I really feel the same way man. Nothing really matters at all. You state the facts. You live as long as you can live. Anyone or anything can snuff a person out at a moments notice. I've been aware of this sad reality my entire life. People are polemic, sardonic and base. Society is a trap and the world is a prison. I do know the fixes to some things your discussing from small penis to getting lean etc...even money issues but it requires a passion for life, always an effort. I thought that studying and becoming the best would fix this, but then family turns on you and all you really attract is falsehood. I looked into what's fundamentally missing for me. I began to do spin meditations based on the Pure First Principles . The arcane esoteric reality that I 100 proved to myself is that we are being watched constantly from a liminal world. I was approached by organizations who were aware of my use of the practice of mentalism as to make exostential impact with constant meditation. It works. You are under attack. There is a constant unseen war for your soul/sol/sole force. You are being repressed by design. Most people are expressing a temerity that is really short sighted and false. The only thing that I can say to you is where I turn. I will continue to meditate on pure Source Energy and being Pure as well as exercising the Principles that were shared with me. Evil Demonic entities are repressive and really work full time bringing you down based on your awareness of the depressing truth. Others are elevated with assistance just as you are being groomed and assisted to keep your shared holographic energy at a frequency constant. There is a thermodynamic aspect to how this machine functions and it is based on sacrifice. If you can walk for miles, stretch your body and fast on protein and drink water you can reengerize and create a higher frequency existence. However the effort requires some sort of ego and an aversion to thinking that you are special or better in some way. It would be nice if we could just simply Be. If all governments would just cease to be, and all tyrannical psychopathic selfish greedy entities would leave us alone. These two sisters both decided together recently that they simply didn't want to live anymore and decided to simply go through with assisted euthanasia. I don't think you are suicidal and I'm not really either, but I understand where these two women are coming from. There really isn't a reason to try and assert a false sense of superiority nor power towards a malicious chaotic entropy based constant that is really just using your depressive state as part of a spectrum or matrix whereby the overtly short sighted and proud can elevate themselves on a power trip. Here the despots live in luxury but they are really stuck corporeal and soul-less, but they wouldn't really have it any other way. It sucks to have lived with these Principles and believed that I could break out for the past 9 years...actually seeing signs of change yet it happens so slowly and the impacts are so minor that this dystopic nightmare of a life becomes clearer to me. Isolated in a cold storehouse of carbon death. Fake peoples filled with only temerity sardonically are allowed to laugh at our bodies and cast false curses from their ignorant mouths that sadly really di repress and effect us on a deep life altering scale. Further to depression. BS