
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

 If a man slaps another man anywhere, he's getting booked, defamed and sued. Look at the craft of talentless entertainment and the Demonic Principalities [errors from purposeful production from which it is cruxed] 'Entertainers'. Purily Truly show me this [entertainment's] tangible value, because it truly has none. 
 Traffickers and theives from their origin; only crafty in the ways of deception, with such spiritual assistance. 


EPL} 9 is a concept by which we measure our pain

 The 1st ONE Spun so fast that it was
Two. The Validated Two amplified Polarity to 3/Three [thrice]. The substance of The Form. 

 Reflection made a mirror image and the Spheres of separation thus. This assumable '6'; however Truly 3's reflection 33. 
There is no 9
Nine is a made-up concept. 
I hate to spoil her for you but I must. 
It greaves me to do so [show you your true world of rot].

Your name is only 5 to only her alone [in exostential want]. 

4 principles she blasphems. 


Your true name is 6, 7, 8 or 21
You are enough
The reflection of GOD
Oh Metatron...Man radiated [A God]

She was made-up long after the fact [of creation].