
Saturday, May 1, 2021

Cliche ME

 Each story is sad. Only in the macro view do you see your own personal tragedy. Inevitable separation; the vitriolic tone. Being reduced to a meme or reducing another to the same judgment with increasing sardonic undertones. It wishes to make a joke out of you as to escape its own obsolescence. All laughter is sadistic only seeming separate in its measure; a scale. 
['it' is an entity to be sure]

 There is a fine line between guilt and love. Perhaps it is the same only differing in transcendence and proximity IE the pain of separation both a prior and a posteriori.

 Young man she is a sellout and she wants you to join her. A dance? I think not, a ritual!

 It is easy to assume existential judgment however only after you have become the judged can you fully understand. 

 Further you think you can go back as if you are reading a book. However the pages that you seek are bridged back in time; another space, another place. 

 All principles,concepts and theories are only that absent pain, the missing ingredient.


Call me a lost Soul...really?

You got it quite wrong: there's no way I'm afraid of you. I'm looking at the monster through you, stuck to you and behind you always. 
