
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

BTC: The war between the rich and poor; make no mistake

Do not be fooled there is a huge shift in this radical support line with BTC. 

The rich are watching the candlesticks they are also watching the news. 

As FUD and desperation set in and the poor begin to sell the rich will only play the level. The game is afoot to walk those people out at the bottom so that the rich can become arbitrators a new class of nobility controlling those satoshis that will soon become the penny and then the dollar. 

 Government digital monies will have a rude awakening at least in Europe and the US where they will simply be used as stable coins. 

Due from data of the past there should be a price correction down to 19,700.

However it is not the dabbling poor that are watching minute by minute now but the rich who do not need to sell. 

Because of this large portions are placed toward hodling well a large amount is predicting profits. 

You have now entered the greed arena of BTC.

Strange that those milestones would be set upon 21 million, 21 trillion..... And here 21,000.

Phi has become undeniably the signature.

The grand exploitation and the basement of purity and perfection forever divided this day and into a very finite future indeed.

Right now there is a manipulation taking place with Bitcoin.

 None of the previous dialectic in past chart readings shows any accuracy.

 For it is the rich who are now watching the impulses of the poor. There is no need for them to sell except when they notice a chart fud reaction. 

This is a war a line of scrimmage between the rich and the poor occurring on a global stage and many most are completely unaware of how this directly impacts their future.


Update Stimulus via Logan Alec

His link for video update already posted 3 hrs ago

EU arbitration on big tech


Meet Kevin: Stimulus Update and Breakdown


Logan Alec Update

via Logan Alec moments ago

Where Did The Road Go: Book review, 'Why Evil Matters'-Alex Tsakiris


Evil works as a filtration to eternal life of peace and harmony. 

The deeds done here to our body's and towards the body of others is weighed without prejudice but the reality of what a person really is, inside. 

Dead and deed 

In the now unseen realms
Misleading those who hold the middle balance is the pivot point between heaven and hell as a decision. In the final it may hidge upon the redemption and ultimate sacrifice of One.


 Absorption is darkness

Refraction and emission of light energy is giving, trust.

Evil is the knowing of this [that no one and nothing can be trusted] . 

 If this were not heavily manipulated by dark spiritual forces it could be proven as truth. 

 However when we are infiltrated apon, whether it can be found through coercion to sign/sin against the self this no longer can be found to be Truth. 

The abstraction is the goal. Which is what the benevolence of light had to step back from this line.

 There is a war in heaven that will ultimately and awe strikingly undeniably as close to Demons and Angels as can be. 

 In the breach of this Alliance, which is rapidly taking place in precise dividends.

1 mi of sin here is 1 in closer to the war there.

Here will become there.

The distance matters

As the false persona of a human bodysuit washes and fades away the sub personality will become the only personality.

Become what and who you are.
