
Monday, January 10, 2022

 What we think of as Demonic is merely the ghost of another place and time [layers]. There is no light there to reflect back, only the dead aspect can be seen and heard as codes partially [express] the same [function]. 


The Nihilist in denial

After all, my life was surely worth something...right?


Deception of inference and mimetics [manifest as pity, shame]

 If you have ever lied, and you still are (a you) then you are a living representation that 'even a lie can become the truth'.

 However if not met with another adjunct in fashion. A rate coding signal excitatory receptor' deviation. As to replace acetylcholine with nicotine or nicatinamide? Does this not imply a completely different mind-set? A perpetual plan of steps? Protein codes expressed as transmutation of one code [of a thing] into another...bending, folding. Is this not what CRYSPR represents? That is a certain gene editing, where fractals of other [mendalbrot] sets can go on into each their dead end swirls, on into where no halving can take place again?

 101 on the way up》《 101 on the way down [young Guass Sequence; Asinine Mathematics; angles degrees ie the fifth force and frozen electrons in graphene ...angle somewhere around/between 33 degrees]. The center core or nexus is always in flux about the pyramidal and quadrangle [on...] morphing pole(s). The numbers are in flux at the poles. 

 Hot/cold [alchemy of gas/substances] in energy transfer of finite lines trying to prove that curvilinear is not the full readable code?

Are you not [engineered/planned] failed superconductivity material? 


Thursday, January 6, 2022

On The Thief

If my own destiny is out of my control(?) then it's someone [some thing] else's destiny.
