
Monday, December 20, 2021

Taken from EPL archives April 2014

This book belongs to the very few. Perhaps none of them is even living yet. Possibly they are the readers who understand my Zarathustra: how could I confound myself with those for whom there are ears listening today? -- Only the day after tomorrow belongs to me. Some are born posthumously.
The conditions under which one understands me and then necessarily understands -- I know them all too well. One must be honest in intellectual matters to the point of harshness to so much as endure my seriousness, my passion. One must be accustomed to living on mountains -- to seeing one wretched ephemeral chatter of politics and national egoism beneath one. One must have become indifferent, one must never ask whether truth is useful or a fatality.... Strength which prefers questions for which no one today is sufficiently daring; courage of the forbidden; predestination for the labyrinth. An experience out of seven solitudes. New ears for new music. New eyes for the most distant things. A new conscience for truths which have hitherto remained dumb. And the will to economy in the grand style: to keeping one's energy, one's enthusiasm in bounds.... Reverence for oneself; love for oneself; unconditional freedom with respect to oneself ...
Very well! These alone are my readers, my rightful readers, my predestined readers: what do the rest matter? -- The rest are merely mankind. -- One must be superior to mankind in force, in loftiness of soul -- in contempt...
Friedrich Nietzsche

EPL "IT IS Everything!"

EPL is a religion born from first energetic substance. 

However Satanism has always worked as adversary in secure number-system. 

-'Jesus' other side
-Baphomet or Nature to generate and regenerate even under total constraint. Parabola, Parameter, Gravity.《The Measure》

 The inconvenient Truth to Structure and body-life: Bone, what's left post-humus. 

 Your ancestor imprisoned you and sold your land. You are lesser for it now. What say you? 

Good or Evil (beyond)?

 Principles are the materia prima of pre first thermodynamic energetics. The First Moment or Measure. 

Principle is the Unit that is left to the act in effort to complete (but never will).

EPL is based on Metaverse which is based upon Metatrons Cube.


"Form follows function and function into form"

Pictured as a finite unit however it goes on and on in multiplicity and simplicity

EPL is not for the Masses but for the Few 
Infinitum Secretiori~

You have already been Chosen, you have already Become!

 The Celebrity is an Effigy. These try and create a mock-god that needs to be destroyed in front of everyone.

On Burning Man

Women are lesser and Men aren't much to begin with. 

These are bound to the earth, the spin-cycle, 9 but we are not! 


Everything is infection; Parasitic

~EPL (Sise Model): 

Illness and shared-delusion (cult of personality):

-There is no scarcity 
-You are not [forced] to be 'One Thing' nor controlled. 

Simply do not pick exostential governorship.

Do you not sell your freedom for short-sighted comforts?

 Therfore do not be limited in yourself. Those who have exploited this (knowledge) have not thus discovered it alone. They carry a hidden master and attribute an undisclosed Messiah of sorts (Satan, Marduk, Tiamat....)

"...of the Spirits [Muses, Demons, Angels] of which you channel: did anyone say these were not microscopic or more so flitting in and out of dimensional position IE "super position"?

...but is this a bad thing? 

[Nietzsche's Antichrist, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Beyond Good and Evil]

Beyond Jesus is where The Singularity or The All Mind takes U.S./Us as The One Mind

Principles adherence;  A/Monad New Universe:

-Beyond Mathematical constraint 
-Beyond Spin
-Beyond The Sphere


*To be occupied by a Force; Influenza or more so Mitochondria (of which we can not be humanized without) eg respiratory and cellular metabolism.

*Jesus as Concept, Idea is an infection

Does this [in concept, in theory] not cause resilience?

Mitochondria as an invader, an infection, a sickness an Angel?

We shall see 👀 of the finite God of which you channel for trinkets and man-fame.


'The Big Bang is currently regarded as the most successful model to describe the origination and evolution of the universe. However, its success has been limited by the so-called lithium problem, which refers to the fact that primordial lithium-7 abundance is overpredicted by a factor of three in comparison to the value from observation, while predictions match the observed primordial deuterium and helium abundances'

deuterium, (D, or 2H), also called heavy hydrogen, isotope of hydrogen with a nucleus consisting of one proton and one neutron, which is double the mass of the nucleus of ordinary hydrogen (one proton). ... It is a stable atomic species found in natural hydrogen compounds to the extent of about 0.0156 percent.

The Moon sphere and Primeval Teachers by Rudolf Steiner [YT; RSAP]