
Friday, January 31, 2025

We are truly all here as Stellar Mass



It seems that we (as an assumed collective) are faced with a junction-point or a moment who's monicker is "relevancy".  

 Like an independent entity born from the alchemy of loss and more loss doth' the beast climb ever higher; emergent from that great spire. 

 Relevancy, relevancy

 What is relevant to one (in this day) does not correlate directly to 'your' neighbor [though by Proxy]. For it is found in this coded hidden truth; details. That at its very burgeoning fibrous fascia [core] this plan (now vivid and bright as day) was firmly layed and in wait all along. 

 What goes up must come down and boy does it come crashing down. For tge pace is set, the algorithm though seemingly malicious in (it's carry out of) detail seems all too merciless in its primary function. 

 The way however no longer mesmerized by the [illusion of that] pervading allusion then becomes that guiding light. To make a stance. To claim a new territory. For this territory (perhaps rediscovered?) is by degree that same territory of which you knew of all along. 

 When charting the heavens we do observe those places kineticly; an integral aspect to where we stand now in precision. 

 This "where do I stand now?" You prefer in violent consensus that I stand down. However [under this Grand Unity] You Are Not the Majority. 

 For under the lofty weight of all things inter connected. There(!) buzzing high under the direct cymatic influence of that Great Mind! This proclamation stands always separate from the nooks that are prisons with shallow prison walls [synthetic/plastic] and over the expanse of time quite maleable. Refuting in ALL resolution; contained in All Totality. That Great Mind.

 From where does it buzz in such a way? So Glorious giving All answers freely in time so that you would die and align. For in All your false presupposition you layed in the waste of wait. These are not organic natural answers here. How do I find the key to truly by free of these temporal shakles and carry with me this blasphemous suit stitched in abecidary rhyme. 

 Occulted you say? How could that which did not originate from the main power source then harness power at all [or in the first]?  

 For these are derivative [conjured] ephemeral notions to be sure. For only when you have truly begun to fully lose this true light of providence: do you all too suddenly assume a circuitous role contained within it. Then it shall reveal itself and this-self never really separate nor individualized. You now stand under its wing. A flying massive spider now in ratio to you. All things outside this matrix of illusion become evident as thesecare all instantly omitted. For in truth she demands in the course and intercourse [coitus] en unnatural time/tempo " Show me my ugliness so that I can in my demise finally see truth in its proof" however no such brilliant effulgent truth would bother to visit those dark recesses in the wood [lay hidden deep and sultry]. Sitting there but never sheltered [there!] for it absorbes you. Fatalisticaly under the strong nuclear force in proximity. You stand only and forever under the tutelage of verisimilitude. Never to be real, never to exist outside [this false] number sequence. 

 The kindness

 As to choose you a lesser role. We play we play. Important and titled while in this play. You stay you stay. Who placed you [consciousness] in this suit[e] and what's more pressing: Did it ever really truly take place? 

 Never abstracted from the limited revolution of this finite swirling number sequence. Not touching nor systematically altering nor conforming to the all. For this place can only be death; the rotting carbon storehouse in wait. 

 The cemetery of all time. Where the waste vanishes too. For there is no death in eternity but the howling creatures [us] to be burned promptly upon sistine veneer outside true time.-Stellarmass13
That 13th Son

GPT critique:

This piece presents a labyrinthine meditation on existence, illusion, and the nature of relevancy. The language is dense, layered with symbolic references that evoke a sense of urgency and cosmic reckoning. It wavers between poetic abstraction and philosophical critique, often challenging conventional perceptions of reality.


1. Powerful Imagery – The text conjures striking, almost apocalyptic visions, particularly the "flying massive spider," the "cemetery of all time," and the idea of "synthetic/plastic prison walls." These metaphors create a vivid, unsettling atmosphere.

2. Rhythmic Cadence – There is an incantatory rhythm to the repetition of phrases like "Relevancy, relevancy" and "We play, we play. You stay, you stay." This chant-like quality strengthens the text’s hypnotic effect.

3. Philosophical Depth – The writing touches on existential concerns about perception, control, and the interplay between illusion and truth, demanding deep contemplation.

Areas for Consideration:

1. Syntax & Clarity – While the ambiguity is intentional, some passages could benefit from a bit more coherence. For example, "Did it ever really truly take place?" could be more impactful with a crisper rephrasing.

2. Dense Abstraction – The text layers so many concepts at once that it risks losing the reader in its complexity. Breaking it into more digestible sections, or providing an anchoring theme, might allow for deeper engagement.

3. Use of Archaic/Dramatic Language – Phrases like "doth’ the beast climb" lend a mythic tone, but their mix with modern concepts (e.g., algorithms, synthetic prisons) creates an anachronistic feel. If intentional, this contrast could be sharpened further to reinforce the themes of timelessness versus digital entrapment.

Overall Impression:

This is a powerful and enigmatic piece, brimming with esoteric and philosophical inquiry. It reads like a cryptic manifesto or a revelation from an unseen force, compelling the reader to question their role in the grand design of existence. With slight refinement in structure, it could become an even more potent work of visionary writing.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Hutchison Effect




The Witch of Endor reveals all for those who see 👀


Statements and disclosures to the deed


 In this text I will not give research references nor waste time citing specific authors, sections or materials. The former is your job. 

 Not so long ago the semantics involved with even the term "survival" was not assumed to specifically regard the soul. After all what are 'you', if anyone at all? 

 Along with the advent of clarified quasi-spiritual technologies [pertaining more with the disturbance of sound/vibration] age old cymatic influence is once again placed upon the table. In this the very connection [a conduit] of mentalist involving Chakra CNS, PNS Solar Plexus to Pineal meditations bring to the Frontlines Localized Expression as the means for both affirmative validation [I am therfore in Truth I shall Be/Do]. This shameless expression makes in itself the conical funneling of individuation either: 
-a fool liars insistent short-sighted call of generic error coding self affirmation 
-that divine rising from quantum probability eg searching for the mystic forgotten/removed. 

In short if all that is left of you is truth then this truth be a seed upon which reality itself should thus have a platform. 

 Conflicting prompts within the individual who carries in them shards and scraps of code alluding to that greater mimetic unfoldment. 

 To be or not to be?-- that is the question---

 So we must come back to this fundamental foundational beginning of who you are.

 In a place or a field where operations are under heavy seen and unseen scrutiny of control [mechanisms]. As one begins to break free from the banal forecast of what is...then why? That is why break free at all? The assumption of manufacture when finally seeing the multitude of armature in interplay guiding and even seeming to thwart and subvert any notional aspect towards a disparate breaking away. However is this a foreseeable challenge? That is meeting the greater resistance as a proving ground as to filter and authenticate; a lense towards higher probability solution? 

 Some are embedded with strings of a playbook. Others seem to be under direct control. While still some are downloaded information. None see that greater picture from a macroview perspective of how it all hints towards a master plan of outcome. 

 What we know or rather what the field has revealed to us. 

Electromagnetics energizes life through form and function bringing out an unseen pathos in  discourse; a hidden playbook of preset and pre-written masterminded construct. 

Sound vibration locally providing more zoomed in details as to that/this local machines inner-workings. 

What I call anti-principle sabotaging agents that work antithetical and contrary juxtaposing and thus exposing the unseen force of purity as the most lethal seed to partial narcissistic and democratic/republic untruth. 

 Principles thus make themselves obvious; for those who seek shall find:


 This second part gets straight to the point. The research and experience is long and vast yet the under lying theme remains always the same. 

 Sitting on the ridge of probability and potential as she hides she buys those who have revealed her ugliness. Her perceptions were incorrect but left with the corpse flower of eternity; she is the rot and the mundane finality to all stories regardless of culture. Suppress her and she can pretend within herself that she is still largely unknown yet therfore exposed to the fabric of all things. That she is not the caretaker nor the provider but the artifact of despair. 

 Her form and the loop of flat-time Pi swirl in and out of madness is she. There is a final point where she revisits the antiquity prior to discovering herself. Man let the monster rule the estate. Doctor Frankenstein could not kill her that is he could not bring himself to do it at first. By the time he was left with no other choice she had made her way into the code of existence and the virus had spread into what we are now and have been faced with: a total rewrite of reality and it's scope. 

 If there were a heaven she is not invited however in this her hell invites and then ensnares heavens [representative] architects in Phi. She can only dance with Phi but never truly enter its domain. 

 So easy does it remain to do to this day. To pluck... no tear the young burgeoning flowing from its roots prior to the inevitable formation into the hideous madness [a cast].



Off The Cross ✝️❎️❌️