
Monday, December 20, 2021

'The Big Bang is currently regarded as the most successful model to describe the origination and evolution of the universe. However, its success has been limited by the so-called lithium problem, which refers to the fact that primordial lithium-7 abundance is overpredicted by a factor of three in comparison to the value from observation, while predictions match the observed primordial deuterium and helium abundances'

deuterium, (D, or 2H), also called heavy hydrogen, isotope of hydrogen with a nucleus consisting of one proton and one neutron, which is double the mass of the nucleus of ordinary hydrogen (one proton). ... It is a stable atomic species found in natural hydrogen compounds to the extent of about 0.0156 percent.

The Moon sphere and Primeval Teachers by Rudolf Steiner [YT; RSAP]

Tom Cruise [one of my least favorites]
A Child in another's Multiverse 
fall down 

Deep Fake
 A realist to the highest measure. A Nihilist to reason? I will always look at the darkness first. I have always seen over the Monster's shoulder of the time and saw only the Abyss.

Clouds fade and so too Worlds and Vapors 


Sunday, December 19, 2021

 A realist to the highest measure. A Nihilist to reason? I will always look at the darkness first. I have always seen over the Monster's shoulder of the time and saw only the Abyss.

Clouds fade and so too Worlds and Vapors 
