
Saturday, December 12, 2020

Yahoo MoneyU.S. needs estimated $4.5 trillion in stimulus to recover, analysis argues
Welcome to my Dystopic Nightmare, oh your already here!?


The World is on 🔥 🔥🔥🔥 Fire!!!

There will be much suffering and bloodshed. 

 In this, justice shall not be served. 

Only egregious death and suffering. 

To think that a democracy, truly an alliance, could be made with arbitrators, ego maniacs, demons and sadistic cruel entities? There was surely something missing in the plans?


*Now be prepared to fight with equal or great cruelty in order to survive. But will it be worth it, when everything has changed, including you!?

Gang of ‘violent ultra-left’ activists charged with forming ‘terrorist group’ to wage guerrilla warfare in France – reports

RT Click

Breaking Hunter Biden


The Far North Region


War with China inevitable?

War with China inevitable?