"You shall ensnare 🪝 Him!"
She is only as good as her opponent presses her to be. However her 'opponents' are hoaxed and seduced into a silent role, where they often are unaware of what they are being lured into. They often think they are be ng heroic and assisting a down trodden failing victim. However she must remain stealth, build an alternate personality, find out how her opponent's wants, needs and desires might work to her advantage. She is fiercely competitive, though you'd never know it by her false facade, something she considers secretly a masterpiece (she thinks she'll fool the world eventually and God if there is one; her ultimate goal )?
She must have an opponent, if she does not she creates them in her mind by building bridges to the past and accusations that aim to destroy credibility. She is a fatalistic secondary narcissists because she truly has failed interminably where "success" is all validation and appearance. So in turn she must appear humble; that is if her apponent appears humble and to what extent. The main moral dilemma lies in her justification for baiting an unsuspecting opponent in the first place. She must justify this abuse by demeaning and berating this individual. However the opponent does not know this is what they are. For they are only meant to experience from her the love bombing and constant need for a sounding board and hero at first. Then she justifies in the next stages once this is secure (in her esteem).The opponent is talked about to all she comes in contact with that threaten her idea of this 'self' in which she is constantly and covertly building up. However the opponent is often times her male counterpart of the time (boyfriend, brother, father, cousin, husband etc).
In turn to pay this object of abuse (of which secretly she knows full well that she is acting as perpetrator) she plans fully to immortalize him upon his death. She imagines his death in this way. She invites the workings of any craft by which to justify this end. She refuses to believe that she is doing witchcraft however borrows from those personally who full well call themselves Witches or are obviously or covertly doing witchcraft. She didn't then and 30 years later still does not know your favorite color, for this is something that the alpha witch contends, but that is all part of the story.
*I didn't write this out well. It won't go under further edit. It's one of those things that had to be said.
Did Eve (Lilith) receive (something like) this whisper?: "If you and your daughters learned do these things of which I will teach you and place within your heart (DNA), you shall live in this world forever, resurrected and with accruing superiority in your craft"-the goddess worship (Thelema, Wiccan Craft, Society at large)
21 Sun