when you do you only choose the sleep.
All that lives echoes back this red shift sacrifice and offering. For its mass is greater now. This thick black weight of Truth.
All we can do is balance out this cross to bear.
Stellar Mass 13
the 13th son
That point in Phi prior to 21.
[131+144+157= 432 (9)]
A soft whisper in your ear; "Life is a Lie Protected by the ignorant in denial".
Of course principal can be infused, but this is better expressed in form; for it revels on this incompletion.
This redundant story told, a wonder of imagination? We all lie beaten down, prostrate on this trail.
A scattered surreptitious effort to occult.
And in your True Fate?
Be what you are, what came from this...
A Star.~