It appears that Bitcoin dominance is not dropping further. Rather the market cap of the entire Market is dropping together. DaVinci j15 has some insights on this if you want to look him up on YouTube. Much of this cross correlates back into the stock market with GameStop.
This entire dip to me is an orchestration. A machination set about buying time. However truly it is a futile effort to fight the principle based Bitcoin with antiprinciple cruxed mud slinging. The hedge fund babies who have never been told no are passing away from their hardened hearts and clogged arteries. See how beneficial all those steaks are and long martinis at lunch are now.
Millennials will not carry this torch. They see a longer further future that extends deep into space and space exploration. It is not measured in obtruse concepts and ideas like a dick measuring contest. Thankfully those baby boomers are hitting their last note.
Things are only ugly now because of them. Further human Americana experience has only been ugly for the last 30 to 50 years because of their lineage. They are old, they are desperate and they are finished.
When a grand unified polarity shift of this magnitude takes place there will obviously be lulls before absolute highs. Bitcoin in all its principal and morality will emerge as victor for the patient and the few. What else is there that compares? The answer is nothing.
There will be people indicted for their roles in market manipulation, mark my words...though it may not surface for up to 2 years from today.
There is a desperate and uncouthy melodramatic brooding tone. The barbarians at the gate have lost their keys.