
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

If the Kingdom [is found] within?

 What is the difference between being existentially based and being extraverted? 

 Here we have two sides of consciousness [intro to extra]. No one has ever fixed government. Extraverts offer a seeming rationalistic lie that can never amend nor appease. The highest aspiration of a con artist is to use pathos, rhetoric and sway, as with a salesmen and any other form of extraversion. 

 The goal to live alone and to be in harmony is a fundanental key; ground floor base within the matrix of the introvert. Extravert and introvert (?); a very early choice made, found deeply planted within the internal psych. 

 Of course there are degrees of murky separation within the few; misunderstood. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL As it were, I Grogecceo Norrea stumbled upon a small town located in the upper Swiss province of Manora. I was not planning this expedition, not in the slightest way, for this was to become our way! Tiny tumblers popping, cracking and streaming before my presence, a reminder I was lost but and yet never truly (for there is always a reason to the way). In Principle are we reunited with our origins, or for ill, not. After my long-term studies abroad in all the ways of the occult, I began to show signs of wear. When you return back to any thought, impulse, action it solidifies your way. However the issue arises in this falsified world of 'Here Today'. For you are unable to truly carry out any action in deed that represents this Principle based notion. For as soon as the tongue even begins to mutter a mimetic benevolent chain of thought, action, deed matrix of support, the tongue is just short of ripped out from your very mouth. The sour taste of long term death rot can be smell-tasted (the affect of blended inauthentic emotional status in repeat; a falsified era such as this one here today). After all what are you meaning to communicate and much more so why(?) for that matter.- Carry that first true cannon, that first clear reading of the bible code, Opus Dei. It is money, in digits that corrupts and penatrates the heart of man, en aquisition of support. Suspended there within a finite bubble, floating about and dreaming, that is man in all it's temporary and held octive tonal phantom state, no glory to behold. There was simply no turbulance nor life existent outside the bubble...then. A spider claws its way into form, as does the octopus and most insects. There is a will but much more so an idenity that can and will take place anywhere in any time. There is a brain, a spinus system and a claw. This claw fists itself into existence and then blossoms forth into the display of what you believe to see in the here and now, which never was nor ever could or should ever be. There is no consistency in succession. The loop of purity in dreams is all that can or will be held in and as the eternal. Lotus~Status Stellarmass13

NO! SG seems like a project with integrity? Safe Galaxy UPDATE SCAM

Safe Galaxy is dead. SG soon to be Galaxy Protocol is run by a deceptive team. They are taken by seed money from one project and using early investors money to fund a complete different project. Galaxy Swap, Galaxia (which will be priced as a $1 offering) are a part of this nefarious organization. They need to be formally indicted.  

Monday, May 31, 2021

 I shed the skin of the past. I learned not to trust anyone. principles can guide you but where these guide you to is of a different place.

 You come to the fact that to exist as an unfulfilled half experienced is not being alive, truly. 

 Of course to make a statement as such, you would be called a snake charmer or serpent or reptilian in essence for use of a simple analogy. 

 Bones do not become stronger once broken. Scars hurt years after and show in wear. The truth is that this is an illusion but it is a cruel one. This system is an archaic one that breaks people's spirits and souls down to relent. It may take many reincarnations but the mundane repition of the cold dark reality will further break you down into nothing but spacedust. 

In tampering they tried!?

 It is a battlefield of minds thus the ultimate highest aspiration must be the quest. The gravel is no longer a place to dwell. 

These things that made us want us to think and believe that we can ride out of IT. That is just a lie. There is no rising out of or away from it. 

 Technology at it's highest levels bridges a Stargate between this world and another [dimension, possibly several]. All that is spiritual can not be completely abstracted from this [fact].