
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Hostess City Audit

The Real Reason Cops Touch Your Car

7.9 billion flavors of shit Popsicles 

EPL; Tails of Spin [Monad en Motion]

 String Theory is based upon the tail of the moving and spinning Monad and the Themes that create eras, intersections IE EPL; Junction Points. 

 The weight of the passing era balanced against the Future Expression creates the vacuum pressure that is the unfolding substance of that future field [what is/physics]. 


EPL Monad

The Quantum Field/Reality has to be given a motive, a Theme.

The Theme must have a Nexus [Core] that can not be Numerically, Philosophically, Spiritually, Physically, Intellectually nor Psychically incomplete. 

 The Theme must be in Total Alignment with Purity and Perfection without deviation. 


Where did the road go?