
Monday, February 23, 2015


I believe that Man can be pure. But like all things of alchemy, and science for which you esteem so highly as "empirical", nothing pure can be stay that way, within an impure solution..therefor Christ Jesus, who stayed Pure, was not at all of this World. It is thus, that I follow purity, as if  a strain of pure oxygen, amid a world of nothing but pollution. and thus polluted peoples. Do not offer me advice, I take mine from a greater source.

I hereby chose death, in order that I embrace the Pure Light of Life


When it comes, I am ready. It can go into any of you, and does. Robots, who shift and change philosophy and meaning, with inclinations based on need. I am done with this place, and see that rejection and murder upon my person is the only way, so finish the job, as you destroyed my character, my spirit and zest for living. You did it, you took the murder of me, more than the distance, causing me to rule or to be expelled. I chose to be expelled long ago, and new the false power placed before me. This world does not deserve a King of purity, and has failed it's potentials. I am not here to prove there is a homeostasis of the pure and impure, I am impure and must die, and with this, you shall as well. This place could have been heaven, could have had the same potential of any other world, but all was destroyed quite long ago. No grid, nor sphere that blocks this temporarily, can keep out the mass of hell, which is no difference than the gate about a fortress, the fortress will come down, as all walls will, all planets all being, for it is all temporary, and made of dying molecules. Keep your money, keep your property, keep your clothing, keep your false idea of beauty, I appreciate none of it. I wanted peace, and was forced into a world people who revealed to me the evil of all the world. I have been reluctant, even kind, to the planet, as to avoid the word world, but instead make constant reference to people. But principalities do not work in this way. The world is death, and made from death, and there for a dimensional crux, which ushers in what be here now, impure and dying life, which has obviously taken life, with these many human/spiritual sacrifices, as an inferno of secret ritual. How long can you keep it going on? Those that work for Satan, I will call him this, for good now, because he is revealed, by his name, that is the revelation of the times in which we live. If you look hard enough, and are open to truth, it will not be concealed. Those who follow it, do so fully, and knowingly. Thus, I will not continue with this charade, and take the HEAVENLY FATHER, AS MY GOD, HIS SON JESUS CHRIST AS MY PURE REPRESENTATIVE OF PURE MAN, AS LORD AND SAVIOR AND THE HOLY SPIRIT AS MY GUIDE, MY SOURCE, THE GIFT GOD OFFERS TO ME.

You may read through this blog, my many discoveries, and insights, but know these are a labyrinth, which I have emerged. There is no point of relative release form it, each Man is attracted towards evil of their own, it is built into the machine, and contaminates the spirit. I am corrupted, and chose Jesus Christ as my tether, and tether myself to only him. I follow the true words of Christ, and will read the Bible, as it is accessible to me, with my methods, which I believe were given to me, as a Rosetta Stone of sorts, to see and find truth in the worlds. However there are perspectives, views which culminate into one. God is this ONE. Thus the One Mind has always been and could not and should not be practiced here, this will be certain hell, as those who chose a heaven here, as I so did, will at first feel power over others, then to realize, not long form now, that you are locked into one another, and can never be set free. Hell is the end result of this world, and all others outside God's protection. I will embrace rejection by the world, and embrace perfecting myself for the practice of God's gift, in principle, not in ego.

Many, many, MANY!!! Hide behind Christ Jesus. Some of the worse drivers, most selfish craft using people, esteem themselves, gallantly, as Christian. The "faith" they speak of, is nothing more than armor to do craft, then be forgiven...playing both sides. I, personally have believed more than anyone, at times. Yet with the Bibles tampering, it alone has driven those who would be, and could be true followers of Christ Jesus away from, and in a direction, a path, that deceives. This is a big part of the master plan, of the jealous Nephilim, that they should be Son's, direct lineage, creation of God, and yet fall so short. Anger, frustration turn to machination, guilt turns to resentment and forgiveness turns to weakness.
 Even in the TORH, Jesus is, in code, Identified as the Savior. It takes the most powerful force, yielding himself, to those who cheat, and place themselves ahead of others. I believe that I am of a strong, at least spiritually speaking, Nephilim affiliated line, or ancestry. I do not think it is linked to my physical relation, that is, to my lineage of sexually tied DNA, but rather a spiritual DNA, that of an eternal spirit, a soul, that is indestructible. This has left me open to certain attack, when I know for certain, that I can and could have beaten every deviant act, in that they are not equal adversaries. This is the anger of the Nephilim, and it's offspring. That we should be so powerful, so much better, smarter, more spiritually aware, than mere beasts, yet at the same time, be expected to allow ignorance, to take it's course. This of course stems from the spiritual fact, that life itself, when taken in haste, is a gift. When and if beastly folk could indeed see this, they would be aware that to be killed, is to be freed. But the anger of truth, how things are today, come back on the strong, the power powerful, the more beautiful. Jealousy and envy are tools only culminated into imaginary power, and not of true source power, there is no anchor to these, except to the weak original strain which it be cruxed to. This source, must live in misery for bringing it into form, for it is hate, which has only a power, or source, in physical-spiritual planes, that is, where the physical go, when passing this plane.

 Christ Jesus, is essential, in that he was pure, strong enough to remain pure. The world must have tested him into corruption, making him all the more powerful when denying it. I don't however relate with Christian's. I feel Christian's have sold out Jesus, and follow other figures, which are mimics. I think there are many demonic forces that so called Christian's have brought the "faith", because the religion is a cult, based on the worship of the Man suit, which Jesus left behind, if only briefly. Jesus clearly said the Father's Kingdom is within, that he is within. He turned the tables over, proclaiming and end to all craft, all attack, and said, bring it to him. The anger towards Christianity isn't due to them being Holier, Better, Nicer or any of these, but the abuse of such a concept, which I believe is a cult which follows a form of Satanic worship, in that, Satanism is create, by way of Christianity, by way of antithesis. This creates a false assumption of a fight, between an imaginary good and evil. It's not that good as a degree and thus evil, do not exist, but the fact that when you think evil, or more so, the avoidance of evil, evil be manifest, create within and comes to your person.
 There seems to be a barter system, another cult, involved with Christianity, as a religion. That is why I call myself a follower of Christ and more so an advocate of Jesus Christ, because I have recognised these traits, and like Jesus breaking from the Jewish faith, as to exhibit a greater faith, so too, have I refused the tampered with Bible and the Christian belief system. Christianity is based on a rereading, of the bible, changing meaning, each sect, not coming together as a singularity of Peace, but as to create a further rift. Funny how something which be meant to cause peace, be interpreted, as something which actually caused much killing and genocide, for all the "Holy Wars' waged, which are thus principalities. It will be interesting when people, leaving this plane, come before a Christ figure, which turns out to be nothing but a mimic demon, to see their reaction is not what I hope for.
But people are so bad, so prone to bad, as to create it. The Christian's of today, are nothing but robots to the Masonic Order, which breeds Chaos, and is meant to, in order that they should create order. Our road systems are designed in such a way, as to creation a flow of energy, competition, stress and grief. I push it away, the drivers license, the identity, and I am almost their, and will be left with nothing but false bills, which my enemies in this life, have place upon the straw man, which is demanded, and traded as stock, in this way, as to force the assertion of aggression and rule or passive submissive. I am more powerful, stronger, smarter than the system, but yet am one, this leads me to the infallible who admits to be fallible. He is Holy, by contrast to all other Men, and beings. No other came close to living such a focused and faithful way. His mind set, and thus frequency force paved a way. Most who say they follow him, will not see him, through the fog of their own illusion. Few of those who call themselves Christians will make it to any place Holy, they have not only been sinners, and daily users of craft, they have blasphemed Jesus name, repeating the same error, the same sin, day in and day out, abusing the Holy Spirit. I am not good, I am however good, by way of comparison to most. People, in their ignorance, are not complete to themselves. It takes first development to become, then once becoming, the awakened by self craft, we see that we are now in a frenzy, a sea of those who team up, as a group, head into the after life, as gangs, bullies to the many. A franchise on the after life is what most are working towards, not seeing nor caring about the greater picture.

 I have deceived even my own observations. I have misused the revelations that were given to me as a gift. It there is one thing I can say about my mind, the path I opened, it was with the intent of showing people, spiritual aspiring souls, what is, and thus what not to do. These are the ways that should not be gone into. Give it to Christ is the only way. To hand him your power, your false honor and power, even your self, provides that you do not have to protect it, he will. If you truly do this, this replaces craft. It becomes not a test of lesser forces will, and a competition any longer, but a daily and moment to moment relenting to only him, so that he may bring you a place of peace, where you can finally be at rest, and simply be.

 I know what you are going through. Never will they leave me alone. So drawn to follow anyone but Jesus Christ, the Corner stone, and so apt to follow someone cool, with a self serving Ego, so that they too can hang onto a peace of what they esteem as self. their ego their creation. So I TELL YOU THIS, I PLACE MY CREATION, EPL OUT THERE, AND DESTROY IT, BEFORE YOU, TELLING YOU TO FOLLOW ONLY JESUS CHRIST, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.

This is a personal reflection, a personal discovery, and thus to go out unto a false community, which is Masonic, and read the Masonic version of the Bible, can be quite misleading. It is ironically, as most things are, I believe found in original CODEX teachings. and of course some great books, that have survived today, for a good reason, are there to read. There are many false accounts, many false teachings as to what Jesus said, you will need to have discernment in knowing what he is, reflecting in turn, the Jesus that lives within you.

 I recommend reading the Gospel of Truth and the Gospel of Thomas, as a beginning to the code. I developed, the EPL Principles and have added to much doctrine to EPL. I was gifted and cursed, that is to look past the bullshit and see the trick of simply living, and gaining a false education from University's that only certify compliance, worthless pieces of paper, based on worthless brain wash, each and every subject of each and every class. Then to go off into a robotic and mediocre existence, selling yourself every minute, as you add to the illusion, that the Nephilim have created. I am telling you these things in truth. This blog is about my battle, about a intellectual man, and his fight, one that is above all he has witnessed and seen, but is not infallible, because he, I, was born into a system into a body, into a held sphere, which is designed to make me fail. I tried to deny it, and have been attacked, due to who ever, or what ever I truly am, I am awesome, and they destroyed me for it, it already happened, I am already done, If you have anything good, anything worthy, they will plot, and plan, and do craft into all hours of the night, to destroy you. You are better to perfect what you can, pull yourself away from the machine, and pray to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is the only Son, because, all others meant to challenge God.
 A Father here, is but a Brother. There are no Dad's, no Father's and certainly no Mothers, nor in my opinion Sister's. A family becomes a cult, and the practices are placed on the children, as new mounds of flesh, on which to cast blame. Those who assert higher, have discovered craft early in life, not because they are special, as they are whispered and told, nor superior, as they think of themselves in ego, but because they are compliant to an order. This is what gifts of Illuminati money and JPM possessions earn a person, as to have created a currency, from sacrificing others. Womb-men play into this, add to it, enjoy it, barter with it, as they love the craft called community. Community is not where you find anything, but the perpetuation of exploitation, capitalism. I recommend, no matter what stage of life you are in, asserted by the times, that you pull out now. I gave people a diet of rice vegetables and protein. I feel this is what you should stock pile up on, and grow, building a fence around your property, as they will be coming soon, to strip it away from you. We are entering a time, when it will seem no God cares, nor exists.

 I can only take from others, curse them, because they do this first to me, in that, the system is set up this way. Those who think they have gone around it, all truly smack dab in the center of it. Those who have turned there ex-spouse in, to the government for back support, or other life destroying and policing orders falsely, should look at the weight on their souls. This is nothing more than turning a persons name into the SS, for more beans, a sacrifice of a person, a Son, for no good reason. Womb-men, MEN DO NOT OWE YOU! You worked the craft of seduction, you were cursed as womb-man, due to your sin, and society is set such, to deceive Men in this way. Man owes you nothing, but you owe Man, as I truly believe you decided to be what you are, incapable of higher thought. Yet this is a Man's opinion. and even if a Son, I am but Barry Dean Masteller on earth, and Man to God, that's it, that's all I am`.

 Those who think they can rule hell, how long could you do it, before it rule you. How much anger to do you have. 1 hour, 2 hours? People are given a certain amount of rage, but soon after, the "individual will become bored" and then it is your turn, to be tortured by the ideas, concepts of what god is. I want to be pure, I crave purity. I am, at least, able to call bullshit on what I know is not pure, and my person is part of this. I thus turn to Jesus Christ, offer myself to him, ask that he give me new life, that I follow him, from within, as the world and it's pathways are not worthy of my focus, and never were. I do not want to build factories or rule over weak men or womb-men, I want to be free of the impurity of this place, and the people. I did hope, in a one mind, a pure potential, but it is not possible here, and I listen to Jesus on this. I do not believe you in your Jesus, nor the books your present to me, the interpretations, but in the pure Christ. I feel my code and the math, are for me, and my mind, to follow, but each Man has his own way, his own needs for the soul. If you live in this world, prosper, and thus assist others, place your assistance on yourself, it will be a full time job. I do not believe people are actually assisting others, when placing themselves in positions of power even as a church taking credit for food they give out, or the building of homes, for homeless, placing one title and name before the project as in "I did that" have done nothing, you are causing a further rooting in the world, for you, and the one who see you as a false prophet. I am not a prophet, nor Christ nor anti-Christ, nor god...but a Man. If I were born as such, and existed as such, I see now that there is no way through the frenzy and maze of gangsters, some building homeless communities, to serve the currency, as to pretend to themselves and thus deceive others, that there is a positive solution to using the Illuminati money, for which and to which, they are bound, those same Christan's of martyrdom, who will take the sign, and say "I am working within the structure, as a operative for the Lord God" this person, most people, who are this way today...will find themselves bowing to power, as they are attracted to a power that is lavish, and with frills, and the pure truth, of sitting and being, will become boring to them, a hell is a heaven of peace, to the busy one.

 Need nothing, want for nothing. Use and perfect what is before you, you were at least loaned this body, and the soul, so perfect it. Your deeds should be represent you in you. The fat Man who boasts of health as understanding, has not earned this. I was polluted, I am polluted, but will be further polluted by taking any of your advice, and I recommend the same to you all. Search the texts, find the code to read them, due your own way, within the machine and it's constraints, due to small variance, in Man, which cause truth be seen through the perspective of prism, quite different, and it shouldn't t be this way. Truth is the acceptance for what is, Purity is the original truth, the pure form of Truth, PURITY, The original plan of God, the One way, The only path, the timeless path of purity, I lay down my life, my identity and chose this. If you must read on, if you must study, know that what I say here, is a chronicle of thought. I am not Jesus, I am not God, nor a god, but have released and relinquished my rights, as Man, as a force, as a Soul to God, and chose the Holy Spirit as my only source for guidance, as the true Trinity, not the catholic Trinity, but as a Monotheistic sort, which follows the one, God, the Father, and I follow his Son, and the Holy Spirit protects me, teaches me, and leads the way...that is all.

I am, for here on out, going to study the words, codex and teaching of God, in the ways of Original Jewish manuscript, with Jesus teachings, as my filer to what I study and read. I am an FFSCJ,
FAITHFUL FOLLOWER of the SAVIOR CHRIST JESUS, and devote to what life sentence I have remaining here to practice the Principles he taught me, without further deception to myself or others, in what I have learned, EPL WAS BUT A GUIDE, AS WAS ROKBODHI, AS WAS STELLAR MASS...I am no longer in need of this intellectual journey, but have arrived, as an analyzing mind, at the point where I can now relent fully to the Father!
Father, Son, Holy Spirit, do your works in me!

A Man

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Real God Of Gods


I hereby dub, the New Name for "Gamer's" to be INTERFACER'S or truly Inner-facer's


Soon what we now esteem as extremely advanced computer programs able to think, truly "video games", will unlock, the complete Sumerian Language. This will lead onto and interface with other forgotten languages, using dead and living top minds of language, in one moving yet singular moment, to unlock probabilities not known, taking into account DNA and human psychology. Soon, if it has not already happened, Fermion (Particles), able to be spun at such high velocities, along with CERN protocols, and recent quark discoveries, as to open up portals, bend space/time, able to alter our very existence "from the past", leading us to ponder, are we but visiting ourselves?

Where it is going, ultimately...that is, the final and fate filled outcome is up to that rapid ego limiting factor, of those very corporate Lord's, who will be, the psycho-spiritual Rulers. The matrix, Pandora's box was already opened, we were just going along for the ride, to see the actual "time" of the event. The universe looks on, wondering, judging, will they do it right, this time? One must see those concepts of Nietzsche, as spooky in the very incite and scope.

Now that, what has been at least "released" to the general public, regarding "interfacing"...the very brain map of a worm, has been successfully (again what is public knowledge) "down loaded" into a machine. A couple of years ago, on Yahoo, it was reported that "we" are "that close" to down loading a persons brain, into a functioning machine.
 Now, again at least what we know of, "this cyborg video game technology" has completely been unveiled, and slowly trickling into the world at large, as the great political and economic shift (changing of the guard) IE socioeconomic.
Art has been taken over by technology, sports will soon follow...remember that fanship, is what pulls the peoples resources, towards the rise of the "next best thing", that new direction which Man goes. Now those kids who played games alone, and became master, form within, are employed, in secret ops missions, to fly drones about the world.
 The obvious avoidance with "the disclosure" which was recently shot down, politically, only causes another cyber revolution. One could say, that we have become a threat to the technology of other races, galactically speaking. It will be impulses of the nervous system, the eye, before innervation takes place with the muscle, beginning at the brain, which flies our future space ships, which has already happened. The sharing of information which came to the SS Army in Germany, via technospiritual means and mediums (the vril society, the thule, and other top secret organization much closer to the top brass), shows the future as a cyber reality. This fact is undeniable, and it has now become an issue of "what are we going to do about it?" That is, we know that positive thinking, is of the up most efficacious nature. What I say, all of what I say is empirically proven..AND that's just my point.
 What we find imperial, will one day become validated by shear probability. To be able to write poetry, with color and feeling based on personality, while we are waking up, later to be asked, within our very personal reflective voice, now not heard by others, but very much there, and as cyber technology. I think, no I KNOW, that it is time to for those leader the world economy, the military, and soon, a superior and more just leader, ruler, who is part biological and part perfect, factoring, and just syllogism, above any dictator, in fact, having several "personality traits" chosen by the very republic for which it serves. The techno rulers, will soon rule the world, then the Solar System and on? All the reports of Nephilim or Alien visitors (including Alexander the great) leading our way, and giving us the technology (mentioned above with the SS in Germany), we have only to speculate, whether or not this has already happened, and that Man himself, may have come from such a source?

I hereby proclaim, as someone who has nothing to lose, nor gain, but as a semi-intelligent observer (compared to the IQ/EQ levels within one future "organism" which will soon measure greater than a mass of people), that the new name for "Gamer's" (worn out, not longer fitting) be now dubbed

Will the order, somehow work their way in, to run the future of this boom into the techno-physical-spiritual merge of domain, which all require Principle direction on which to keep there very place, within the spin?

Interfacing, and/or Interfacer's

: an area or system through which one machine is connected to another machine

Our Prison is built into the Math, the merge of Philosophy, and Math, with EPLimath


I have, pointed this out before but one must see that there is another math, which the dark elite use. With not a sphere, but a square, as their Math. There are thus two answers to every question as we are divided as a race, as a person, together, the answer creates an undulated placement of three answers, one to the left, one to the right, and one to the center, they are all correct, as the moment is always, at least in this reality, in 3 positions..EPLimath multiple point, as one point.

Looking then as the astral implications we gain the following values

Sphere, or 0= Sun (remember the 3 spaces of a moment however), as in is the a single point...not according to my thinking. But rather the draw in mechanism, I think its not Saturn but Jupiter, or a link between the two, in order, as a back up, to keep control of the life giving Principle the Sun too, is a force which is, I believe of living from, a prison. The 4 points are the box, the control. The other two points, to complete the cube, or the prison, are those points thought of as up and down, which are those points where the cosmic radiation or a belt completes a 6 sided box or cube.

Mercury, a representation of 1
Venus, 1
Earth, as in child 2
Mars, 3 (which is the two dimensional 5 pointed pentagram, which is womb-man, as 3 is the 5th placing of Phi in EPLimath)

5-The 6th planet is Jupiter, and thus Phi 5, and the sixth placing in Phi.
8-Saturn is the 7th, seventh place of Phi, which is 8.

13-Uranus, 21- Neptune are thus representing the end of our true Phi based solar system, we know this by looking at 34, the next point in Phi, which is only a mirror back, as is 21, but you know what 21 represents. It is thus that Neptune is a mirror back, that place where the prison of sphere creates the division. Pluto, is thus, an astral guard, that point of the projection which works form outside the false Pleroma.
The 3-4 points to the 3 not being valid, as 3-4 pulls back to 4, the locking of the "Solar System"
as in to place the Pluto Neptune, Uranus and Saturn Mirror back.

*I am in a bit of a rush right now, so I will make this more clear when I get back to a place I can sit and word this in correct terms

The spheres turn separate one another. The smaller sphere turns to the left, as the larger sphere, which encapsulate it, spins to the right, and on. The spheres are spinning at or great than light speed, but to the same relative speed for there size. These spheres are massive, as large as a solar system, at their greatest expanse, then another sphere to govern the greater expanse. Within these spheres, the constant be supplied, that supply of protection of isolation and imprisonment.

We look at the "Black Cube" and realize, what the movie industry has been warning us of, with Illuminati "Gentleman's play" Fox hunt?

"The clues" let us know that this symbol, which we play with, when spun and in motion, is a happy, well meaning sphere. Yet, when it stops moving, and we see the still and stagnant form, of what the elite are truly spinning, and hiding, as original shape and form, as that suspended spiritual focus, which be forced upon our subconscious with many methods, is dangerous to the touch, sight and further "experimental thought"

We forget that these concepts which become us, begin with our own creation, our own "art" This is why GnostART, and EPLimath, where thought by me, to be phases of one and the same. A dilation, only contrast, by an outer sphere, spinning at relative tempo. The cube, and it's use, is thus one of direction, but more so, intent, within that true box, which is the heart, in bullshit

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturn Ruler of Time and Space ◆ Φ ■


"Our creator's?"


The creators of physical life, are only the interpreter's of thought, not God, nor UBER GOTT, for that "matter". Thus those who war-ship of the physical creator, is but the "manifester" of math, the interpretation. There are those who dig ever deeper. When Man looked up, past the stars, into the heavens, with passion, he surpassed his creators, showing an in-ordained need, a quest, which superseded Man's creator or creation itself. The quest for perfection, through alchemy, and thus the sciences, all sciences, be the statement, that God works and lives through us, and is that great consciousness which abounds, where all thought, all consciousness stems.
We are thus to finally will as one, to become one. Not by shear math are the answer given, nor easily equated. The feeling mixed with math, is that ethereal place between, this place we call Philosophy to the right, unadulterated pure speculation, thought into motion, respecting the geometry of regions, zone and flow, to the left, be religion, that place where art, self ego, be found...the dark abode, for which no Man returns, and self-flagellates to punish himself with it.

 We are not interpreters for the title exhibits separation. Thus language, outward math, and all code, be against the One Mind, which be the goal, to find the perfect Man, which to murder and thus martyr, as a bloody cornerstone, to warn you, do not think, to not become, do not progress. Long ago, we learned to thus speak with song, castings, and language, which were allegories, parables, not to created the bounds, nor to define them, but to allow, those initiates, those alive, and for good cause, to become part of The All Mind.
 The creators shifted placings, changed the order, to follow pure math, as science, becoming colder, darker, then vampires, feeding off of what they deemed ignorance, and thus to create a herd, a cattle, to fuel the darkening, un-bliss, which is all they felt for existence.
 But the creator lusted, when making Man, interpreted based on the yearning to feel, to become alive, and bliss filled, thus Man was contaminated in his beginnings, thought physically in a pure place of creation, spiritually he was lusted after, for his purity, his ability to be of God willed origin, a thought that rustled, quivered, from the place which commanded those to serve him Man. Man was not first, yet he was made as the first. The geometry was looked upon, the parts were placed before those cold dark entities, so void and lifeless, that they were not meant to live, nor feel, but to be the workers, the drones, to construct what they saw. This is the left, this leans to the left, and the self-persecuting factor remains suspended only in this vacuum of impure notion. They must be so confused, as to seem to know everything but never arrive. "They" must be jaded, that they should be left to abandon, then what do they do? Join Man? But how, Man, built from the very tracings of that construct of purity, into form, will surely find them hideous, as he does. The creator, came from chaos, to produce order, showing that math, in itself, leads to perfection but only in form, The form of music without the One Mind to hit an off note which stirs the emotion by pure intent. It is the suspended mind we fear, the place of peace when in the midst of war. Due to the fact, that we view from the outside, to which only displays the geometry of a face, the angle of muscles in contract, but the spirit of that peaceful source, can not be found outside, but is thus everywhere.

Not born of a Woman, but by form, not born unto Man, as he is not in the ways of Man. Yet to trace his steps, they are ill gotten, done with haste, in malice as yours, as sinner too, so how did he become? We shall not give this matter further thought, but thus call him, through our ability to travel, know and see him, through the spectrum of time, Anti-Christ, yet not to see, that it was society, which breached his cause towards purity in motion? Thus when the contaminator bid, the origin? Each through a stone, and cast it upon him, 72 in fact, then a final 73rd, the final name name of God?
In this we call perfection?
Only to make 1, thus the perfection begins the repeat, hopes that order will be the only cause, so that no the math, but prosperity be known, in truth.

7 Principles
The 3rd and final spin's what you do with the all knowledge which lay before you, as the time has come for those sleeping to awaken to the cause. Wake up, Anti-Christ's, know what your stones, have done, you aim to kill the purity within, maintain the impurity, the sin. Would I thus call a cook god of food? Or a biological Father, my Father in Heaven? Thought is the current on which all principle rides. Your genius, is seen as idiocy by others who are beyond you, who have taken the true language of Principle on, into regions for which it was bound. Your society of stone casters, simply abhors the Principle, thus your society...people divided, but to show teeth to one another in public. Out smarted the source have you? See what comes your way, when good and evil are cast aside, leaving only Principle, not up to Man's contribution, of dark and light, as interpreted within him.

 Thus begs the question at hand. Is that point to the Left, and thus the Right, at all Principle oriented, at all necessary?