They would like you to think that pure insightful vision and uncanny wisdom brought had brought them to prosperity only there was never a time when Principles ware ever known or meditated (practiced) upon.
They call themselves the Lucky however there were no gods smiling upon them and no karmic vestiges awaiting then at birth.
Rather there was a treacherous Witch working behind the fold with a loathsome heart and insatiable entitlement (whether Male or Female) wishing and dabbling and imagining assisted by demonic constantly summoned sources.
The source was never Principle. The Sacrifices of others and eventually their own could confuse the time line, that Karma never was?
Underestimated as Purity and Perfection sat at the sidelines watching hogs play, so that The Pure could eat. This is the Truth and these are the ways that have lead US to this point.
The abstract and Ill who fancied smelling their own excrement and painting surrealistic pictures throughout a life time so that these could give their imaginary god the middle finger not understanding the origins of any of these. No Karma and Black Magic do not smile on you well.