
Friday, June 17, 2016

What then is a SECRET OF THE HEART?


 What then is a SECRET OF THE HEART?

Jesus clearly says, in the EPL main gospels;
[paraphrase] "There is no sin, but the nature of adultery"

What then is a sin, against the self?
There thus truly be but one self, thus to sin against the self is to sin against the one consciousness.

 To thus sin against the consciousness, brings about a right and left path.

 On the left to deny the self, is thus a sin?
On the right, to deny others be the sin...thus, as we are said to be unified, a one?

There is a transient place, a transient number, the flicker.
The flicker must thus be the center to all things, times places and events.
All will manifest, from anything, but in qualitative measure, that proves superiority?
Is it quantity, to serve the many?

 Those Mason's waited until my back was turned, to approach my Anna, with an offer.
Those Witches, too, waited until my labors took me from her, to approach her, with information, of which she, and I did not ask?
But, and yet...alas, did we not speak to the field, from within our hearts.

 There are 10 points, to the sphere, but perfection alots, that the tenth remain transient, could this be why perfection can not lie static?


Alive! Being...Alive!~


Alive! Being...Alive!, that's the win, the commodity~

 I ran silent, streaming, now a white train, of silken, trailing off to my right, leaving a comet' tail. As I loosen my grip, so the color doth' change.

 The Moon lay that seeming infinite quark shower, of celestial, but so too spiritual insight, a glow, upon me, displayed with let lit' eyes.

  As spoken prior, yes, indeed, we do meet ourselves, in the after, a place of silent resolution, to be sure. I say to you now. We, indeed meet within and with our very selves, at the end of, our final echo...and yet, a faint call back, from Phi' 21. This we call Production, a moment in constant pathos, rhetoric and sway, a movement.

I met him there, in that flicker, rather brushing his essence, with mine? No, no, it was quite the opposite, to be sure. There, my very God, me, or at least, that soon to be vaporized version of, those other photonic aspects of ME, as a cosmic force, a bender, orchestrator over all we know/Gnosis, of actuality, that become unified, as One.

 How can we be expected to do something so beyond reason, as to be expected, by this infernal Satanic Machine, to truly ascend, as life's quest, beyond Deisin, and yet, another sphere, another cosmic layer.

 Have I ever explained to you there, dear ones, who constantly evade your very bond with me, an actuality, we in coitus, young reader? Told you of the repeating Phi parts that scream, as they do spin about you, an out shell, an aura. Said, conveyed, that all, of which we take, esteem to be real, in this carbon realm, a held assertion, is in that based on this same division, in Phi appropriated unison?


 Who are we really (?), how great are we truly?  That we should constantly and completely exhaust ourselves, a life, towards living? Be, Alive! You have thus brandished the mark. All those visits, those strange and awkward feeling, when your God, you, interferes with your chosen path, in a moment. It could have been simply to take a right, at approximately 5:55pm, instead of continuing on, straight. Thus missing the mark?

We speak here, of convergence points. It is said, throughout ages, Master this, you Master yourself. To take this seriously, to actually assert, the self, as a real time God, over the self...Me!, within that God forsaken flicker, I would surely have chosen the ignorance, offered to me, long forget.

 Floating there, in that fancy pool, under the stars, another held assertion, a junction point. Spinning, those spheres within my mind, dilating the notion, I could have drown, I forgot. No more chasing the cat's tail, no more 2 dimensional thinking, within that 3 dimensional illusion, a step lower that the assumed.

 This the multifarious mind, of all, and I have met my making, or rather than...remaker, and strangely, I always found me.

 I always vote transhumanism, in this, I always get into this eternal mess, by hence, killing God.~ 

Thursday, June 16, 2016


 We are, that living proof, AS  trajectory, as binary, an algorithm, a perspective, doth circumnavigate a sphere.  


The Unavoidable Truth

The Quest, always in effort, a measure~


I can explain, with such certainty, such micro moments, within the moment. Like butterflies we are attracted to the flame, flitting and dancing, pensive to our final unplugging.

 Take not solace, no more, than the end, as a product be not the goal. There are a certain number of efforts, each effort is measured, within the very solution, within the self.

 You are your God, your Satan, and that place in between.

 We, initiates, measure this to the best of our ability.

 We have sinned by night, that is to sign, as to find our ways, in the darkness, to find the light. We become aware that though things are, black and white, within another field, of held assertion, we are in fact more wrong in the next sphere, as we proclaimed our self God in the first. We are thus set to labor, constant, always aware that to move this energy, we must be the sign, the center, to all moments and events, We are at times, revolutions, Fallen Angels, and others Redeemers, Angels to be sure. 

The P, and... good and evil~


 Appeasement is more of a constant than those misaligned assertions of The Self, a plaque of veneer, which builds over that division of the oneself....a perspective of grotesque or beautiful Green...perhaps Walt Whitman. in shades of green (lower case).

 Place the "P", upon, or in, or behind the mantra, of EPL.

 Where then do your begin the line, of distinction, from the bottom, or the top? Do you not see, this reveals you? Which way doth' the sphere, attached (?), spin, a Phi swirl, around to the left or to the right? How many sweeps? How large, which way do these bend, a turn, a lean? How long do you you take to gesture? More so when, in the flux of the eternal moment, did your resign to sit, and posture such a symbol, why, what was and is the meaning, within the field, a daisy chain of continuance.

 Fines is subtlety in motion

 You who know me, who know Stellar Mass 13, to be more real than this Barry Dean Masteller, hear the depth?

 A greater teacher than any other? Perhaps an abstract albatross upon societies mantra. 

 You wish and will pleasure, at every turn, has this indeed been a suitable guide? Thus, and hence, displeasure has lead you more. Where than is that center point, which is the emergent/emerging and thus merging moment, and convergence point?

 Two twins, Photons in the moment, of carbon met disdain and too, becoming. Each reaction to the others whim. It is, in the center, which neither can see, as one think feels, and the other sees taste...leaving other senses to the collective mind. We see the percentages reveal themselves, a math, which is in fact binary. There is a center, but we can not see clearly, so all is educated guess.

 The professional of a time, an era, a season, is thus more so representing societies ignorance, in history, more so, than be the common goal, as to first elevate them, not entered into the great halls, a  name. 

 More so the anagram reveals the mundane task, a simplifying, constant, towards controllability, towards mathematical precision...proving there are no true numbers passed 10, and even then, the two, and thus one lies transient. 

 Though we see 4 active colors, principles, there are two which propel, these we call production and ego. We see then, that these neither can exist, even in a  transient sense (in movement), absent a left and right notion. Subtle though the end product, good and evil, perceived, are.

 And so thus, the balance.

 We, as a collective, and chose all that happens, a collective. We, place our collective will to a reality.

We thus see, that though a letter, a word, a meaning can be writ, slanted in the corporeal, the carnal, the intent, the originator, YOU, and your will placed, as operator, to a cause, determines the use... and so within the moment, as time be not linear, but now moving, to the EPL motion, an era, intent, as will, be all that letter writ in haste or.... love.

Stellar Mass 13
*I do not sign certain love letters, as a symbol but in a certain order of registry, to the great halls, of Amenti.