
Friday, November 18, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL How can you have tempo with no purosr?

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL As it were, a certain communism absent any sort of government is the only way. Principles followed is the only viable way. like a true stoic if there is one that does not adhere they either parish or the comminity parishes. The truth has no middle ground. so it is best to be a true self reliant transindentalist. practice pure principles with the sole quest of constant self improvement and total purity...wholeness is the only way forewards.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL confidence is being short sighted that is all end of story

Thursday, November 3, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL "what I Mean Matters more than matters does."

Cancel Culture and why The Superior don’t manifest themselves

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL "it's not that you can't beat them because you know for certain that you can." "its much more so that you are also aware of the fact that they and their kin will make it their mission as to kill you once they see you." "You can not then be unseen by they and their kin."
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Having Coffee [also Together] isn't nt Harmless

EPL; Esoteric Principles of Light: EPL-INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOULtactics seem...

EPL; Esoteric Principles of Light: EPL-INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOULtactics seem...: EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL tactics seemed to be placed upon us here. False ribbons in a stream. Ready to Dream. I made A Way....