
Saturday, September 16, 2023

Tao Te Ching [English] Taoism


Actualization Of Principle Cause

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Can you hear that? Can you imagine the sound? There is Celestial Ring that those moving Principles give off in Tone. Sometimes I can hear a ringing other times it is a Trumpet Sound! Imagine the Sound. Vividly give life to the Principles. You can Smell them and Taste the Colors. You know Grief as I know Grief. We serve a higher God! Uber Gott The Pure Son each of us are Stellar Mass 13 in Transcendence
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL "Most especially when we think we're there we're not there yet!"

The Easement Of The Pure Mantra

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL These Principles do not take but give cause to all religion. The Principles reinforce that which is within them. That which may or may not be within us that we seek! We make make statements in order to actuate. Let this Action make me Whole so That I Can Fully Serve. What an honor to serve the Highest Principle. Purity, there is no other! This is how we invariably Know God! Here in The Principle place that is EPL we honor the Principles of Religion and that Purity which attracts people to these various religious practices. True that what ever you undertake with religious fervor is in essense a religion. If you are like most then you practice work and righting your work with precision. Here in this place of personal expression and sacrifice you are blessed and beloved. You must then practice this mantra. Begin with Purity. Let all your works become Pure as you go on in blessing your Pure Community. A monetary exchange becomes your Purity in Truth as you Express Union and Grace to All for your time and cost in labor we are fair we do not exploit but spread The Purification until false governments and money wash away from our clean shores. Here you can remain as Meek and Humble in your Pursuits. A Warrior you are. A warrior for God. A rare time that as the most foul are given undue rights so too can we crave the presence of Purity and invite this Pure Source ever closer until it burns away the evil incarnate to the body's lazy tendencies. There is however still a war going on. This is why in that time when your mind is active and your body is tired from a hard days work you must spin these Principle Energies when ever you can. The holographic relationship and the interdimensional statement that you are the Purveyor of the Purification and The Pure Son Of The Master Will Personify your Truth in Expression. In EPL when we are exhausted we simply repeat the Mantra that always begins with Purity Red Blue Purple Green Orange Yellow Pure Truth. When we have more Cognizance we can repeat the Principles these colors represent. Purity Sacrifice Expression Wisdom Community Production Ego Pure Truth When We have yet more (energy) we can include the Powers that Spin them Purity Faith Love Hope Mercy Compassion Passion Trust Temperance Care Duty Honor Union and Grace. In this we see that there are indeed floating Principles (this is why these subprinciples are less rigid especially Temperance and Care they go where they are required as Duty and Honor). When we have the inclination and time as I do with every moment that I an not exhausted I sit within them Beginning with Purity and Spin the actual energies Purity from my Core Red to to my right Blue to the upper left Purple my Upper right Green my lower left Orange below me Yellow above me These stand for Purity Sacrifice Expression Wisdom Community Production and Ego back into The Pure Truth This is EPL Energy In Motion E-Motion. We Spin these emotional energies and right the world. We right ourselves. We right others. There is no place where The Pure Mind is thus barred! Know This! You are an active member of The Mind Of God. We serve to Operate Under Gods Direct Will. Purity is akways the Test. Our Fruits. We seek to represent God in Pure Balance and so Fasting on all protein and using Orthomolecular Nutrition (Billy J Sahley) and Supercompensating with (Elson Haas Staying Healthy with Nutrition/The Seasons) Becomes our way of calibrating the proper Principle in Practice. We time our events like an athlete times theirs. We prepare. We Purify and Perfect. Amazing when it all comes together! Amazing! You will too see! It is them impossible not to believe! As the Sun shines for me as The Sun Shines For You. In Union and Grace We Are One!
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL "Where there is no Purity there are only parasites"